Paris Hilton heads back to jail, screaming (Pics)

Hostile;1523690 said:
Someone besides me knows the Medicine Show Revisited?

See ya at the Freaker's Ball SB.


I was always a big fan of Dr. Hook, found them pretty funny, but I bought a concert album of theirs one time that was the absolute worst I've ever heard... it was so bad, I've blocked the memory of the title of it clean out of my mind... LOL...

I do still crack up each and every time I hear "Cover of the Rolling Stone", though... those boys are just having FUN while recording that one, you can tell it...
silverbear;1523008 said:
Some random thoughts on these latest developments:

1) Poor Paris thinks "this isn't right"?? What, does she think she ought to be allowed to ignore the law, and continue driving after she got her license suspended for drunk driving??

Listen up, fool, just because your daddy's rich, it doesn't logically follow that you get to ignore the laws of the land... if that daddy failed to teach you that your actions have consequences, that's HIS failing, not the law's... it may be that this judge is the best friend you ever had...

2) This airhead stops taking her medications, and the sheriff thinks that's reason enough to let her walk away from jail?? Even after the judge specifically ordered that she not be allowed to serve the sentence on home detention?? He SHOULD be charged with contempt, and he should be punished for it...

3) That same joke of a sheriff says that 45 days for 2 convictions on driving on a suspended license is unfairly harsh?? It seemed like little more than a slap on the wrist to me...

Without having any basis for so speculating, I find myself cynically wondering if some Hilton money didn't find its way into that sheriff's wallet...

4) Sure am glad that judge did the right thing, I was semi-annoyed when they let Little Miss Vapid Princess out in the first place...

This young woman's daddy and momma failed her a LONG time ago. If you don't give the child structure and a firm concequence when dealing with bad decisions, they will grow up not respecting anything. This is where Miss Hilton now finds herself.

Good job mom and dad. Rents of the year........NOT!

Way to raise a young girl who could care less about society and its laws. Paris thinks as long as her mom and dad and money are in her corner, she can get away with most anything. I am sure she has for a long time. It's good to see some sort of system put the spoiled princess back behind bars.

Bottom line folks. You and I are not above the law. It sickens me when Celebs not only feel that they are, but that they sometimes do in fact avoid what many of us cannot.

silverbear;1523763 said:
I was always a big fan of Dr. Hook, found them pretty funny, but I bought a concert album of theirs one time that was the absolute worst I've ever heard... it was so bad, I've blocked the memory of the title of it clean out of my mind... LOL...

I do still crack up each and every time I hear "Cover of the Rolling Stone", though... those boys are just having FUN while recording that one, you can tell it...

I always got a kick out of "Acapulco Goldie", too... those boys were weird, in a good way...
Dallas;1523941 said:
This young woman's daddy and momma failed her a LONG time ago. If you don't give the child structure and a firm concequence when dealing with bad decisions, they will grow up not respecting anything. This is where Miss Hilton now finds herself.

Good job mom and dad. Rents of the year........NOT!

Way to raise a young girl who could care less about society and its laws. Paris thinks as long as her mom and dad and money are in her corner, she can get away with most anything. I am sure she has for a long time. It's good to see some sort of system put the spoiled princess back behind bars.

You've spoken a whole mouthful of truth there... she wasn't born that way, she was MADE that way... I guess I got lucky, my late Dad was an old drill sergeant, who had some starchy, old fashioned notions about right and wrong and honor and all kinds of stuff like that... he made REAL sure he imparted those notions on both of his boys, too...

He was a good Dad, but we were most assuredly afraid of doing the wrong thing and getting on his bad side... Mom was the soft touch, but she backed Dad when it came to raising us with the right values...
Dallas;1523941 said:
This young woman's daddy and momma failed her a LONG time ago. If you don't give the child structure and a firm concequence when dealing with bad decisions, they will grow up not respecting anything. This is where Miss Hilton now finds herself.

Good job mom and dad. Rents of the year........NOT!

Way to raise a young girl who could care less about society and its laws. Paris thinks as long as her mom and dad and money are in her corner, she can get away with most anything. I am sure she has for a long time. It's good to see some sort of system put the spoiled princess back behind bars.

You've spoken a whole mouthful of truth there... she wasn't born that way, she was MADE that way... I guess I got lucky, my late Dad was an old drill sergeant, who had some starchy, old fashioned notions about right and wrong and honor and all kinds of stuff like that... he made REAL sure he imparted those notions on both of his boys, too...

He was a good Dad, but we were most assuredly afraid of doing the wrong thing and getting on his bad side... Mom was the soft touch, but she backed Dad when it came to raising us with the right values...

Dad will be very much on my mind next Sunday, but not just because it's Father's Day... Father's Day is traditionally the final round of the US Open, and I'll be watching it (especially since it's at Oakmont this year, a course that is special to me), and my Dad was a club pro, so whenever I'm watching golf, my thoughts stray to the old man...

Can't believe it's been 26 years since we lost him... he'd only be 77 if he was stil with us... too young, too young, but my brother died at 41...

Coming up on 55 my own self, it's a bit disquieting, realizing I've already lived longer than the other male members of my nuclear family...
Hilton says she won't appeal her jail sentence

By ALEX VEIGA, Associated Press Writer
Saturday, June 9, 2007

Paris Hilton's Jail Sentence

(06-09) 18:57 PDT Los Angeles (AP) --

Paris Hilton said Saturday that she won't appeal her 45-day jail sentence for probation violation, saying she is "learning and growing" from her time behind bars and wants the media to turn its attention to other things, such as the war in Iraq.

"Today, I told my attorneys not to appeal the judge's decision," Hilton said in a statement released by her lawyer, Richard A. Hutton. "While I greatly appreciate the sheriff's concern for my health and welfare, I intend to serve my time at L.A. County Jail."

Hutton did not respond to repeated calls from The Associated Press to verify the statement but another Hilton attorney did confirm it was authentic.

"It's true," attorney Steve Levine said. "I can't comment on it."

Hilton was being housed in a maximum-security detention center where the hotel heiress was believed to be undergoing medical and psychiatric evaluations to determine the best jail to keep her in as she serves the rest of her sentence.

Hilton, in tears and screaming for her mother, was taken to the downtown Twin Towers detention center Friday afternoon after a judge ordered her back to jail, ending her brief stint under house arrest at her Hollywood Hills home.

"The Simple Life" star was escorted from the courtroom shouting "It's not right!"

"Being in jail is by far the hardest thing I have ever done," Hilton said in her statement. "During the past several days, I have had a lot of time to think and I believe that I am learning and growing from this experience."

Hilton also thanked fans for sending her mail and said she loves and misses her family.

"I must also say that I was shocked to see all of the attention devoted to the amount of time I would spend in jail for what I had done by the media, public and city officials," her statement concluded. "I would hope going forward that the public and the media will focus on more important things like the men and women serving our country in Iraq and other places around the world."

Hilton's lawyers had sought to keep her out of jail on grounds that the 26-year-old was suffering an unspecified medical condition. Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer suggested that could be taken care of at jail medical facilities.

Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said he had not seen the statement and could not discuss it Saturday. Earlier, he declined to discuss details of Hilton's case, including the state of her medical evaluations, citing laws against revealing such information on inmates.

"All I can say, as with all the inmates in this facility, they are monitored continuously," Whitmore said.

Although Whitmore wouldn't discuss Hilton's condition, Sheriff Lee Baca indicated at a news conference Friday that it was psychological.

He said she arrived at her original jail with a condition he hadn't been apprised of and that it immediately began to deteriorate to the point that he feared for her safety.

"When you're talking about psychological problems it's far more complex and it does require a more complex medical approach," Baca said. "We didn't have all of our information."

When she went to Twin Towers Baca said he was placing Hilton in a "better facility for her condition, meaning one that has a more intense form of medical support." He said she'd be kept under close watch to ensure "that there isn't anything harmful done to herself by herself, which is a great concern to me."

Whitmore said she'll be there at least through Sunday.

Twin Towers is equipped to treat acute medical and mental health needs, although inmates in need of surgery are moved to a hospital for treatment. About 40 inmates are housed per floor, and most of the rooms are designed for one patient at a time.

Hilton is truly living the simple life, in a room Whitmore described as a little more than 100 square feet, with a toilet, sink and "a sliver of a window."

It is roomier than the cell she had at her first lockup, the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, a gritty city south of Los Angeles. That cell measured only 96 square feet.

Between 10 to 20 sheriff's deputies, doctors, nurses and other medical personnel are on duty per floor to monitor inmates at Twin Towers, Whitmore said. The staff does not use cameras to monitor their rooms.

Twin Towers' medical ward has weekend inmate visitation hours, which, in theory, would also apply to Hilton. Female inmates are allowed visits on Sundays and Tuesdays.

Which jail the heiress will end up at after Twin towers depends on the results of her assessment by the facility's doctors.

Sauer sentenced Hilton to 45 days in jail and said she could not serve it at home. When she was released she had served only three full days but was credited with five because she surrendered to authorities late Sunday night after attending the MTV Movie Awards and was released early Thursday morning. Before her release, she was fitted with an ankle bracelet and ordered not to leave her house until her sentence was up.

Just a day later Sauer ordered her to court and returned her to jail.

Hilton was credited with both her time served in jail and at home, so by Saturday she had completed seven days of her sentence. With time off for good behavior, she could be released in a little more than two weeks.

Hilton's path to jail began Sept. 7, when she failed a sobriety test after police saw her weaving down a street in her Mercedes-Benz on what she said was a late-night run to a hamburger stand.

She pleaded no contest to reckless driving and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.

In the months that followed, she was stopped twice by officers who discovered her driving on a suspended license. The second stop landed her in Sauer's courtroom, where he sentenced her to jail.

Hilton checked herself into a county jail in Lynwood last Sunday and was expected to serve only 23 days because of a state law that requires shorter sentences for good behavior.

On Thursday, sheriff's officials released her, citing a medical condition and sent her home under house arrest.

A day later, Sauer ordered Hilton to return to jail, saying he had not condoned her release.

superpunk;1523413 said:
Don't be crazy. I'm hardly a Paris Hilton fan. (I wasn't even aware she had fans until recently.)
Wonder what a Paris Hilton "fan" is a fan of?

Is it her music?:laugh2:

Is it the Simple Life? (I have to admit I've seen that show a handful of times, and while somewhat funny, it's funny because it's making fun of her.)

Is it her looks? That's like being a "fan" of a model. "Yeah man, I'm a huge fan of Giselle. The way she just stands there and looks pretty and doesn't open her mouth just does it for me."

Is it her performances in "House of Wax" and "National Lampoon's Pledge This!"?

Or is it her performance in night vision video tapes? Those are fan worthy, but would Jenna Jameson be getting the same kind of support if she were thrown in jail?

But then again, looking at bbgun's pic of the Paris fans, they're probably not a real stable bunch.
silverbear;1523763 said:
I was always a big fan of Dr. Hook, found them pretty funny, but I bought a concert album of theirs one time that was the absolute worst I've ever heard... it was so bad, I've blocked the memory of the title of it clean out of my mind... LOL...

I do still crack up each and every time I hear "Cover of the Rolling Stone", though... those boys are just having FUN while recording that one, you can tell it...

silverbear;1523983 said:
I always got a kick out of "Acapulco Goldie", too... those boys were weird, in a good way...
Man, it is fun to see someone know what these guys were about. That album was funny from 1st track to last. I have it on DVD. May need to put it on tonight just for the laughs.

Without a doubt "Freaker's Ball" is the weirdest song ever. Dr. Demento used to have that in his most demented songs of the year, every year, because he said it is the most demented song ever.

Well there's gonna be a freakers ball
Tonight at the freakers hall
And you know, you're invited one and all

Come on babies grease your lips
Grab your hats and swing your hips
Don't forget to bring your whips
We're going to the freakers ball

Blow your whistle and bang your gong
Roll up something to take along
It feels so good it must be wrong
We're freakin at the freakers ball

Where all the fags and the dykes they're boogyin' together
The leather freaks are dressed in all kinds of leather
The greatest of the sadists and the masochists too
Screaming "Please hit me, and I'll hit you"

The FBI are dancing with the junkies
All the straights, are swinging with the fogies
Across the floor and up the wall
We're freakin at the freakers ball
Yall, we're freakin at the freakers ball

Everybody's kissing each other
Brother with sister, son with mother
Smear my body up with butter
Take me to the freakers ball

Pass that roach please and pour the wine
I'll kiss yours if you'll kiss mine
I'm gonna boogie till i go blind
We're freakin at the freakers ball

White ones, black ones, yellow ones, red ones
Necrophiliacs looking for dead ones
The greatest of the sadist and the masochists too
Screaming "Please hit me, and I'll hit you"

Everybody's fallin' in batches
Pyromaniacs striking matches
I'm gonna itch me where it scratches
Freaking at the freakers ball

Hostile;1524074 said:
Man, it is fun to see someone know what these guys were about. That album was funny from 1st track to last. I have it on DVD. May need to put it on tonight just for the laughs.

Without a doubt "Freaker's Ball" is the weirdest song ever. Dr. Demento used to have that in his most demented songs of the year, every year, because he said it is the most demented song ever.


My uncle used to make us listen to Dr. Hook when I was younger. I remember some of their songs. I know when my mom heard what we were listening to, she gave him one of those WTH looks. (Hos you'd probably like him... he's a football coach too.)

I used to love "On the Cover of the Rolling Stone." I played that every night at the oldies station where I was a DJ in high school.
Hostile;1524074 said:
Man, it is fun to see someone know what these guys were about. That album was funny from 1st track to last. I have it on DVD. May need to put it on tonight just for the laughs.

Without a doubt "Freaker's Ball" is the weirdest song ever. Dr. Demento used to have that in his most demented songs of the year, every year, because he said it is the most demented song ever.

Well there's gonna be a freakers ball
Tonight at the freakers hall
And you know, you're invited one and all

Come on babies grease your lips
Grab your hats and swing your hips
Don't forget to bring your whips
We're going to the freakers ball

Blow your whistle and bang your gong
Roll up something to take along
It feels so good it must be wrong
We're freakin at the freakers ball

Where all the fags and the dykes they're boogyin' together
The leather freaks are dressed in all kinds of leather
The greatest of the sadists and the masochists too
Screaming "Please hit me, and I'll hit you"

The FBI are dancing with the junkies
All the straights, are swinging with the fogies
Across the floor and up the wall
We're freakin at the freakers ball
Yall, we're freakin at the freakers ball

Everybody's kissing each other
Brother with sister, son with mother
Smear my body up with butter
Take me to the freakers ball

Pass that roach please and pour the wine
I'll kiss yours if you'll kiss mine
I'm gonna boogie till i go blind
We're freakin at the freakers ball

White ones, black ones, yellow ones, red ones
Necrophiliacs looking for dead ones
The greatest of the sadist and the masochists too
Screaming "Please hit me, and I'll hit you"

Everybody's fallin' in batches
Pyromaniacs striking matches
I'm gonna itch me where it scratches
Freaking at the freakers ball


Like I didn't have that song in my head from the first time you mentioned it... and of course, there's always "Queen of the Silver Dollar", which was one I used to break out pretty early on those few occasions I'd play in public... it was easy to play, easy to sing for me, had a little bounce to it... good way to build your confidence when you're playing in front of a bunch of people, so that you can relax and take some chances with some of the later songs... a "safe" song, hard to screw up...

She arrives in all her splendor
Every night at 9 o'clock
Her chariot is the crosstown bus
That stops right down the block
The old piano minstrel
Plays a tune as she walks in
And the queen of the Silver Dollar
Is home again...

Her royal gown is a satin dress
That's stained and slightly torn
The royal jewels are rhinestones
The shoes are scuffed and worn
From the many roads she's travelled
And the many sights she's seen
And I watch her, and I cry
"God save the Queen"...

Well, the queen of the Silver Dollar
Is not as haughty as she seems
She was once an ordinary girl
With ordinary dreams
But I found her, and I won her
And I brought her to this world
Yes I'm the man who made a queen
Of a simple country girl

Actually a very underrated song, with good lyrics... a fun song to sing, there's a coupla places where I can put a little "growl" in my voice... it works if you put a kind of a country spin on it... of course it would, it's basically a honkytonk angel kind of song...
peplaw06;1524083 said:
My uncle used to make us listen to Dr. Hook when I was younger. I remember some of their songs. I know when my mom heard what we were listening to, she gave him one of those WTH looks. (Hos you'd probably like him... he's a football coach too.)

I used to love "On the Cover of the Rolling Stone." I played that every night at the oldies station where I was a DJ in high school.

Those guys are cracking themselves up while they sing that song, you can't help but laugh along with 'em... "hey, I know how-- ROCK AND ROLL!!!"... followed by the most ungodly guitar cacophony imaginable, a veritable spaz-out on the fretboard, followed by "oh, that's BEAUTIFUL"... :D

I just wish they'd never gotten commercial, done songs like "Only Sixteen" and "When You're In Love With a Beautiful Woman"... that latter sounded like something the Bellamy Brothers would have done, fer cryin' out loud... they should stick to singing about drug use, and groupies, and sexually transmitted diseases... and freakin', of course...
silverbear;1524297 said:
Actually a very underrated song, with good lyrics... a fun song to sing, there's a coupla places where I can put a little "growl" in my voice... it works if you put a kind of a country spin on it... of course it would, it's basically a honkytonk angel kind of song...

It should, it was written [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]by the late Playboy cartoonist, singer and author Shel Silverstein, who wrote it, and "Boy Named Sue", after witnessing [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]a transvestite beauty contest in Nashville in the early 70's.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Emmylou Harris recorded it on her 75, "[/FONT]Pieces Of The Sky" album and it was on the Bill Board Top 40 list for several weeks

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Besides DH&TMS, he penned major hits for Loretta Lynn and Bobby Bare.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

silverbear;1524298 said:
Those guys are cracking themselves up while they sing that song, you can't help but laugh along with 'em... "hey, I know how-- ROCK AND ROLL!!!"... followed by the most ungodly guitar cacophony imaginable, a veritable spaz-out on the fretboard, followed by "oh, that's BEAUTIFUL"... :D

I just wish they'd never gotten commercial, done songs like "Only Sixteen" and "When You're In Love With a Beautiful Woman"... that latter sounded like something the Bellamy Brothers would have done, fer cryin' out loud... they should stick to singing about drug use, and groupies, and sexually transmitted diseases... and freakin', of course...
That is my favorite part of that song. I often wonder how many takes it took for them not to crack up laughing.
Hostile;1524484 said:
That is my favorite part of that song. I often wonder how many takes it took for them not to crack up laughing.

A good question, since I can't get through it without laughing-- and I know what's coming...

Jimi Hendrix, your legend is safe... :D

Hey, if you follow the link that Taps provided, there's also a YouTube video of "Freaker's Ball"...
bbgun;1523412 said:
Give my best to your friends, Supe.


Sad thing is... if these "fans" ever came within 10 feet of Paris, she'd run screaming and have her bodyguards beat the living hell out of them.
silverbear;1524592 said:
A good question, since I can't get through it without laughing-- and I know what's coming...

Jimi Hendrix, your legend is safe... :D

Hey, if you follow the link that Taps provided, there's also a YouTube video of "Freaker's Ball"...
I saw that, and several others too. Love the Blue Jeans one. :p:
Searched this out, and found that what I was saying is correct, especially for that area.

In the last five years in LA County, more than 200,000 inmates have been released early. Because of prison overcrowding, the vast majority serve less than 10 percent of their sentences.

Baca has defended his decision, saying that Hilton was under an early-release program established to ease jail overcrowding and that she was serving more time than other inmates in the same low-level category.

There was no preferential treatment, not for a low-level offense like this. In fact, it seems the judge was harsher on her than most. Perhaps due to her celebrity status, perhaps due to a perceived lack of contrition?

In any case, there's certainly nothing here that was worth getting up in arms about. She was treated in line with many others in the same position. It would seem the public outcry of jealous throngs got that judge thinking twice. Or maybe he just doesn't like her.
superpunk;1524737 said:
Searched this out, and found that what I was saying is correct, especially for that area.

There was no preferential treatment, not for a low-level offense like this. In fact, it seems the judge was harsher on her than most. Perhaps due to her celebrity status, perhaps due to a perceived lack of contrition?

In any case, there's certainly nothing here that was worth getting up in arms about. She was treated in line with many others in the same position. It would seem the public outcry of jealous throngs got that judge thinking twice. Or maybe he just doesn't like her.

Geez buddy get over it.

Let the people, and that includes myself, have our smile and feel good moment over some spoiled brat getting her due.

Plus at the end of the day the girl will be making a butt load of money on interviews and probably a book deal so she will be fine.

Man alive quit being a kill joy. No winky or tongue sticking out emoticon for you.
BrAinPaiNt;1524778 said:
Geez buddy get over it.

Let the people, and that includes myself, have our smile and feel good moment over some spoiled brat getting her due.

Plus at the end of the day the girl will be making a butt load of money on interviews and probably a book deal so she will be fine.

Man alive quit being a kill joy. No winky or tongue sticking out emoticon for you.

*** the reality of the situation - Thank god this blonde bimbo is serving excessive jail time in comparison with other people who have committed similar offenses! She's done nothing to me, but for some reason it feels incredibly good to see her getting thrown down on by a vindictive judge!

Everyone grab a broom, it's shenanigans!!!!!

You're right, I do feel better.

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