Per Clarence Hill: Cowboys weren't happy with how Diggs attacked his rehab

Diggs is fragile mentally and entitled. Its not all his fault, I guess. Look at society. If he can mature into a man someday, we might have the complete package. Until then, he is what he is. Thats a great player, WHEN IT SUITS HIM. He better grow some thick skin in his line of work or he won't last much longer.
Well….im not a fan of hiring guys who were fired because they were bad. Guys who get fired typically get fired for a reason. Not saying all of course. I believe Quinn is a better DC than Maranelli and nets better results. Quinn masked a lot of issues.
That's not proof that he sucks so you pretty much proved my point. You won't find any actual football person that has Zimmer and Quinn in different tiers. They are both good but not great coordinators. Just because cowboy fans lack nuance to understand Zimmer implemented an entire new defense isn't my fault
Diggs wasn't any good this year. The team would be fools not to cut Diggs and move on. They need to stop paying a handful of guys all the cap. That model doesn't work. You can't have the top paid guys at multiple positions and these decisions need to be made years in advance to facilitate trading which is an aspect of managing a roster we mostly ignore.
Yea, but by the sound of it, its a 'back burner' regret for 2026. We've plenty of regrets already in store for 2025.
im just sayin' when healthy...he's a ball magnet.
he's the type of cb we pretended byron jones or brandon carr was.
just let him get fully healthy.
Two knee injuries and the so called new media is blaming the player. You can’t make this stuff up. Overshown better watch out because the YouTubers will turn on him too.
Dude, What the hell do you want fans to do, feel sorry for him and be happy that he might play 1 1/2 years on two bum knees .
So I guess we will be in the market for an irrelevant CB in Rd 1. Goodie.
So you are going by media rumors.Why don’t you go by a players history. Diggs went from a wide receiver bust at Alabama into an Al-Pro Cornerback for the Cowboys. Overcame a fractured foot after his rookie season to become an all pro player. So he is now lazy and does not care about football. You guys must love TMZ and soaps.
I don’t think he’s lazy or doesn’t care about football. I do belies seriously injury prone and took Jerry to the cleaners with that contact.
Wait u believe this?

This is the same front office that lied and said Dez had an altercation in a Walmart parking lot, to try and pay him less money
He's a mentally and physically soft player. If I was a betting man I'd say the report is true. Would they ever say this about a player like Gilmore? Of course not. The whole team would've called that story out. Trevon isn't a player of respect so it's a very believable story.

Dez story was believable too. It was Michael Irvins boy who brought it up.
You're not the same person after an acl? Do you even watch football lol. I can name numerous players that came back the same after an acl
by all means go ahead...genetic freaks like adrian peterson are the exception not the rule. It's not the end of your career but we've seen more than enough folks on this team alone who came back from tearing their acl and weren't the same....jaylon, gallup, steele, and now diggs....guess they are all just lazy huh?
by all means go ahead...genetic freaks like adrian peterson are the exception not the rule. It's not the end of your career but we've seen more than enough folks on this team alone who came back from tearing their acl and weren't the same....jaylon, gallup, steele, and now diggs....guess they are all just lazy huh?
Nick bosa for 1. Should I continue?

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