Penalty Drops Earnhardt out of FIrst Place

trickblue said:
ummm... I think I made her see the way of the Lord in admitting the Cowboys were more important than NASCAR... who owns who?

Geez, thanks TB.. I made an admission to you and now you let people know I can bend easily when coaxed....LOL
DallasCowpoke said:

Ummm.... *clears throat*

choke* choke* lmao.,... OMG! that is the funniest pic I have seen of Gordon in a long side hurts....

Who is the cutie on the left of him? Nice fish... :D
trickblue said:
ummm... I think I made her see the way of the Lord in admitting the Cowboys were more important than NASCAR... who owns who?

BTW...that didn't slide past me..... you think I"m owned? How may I ask am I owned? And who owns me?
CowboysPrincess said:
BTW...that didn't slide past me..... you think I"m owned? How may I ask am I owned? And who owns me?

I was saying I owned your ideaology on what is most important in the sportsworld... and I do... :D
trickblue said:
I was saying I owned your ideaology on what is most important in the sportsworld... and I do...

Oh do you? You own my ideaology? Humm... I don't feel owned. I'm a woman, you're a man... I as woman let you feel and think like you own me... you as man believe it....LOL :D :p
CowboysPrincess said:
Oh do you? You own my ideaology? Humm... I don't feel owned. I'm a woman, you're a man... I as woman let you feel and think like you own me... you as man believe it....LOL :D :p

CowboysPrincess said:
LOL... thats the best you could come up with.... :D

Well... we let you THINK that you let US think that we allow you to think that you think that we think that you think that we think that you allow us to think that we think that you think that we think that you think you own us...

What do you think?
trickblue said:
Well... we let you THINK that you let US think that we allow you to think that you think that we think that you think that we think that you allow us to think that we think that you think that we think that you think you own us...

What do you think?

I think that you are taking a shot at my blondeness... and i think that you think that i think that you think that it was confusing to me cause you think that i think that you think that i think that you think i would be unable to follow along cus i'm blonde and i further think that you think that i think that you think that i think that you think that i would give up.... what do you think?
CowboysPrincess said:
I think that you are taking a shot at my blondeness... and i think that you think that i think that you think that it was confusing to me cause you think that i think that you think that i think that you think i would be unable to follow along cus i'm blonde and i further think that you think that i think that you think that i think that you think that i would give up.... what do you think?

I think you are owned... :D
trickblue said:
I think you are owned... :D

I think you are... who stayed on a thread about a sport they don't like... playing games w/ someone who does...hummm? :D

three pages worth...

I own you.... admit it and I'll own you nicely
CowboysPrincess said:
I think you are... who stayed on a thread about a sport they don't like... playing games w/ someone who does...hummm? :D

three pages worth...

I own you.... admit it and I'll own you nicely

naaahh... this was purely for my own amusement... :D
trickblue said:
naaahh... this was purely for my own amusement... :D

Is that so...

Mr Chad.. you are the most stubborn man I have ever met. You just don't give up and refuse to let me win. :p

Jr got cheated and Gordon cheated... Jrs cheat cost him a few thousand dollars and 25 points, Gordons cheat cost him a few million dollars, house, car, partial ownership of his assets and a wife.
CowboysPrincess said:
Is that so...

Mr Chad.. you are the most stubborn man I have ever met. You just don't give up and refuse to let me win. :p

Jr got cheated and Gordon cheated... Jrs cheat cost him a few thousand dollars and 25 points, Gordons cheat cost him a few million dollars, house, car, partial ownership of his assets and a wife.

Geez... now we are back to the "fixed" sport that is NASCAR...
trickblue said:
Geez... now we are back to the "fixed" sport that is NASCAR...

you're right... taking 25 points and the cup lead from jr was a fix in favor of Gordon

we agree on something... :D

I own you, I own you..... :p
CowboysPrincess said:
you're right... taking 25 points and the cup lead from jr was a fix in favor of Gordon

we agree on something... :D

I own you, I own you..... :p

negative... I hate the "team racing" concept... these teams determine who will win for their team should they cross the line first...

It should be every man for themselves...

It is the WWF on wheels...
trickblue said:
negative... I hate the "team racing" concept... these teams determine who will win for their team should they cross the line first...

It should be every man for themselves...

It is the WWF on wheels...

some do, but DEI doesn't... It is every man for themselves there...Michael tried to pass Jr and ended up losing several positions... Jr was up for 5 wins last year which would have been a new record there... 5 in a row... and Mikey passed Jr for the win... When Jr is out there, nobody wants to help him w/ the draft, but they sure want to help him off the track.

Go see a race w/ me... I bet you'd enjoy it... Nascar good... Cowboys great... and next year Troy and Roger will be racing at the 2 TMS races