The30YardSlant;3152408 said:
The point wasnt to have every team go 8-8, it was to give everyone an equal playing field. Big market teams with huge fanbases and revenue sales can no longer buy championships. There was a reason that teams like Arizona, New Orleans, etc. were down for so long, they simply didnt have a chance.
The NFL never intended the win/loss gap to be reduced
That is not true at all. Green Bay is the smallest market and they were enormously successful in the 60s. Pittsburgh is not a huge market but they had great success in the 70s. Detroit is one of the largest metropolitan ares in the country but they haven't won anything in my lifetime! (Last time they won was 1957).
Teams like the Cardinals, Lions, Saints, etc. don't win because they are not run well, it has nothing to do with the size of their markets or the money available. You can include the Cowboys in that group over the last 13 years as well. We've got plenty of money and are not afraid to spend it but we haven't won a playoff game since 1996.
There has been revenue sharing in the NFL for nearly 50 years now and there has never been a time when teams "bought" a championship. I'm not sure where that rumor came from but it is false, it has never happened in the last 60+ years of the NFL. It did in the 20s & early 30s but not since WWII and certainly not since 1960 when the TV contracts were split evenly between the teams.
Based on your assumption, teams in NY, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, & DC (the largest metro areas in the US. LA is #2 but they don't have a team) would win every time because they have the largest markets. The Giants won one a few years ago but the rest have not won anything in a long time if at all!