Paris Hilton heads back to jail, screaming (Pics)

WoodysGirl;1522838 said:
Seconds later, the judge announced his decision: "The defendant is remanded to county jail to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence. This order is forthwith."

Hilton screamed.

Deputies escorted Hilton out of the room, holding each of her arms as she looked back.
Yeah, this is going to erase the opinions that she is nothing but a spoiled brat.
Paris Hilton...

Uh, talk about a person of zero consequence.

I just love :rolleyes: the way the media creates stories out of nothing.
DallasEast;1523082 said:
While I agree with your opinion of her possible level of emotional development, I strongly disagree with you about her possible retardation. Heck, I'll write off the possibility of mild retardation.

Forget her family's vast fortune. She's simply a spoiled brat. There are many like her, male and female, around the world, who don't necessarily have as many zero's attached to their bank account as hers. It's not her fault that she's a spoiled brat. Lay that at her parents' feet.

From what little I have followed of her life, it wouldn't surprise me at all that she ends up in legal trouble again at some point. Her reactions radiate an air of, "I'm going to do what I want to do, so there!" The young woman has done "reality tv" :rolleyes:, plays extremely to the cameras whenever possible (examples: caught dancing on tables, attempting to ride motorcycles without an previous training in a crowd of people, wearing the shortest skirts possible knowing full well that she doesn't have any panties on, etc.) and has knowingly created and distributed a sex tape.

The young woman knows what's she's doing. She ain't stupid. Let her reap what she sows.

It was just a random thought. She's likely not full-on "********", but her mental capacities and discernment are clearly not all there. There are forms of retardation where your mental state can't progress much farther than a grade-schooler, and that certainly seems to be where this chick is at - whether that's nature or nurture...who knows?

It's the almighty buck driven media and her legion (but minority) of fans who have proclaimed her as royalty for their separate reasons. She's no Princess Di, who actually accomplished worthwhile goals which she believed in before the media (and her drunk limo driver) killed her. Maybe this spoiled brat will finally 'get it' and evolve into another Princess Diana, but she's a LONG way from being one right now.

For whatever reason, her and people like her are as close to royalty as it gets in this country. Trust me, I don't know why either. I wasn't comparing her to Diana, it was just a general statement.

In my case, it's satisfaction, pure and simple. The legal system is 'supposed' to be equal for everyone. She committed a crime. She willingly violated the terms of her punishment several times. She was incarcerated for it, found a way to circumvent it, but ultimately failed. The system lived up to its own standards. This time. yay.

That's fair. It's nice to see the justice system working. But I don't get any pleasure out of her going to jail, and I don't see what the big deal was with them letting her out in the first place. The jails let all sorts of petty criminals walk after a few days into a 30-45 day sentence, simply because they're overcrowded as it is, and they hope these people just learn a lesson and move on - so generally there are provisions for making such a move. (Trust me, with my wife's brother, I've seen this several times). The Sheriff was just an idiot, and violated those terms with the monitoring device, and so the judge (who was no doubt feeling the political heat) found the technicality and threw down on her.

Whoopdeedoo. She's back in jail. Doesn't help me out any.
StarKist;1523024 said:
Thank God for the multi generational wealth of the Hilton family that has made a HUGH contribution to our global economy.

Every black white brown yellow and purple with pink poka dot poor boy dreams about making such an great mark on the earth like the Hilton family.

One child by birth to a mega empire makes a mistake and the media and legal system strikes out at the Hilton legacy!?

Look at your own family media scums.

Before you pass judgement on the Hiltons and their children...

Look at your own family CBZ readers.

What have you done?


I look forward to great things happening in the future with the transference of wealth from one generation to the next.

From one culture to another.

From one faith to the next.

From the foolish man to the wise.

The sands are shifting....the sea rises and falls.
Juke99;1523107 said:
Paris Hilton...

Uh, talk about a person of zero consequence.

I just love :rolleyes: the way the media creates stories out of nothing.

I'm sure when the illustrated version of Webster's Dictionary comes out, under "vapid", you'll find her picture...

She obviously thinks that look she gives the camera is seductive, but I have the oddest feeling that if she gave you that look in person, and you gazed deeply into her eyes, all you'd see is the back of her skull... as the old saying goes, if she ever had an actual thought, it most assuredly died of loneliness...
silverbear;1523161 said:
I'm sure when the illustrated version of Webster's Dictionary comes out, under "vapid", you'll find her picture...

She obviously thinks that look she gives the camera is seductive, but I have the oddest feeling that if she gave you that look in person, and you gazed deeply into her eyes, all you'd see is the back of her skull... as the old saying goes, if she ever had an actual thought, it most assuredly died of loneliness...

Juke would gasp and swoon and become her new boy toy :D
Originally Posted by superpunk View Post
3.) The reaction of most people. Elated to see this girl go to jail. And why? Simply because they are dissatisfied with their lives, and envy her, because she doesn't have to work for a living?

It's called reveling in her richly deserved comeuppance. Justice delayed is better than no justice at all. If that makes me "petty," so be it.

"Look at me. It's June 3rd and I'm at the MTV awards.
You ask if I'm nervous about doing any jail time?
Nah. I told the sheriff about my new video
and asked if he would join me in it for a little...
fun, if you know what I mean. Jail? I'll be out
before you know it. Ciao!"​
Paris' friend:

“Paris was celebrating. She was starving when she came out of jail because she hadn’t eaten anything in the cells. And she hadn’t been allowed to use any of her cosmetics, so her skin was dry.”

Such cruelty!
bbgun;1523305 said:
Paris' friend:

“Paris was celebrating. She was starving when she came out of jail because she hadn’t eaten anything in the cells. And she hadn’t been allowed to use any of her cosmetics, so her skin was dry.”

Such cruelty!


Press Release: Lubriderm just announced that the company has signed Paris Hilton from her jail cell as their new spokesperson. In hopes of breathing new life into their commercial slogan, they have instructed Ms. Hilton to say, "See ya later, alligator", at the time of her release.
bbgun;1523202 said:
It's called reveling in her richly deserved comeuppance. Justice delayed is better than no justice at all. If that makes me "petty," so be it.

So....jealousy, then?

We'd all love to be in her situation, so why do we begrudge her of it? Cuz she's a moron? Eh, there's plenty of poor morons driving drunk, and spending one weekend in jail when they were sentenced to 45 days. She ain't special.
DallasEast;1523313 said:

Press Release: Lubriderm just announced that the company has signed Paris Hilton from her jail cell as their new spokesperson. In hopes of breathing new life into their commercial slogan, they have instructed Ms. Hilton to say, "See ya later, alligator", at the time of her release.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
superpunk;1523321 said:
So....jealousy, then?

We'd all love to be in her situation, so why do we begrudge her of it? Cuz she's a moron? Eh, there's plenty of poor morons driving drunk, and spending one weekend in jail when they were sentenced to 45 days. She ain't special.

Are you for real? Was I "jealous" of Saddam Hussein when he was captured and eventually executed? No. I'm simply happy when bad things happen to bad people. For the record, I do not secretly aspire to be like Paris or mimic her drunken, irresponsible, STD-attracting, carefree lifestyle. Put a bullet in my head if I ever do.
bbgun;1523351 said:
Are you for real? Was I "jealous" of Saddam Hussein when he was captured and eventually executed? No. I'm simply happy when bad things happen to bad people. For the record, I do not secretly aspire to be like Paris or mimic her drunken, irresponsible, STD-attracting, carefree lifestyle. Put a bullet in my head if I ever do.

Even hyperbolically, these things can't even remotely be compared with respects to justice. Hilton made a mistake many people make and was set free early just like many people. She got her "justice", then everyone threw a fit because they want to be her. So she's back in jail, due to a sheriff's incompetence and a judge's response (no doubt) to pressure.
Give my best to your friends, Supe.

Don't be crazy. I'm hardly a Paris Hilton fan. (I wasn't even aware she had fans until recently.)

I just don't get het up because I hate my life so much that I've got to get pleasure in the fallings of rich people, seeing them "brought to justice". Maybe I'm just way off base.

She didn't do anything to me.
Yeagermeister;1523179 said:
Juke would gasp and swoon and become her new boy toy :D

I thought he already was... in the immortal words of Dr. Hook, in the song "Penicillin Penny":

He used to call her "hon"
But she called him One Thousand and One... :D
silverbear;1523608 said:
I thought he already was... in the immortal words of Dr. Hook, in the song "Penicillin Penny":

He used to call her "hon"
But she called him One Thousand and One... :D
Someone besides me knows the Medicine Show Revisited?

See ya at the Freaker's Ball SB.


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