Patriot loss memes

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Why are we still discussing this with him.
I'm sure everyone has their reasons. Personally, I wouldn't say squat if he would finally confess his true team affiliation. He would be just another site member who openly loves another team at that point. His motivation is transparent. He may as well own up to it too.
Just ban him and get him out of here.
(In He-Man's voice) YOU DO NOT HAVE THE POWER!!!!!! :p

I had the power once. :( There are times I still wished I had it. :oops: Oh well. Thems are da breaks. :cool:
He doesn't care about football.
That's partly false. He cares about the NFL and loves New England Patriots football.
He just wants to piss patriots.
You aren't forced to read or respond to a single thing they say.
You're absolutely right but here's the key point you're missing:

I'm not the one saying "so and so shouldn't be allowed in here.... so and so should be banned.... so and so is nothing but a troll..... (Etc.)". I'm the one with no problem with the free exchange of thoughts and opinions.

As I mentioned before, I invite you to turn your oh-so-critical eye to those who say I should be banned but then keep responding to me anyway.

I'm a Cowboys fan who thinks the Patriots did nothing wrong with regards to the whole deflategate nonsense. I'm also a Cowboys fan who respects greatness instead of fearing it. Those 2 opinions get a lot of people upset for some reason.
I'm a Cowboys fan who thinks the Patriots did nothing wrong with regards to the whole deflategate nonsense. I'm also a Cowboys fan who respects greatness instead of fearing it. Those 2 opinions get a lot of people upset for some reason.

A "Cowboys" fan who only makes Patriots or general NFL related posts. Only the naive and willfully ignorant would choose to buy into what it is you are selling.
You're absolutely right but here's the key point you're missing:

I'm not the one saying "so and so shouldn't be allowed in here.... so and so should be banned.... so and so is nothing but a troll..... (Etc.)". I'm the one with no problem with the free exchange of thoughts and opinions.
Either you're sincerely clueless that I and everyone else understand your point or you stubbornly want others to accept your nonsense.

I believe other members would discontinue with the banning comments if you would stop coming to the Patriots' defense.

Others have read and comprehend your thoughts and opinions about the Patriots. You aren't exchanging anything new. Directing the same tired rhetoric repeatedly at others is not welcomed or appreciated. Your actions generate the opposite reaction necessary for positive interaction with others. You can say you don't have a problem until you're blue in the face but the reality of the situation is that you are the source of the problem others have with you.

As I mentioned before, I invite you to turn your oh-so-critical eye to those who say I should be banned but then keep responding to me anyway.
Turning a critical eye onto those calling for your banning would've made sense if you had ended your Patriots defense campaign in short order. That option died a long time ago.

I'm a Cowboys fan who thinks the Patriots did nothing wrong with regards to the whole deflategate nonsense. I'm also a Cowboys fan who respects greatness instead of fearing it. Those 2 opinions get a lot of people upset for some reason.
You believe you're a Cowboys fan. I'm not going to debate it. I will say that stating you are a Cowboys fan while continuing your Patriots posting love affair only deepens disbelief in anyone reading it. That means nothing to you but it doesn't prompt others to believe it's true either.
You're absolutely right but here's the key point you're missing:

I'm not the one saying "so and so shouldn't be allowed in here.... so and so should be banned.... so and so is nothing but a troll..... (Etc.)". I'm the one with no problem with the free exchange of thoughts and opinions.

As I mentioned before, I invite you to turn your oh-so-critical eye to those who say I should be banned but then keep responding to me anyway.

I'm a Cowboys fan who thinks the Patriots did nothing wrong with regards to the whole deflategate nonsense. I'm also a Cowboys fan who respects greatness instead of fearing it. Those 2 opinions get a lot of people upset for some reason.

Here's a free thought and opinion for you, go blow Brady and Belichik on your home Patriots board.
Tom Brady has a 22-9 playoff record. He has been to six super bowls and won 4 of them and is a David Tyree miracle catch away from equaling the Cowboys' franchise total Super Bowl titles.

I'd like to get into the spirit of the OP, but my favorite team has won a total of two wildcard games in that same time period. Rings a little hollow.
I'm sorry....did you say their rings are a little hollow? I'd have to agree, they are hollow with all that cheating they had going on to get them.
You believe you're a Cowboys fan. I'm not going to debate it. I will say that stating you are a Cowboys fan while continuing your Patriots posting love affair only deepens disbelief in anyone reading it. That means nothing to you but it doesn't prompt others to believe it's true either.
You proceed from the false assumption that I am genuinely worried about the opinions of those who don't believe what I say. When people ask me, I answer honestly. Beyond that, I can't control what people choose to believe or not believe.
Here's a free thought and opinion for you, go blow Brady and Belichik on your home Patriots board.
Hey DallasEast, please explain to me what I've said or done that merits the above response and how comments like this are my fault.
You proceed from the false assumption that I am genuinely worried about the opinions of those who don't believe what I say. When people ask me, I answer honestly. Beyond that, I can't control what people choose to believe or not believe.

Hey DallasEast, please explain to me what I've said or done that merits the above response and how comments like this are my fault.

Yeah, It's like he has no clue. :omg::laugh::lmao2::lmao::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Hey DallasEast, please explain to me what I've said or done that merits the above response and how comments like this are my fault.

If you are expecting a reasoned or mature reply, please don't hold your breath.

There is probably a lost episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine featuring a race polar opposite of Vulcans that behave like some of the usual Hatriots here, but prefacing nonsense and wishful thinking with: "B***s*** dictates..."
If you are expecting a reasoned or mature reply, please don't hold your breath.

There is probably a lost episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine featuring a race polar opposite of Vulcans that behave like some of the usual Hatriots here, but prefacing nonsense and wishful thinking with: "B***s*** dictates..."

Hey, bringbackdemoletimebahstahnrednecks, go take Rogah with you and you two have fun in a toolshed. Almost as fun as a Pats forum where you belong.
You proceed from the false assumption that I am genuinely worried about the opinions of those who don't believe what I say. When people ask me, I answer honestly. Beyond that, I can't control what people choose to believe or not believe.
That's incorrect. I stated others do not believe your assertion and that their disbelief doesn't concern you.
Hey DallasEast, please explain to me what I've said or done that merits the above response and how comments like this are my fault.
I cannot help you Rogah. Your mind is closed.
That's incorrect. I stated others do not believe your assertion and that their disbelief doesn't concern you.
My apologies. I missed that part and stand corrected.
I cannot help you Rogah. Your mind is closed.
It is disappointing, although not surprising, that you turn a blind eye to the egregious (as far forums go, that is) behavior of others.
Rogah: My apologies. I missed that part and stand corrected.
It is disappointing, although not surprising, that you turn a blind eye to the egregious (as far forums go, that is) behavior of others;

Yeah, keep it up, liar. Says the guy posting pictures of fat people as an insult to Non-Patsies fans.

"Rogah: I'm so innocent, I never insahlts nobahdies! I really like the Cowbeys! Not a Pats fan! I evens caaledz my avatah Rogah!" The egregious behavior is you. How you lik datz?

Rogah, you are one of the biggest morons I've ever seen on the internet, and that is really saying a lot.

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It is disappointing, although not surprising, that you turn a blind eye to the egregious (as far forums go, that is) behavior of others.
The renewal date on your victim card expired a long time ago.

This is not a case where you made your case that Patriots were innocent of wrongdoing, read forum reaction, and eventually dropped the topic. No. The fact is that you have been on a neverending personal crusade of defending the Patriots for many months. You disregard the opinions of your fellow members because their comments do not agree with yours. The disagreement is understandable. Everyone does not see eye-to-eye about all things. However, you cannot accept others' disagreement. So you continue your Patriotic War of New England vindication.

Your behavior is abhorrent. Everyone knows your stance concerning the Patriots. You made your case ages ago. The trial is over. Your appeals started to fall on deaf ears way back when. You want a free exchange of ideas and dialogue about the Patriots. You receive that exchange months ago. Your rhetoric is same-old same-old. Other members have long since tired of your self-proclaimed martyrdom. You are standing in a shopping mall parking, shouting at the top of your lungs, with a bullhorn, demanding listeners to repent but you're the only one within the sound of your voice who doesn't accept the fact that no one cares what you are yelling about.

Stop. Badgering. People. Members have made up their minds about the Patriots. You're not going to change their opinions. Move on. You can exchange ideas about a multitude of topics not involving the Patriots. That would be a good thing. In time, other members will slowly bury the hatchet. The namecalling will ebb and disappear. Give it a chance finally. Or don't. It has always been your decision to make.
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