I would still have to say those old Steelers teams were the best ever for two reasons. First, there was no free agency so they kept that defense together for close to a decade. Second, those Cowboys teams they beat in the Super Bowl were better than most teams that won Super Bowl titles. You look back at those Cowboys teams of the late 70s and even though they only won it 77, they were an amazing team. The Steelers were just a hair better and for that reason if I was ranking teams, I would put them first. To be honest, I'm shocked Dallas made the top five. They usually get screwed in these things. I know who the four teams are ahead of them and they are all very good. Like other posters said, it's hard to rank these things but on the plus side, those "America's Game" broadcasts are the best thing the NFL ever put out. Every single one of them has been excellent. The Patriots one was so good I found myself almost liking Bill Belichick for an hour. Then I remembered he's the worst human being on te planet so my hatred for the man set back in and I could go on with my life.