What do they tell to the guilty.....
the less you talk the smarter you sound .. (or more tru****l or honest)
The more you talk the worse you look
So true.
I've read quite a few blogs that focus on speech analysis and facial movements and they all say the same thing BOTH Brady and Belichick are being deceptive.
These blogs and analysts are amazingly accurate, but the only thing that trips them up is that the word deceptive can take a different meaning.
For instance, if a husband finds his wife murdered and he didn't do it, but is trying to not get too emotional for the sake of his children and starts giving answers while making facial expressions that are deceptive, he is being deceptive about not wanting to show emotion, not that he killed his wife.
But here, I really don't see what else Brady and Belichick could be deceptive about. As I said, if you go back and look at Brady's original PC before the Super Bowl, he said "yes, I am 100% confident I didn't deflate any footballs" all the while shaking his head 'no.' He's saying 'yes', but shaking his head 'no.' Crossed signals.
The thing is...they say you can't prevent your facial expressions from giving you away and that's why you're just better off saying nothing.
Yes I seen that...I think they should get additional penalties for trying to pull that bull.
this an insult to the intelligence if every nfl fan world wide. Wow they look more like dumb and dumber as they go along
Brady's looks at the press conference back in January is like a spoiled little brat who did something wrong and realized he got caught....
With some of those excuses it appears that the Cheatriots have officially hired Rogah after all. Those of some of the worse excuses that I have ever heard. It appears that cheating makes you stupid...
Occam's razor....What's more likely is they were deflating balls for Tom since 2007 and they got so used to hearing the word and doing the activity that was actually associated with it, that they started using it in normal conversation as a side effect.
So if the nickname "Deflator" was in place for the guy trying to lose weight. Then what about the guy trying to gain weight? Where is his nickname? What do people around the facility call him? Wouldn't it coincide with running joke about the one guy trying to lose weight versus the guy trying to gain weight. To me people this is typical human interaction and how it usually goes down. You simply don't have two co-workers in this position stating what the Patriots are stating and only 1 of them has a nickname.....
I would be very surprised to find out "Deflator" wasn't a nickname having to do with weight-loss. There is simply too much to lose to make something like that up, IMO.
I would be very surprised to find out "Deflator" wasn't a nickname having to do with weight-loss. There is simply too much to lose to make something like that up, IMO.
This is the single greatest bunch of BS I've ever read for someone to try and weasel their way out of doing something wrong.
Start taking away championships like they did Lance Armstrong