Per NFL Network Panelist the 1992 Cowboys Are Fifth Best Superbowl Team

Billy Bullocks;1347944 said:
I bet you money that the Bears and Dolphins teams on that list would get whooped by SF, Pittsburgh, and Dallas. THose are the best dynasties/teams put together. That's why they all dominated their respective eras.

Chicago had 1 year. Miami had 1 year. 1 year where most things went right for you. Dallas, SF, and Pittburgh had multiple years where that happened, AND they overcame any obstacles thrown their way.

I would take that bet.

I think the bears in 85 would beat any team. They were not a dynasty, but that is one of the most impressive teams ever.

no one could figure out how to attack that defense until the next season.

they were incredibly good. All the people that went gaga over the ravens used to give me a laugh. The bears were tremendously good.
theebs;1348639 said:
I would take that bet.

I think the bears in 85 would beat any team. They were not a dynasty, but that is one of the most impressive teams ever.

no one could figure out how to attack that defense until the next season.

they were incredibly good. All the people that went gaga over the ravens used to give me a laugh. The bears were tremendously good.
Dan Marino did a pretty good job against them in the regular season, it would have been interesting if they would have met again.
the Bears had a gimmick D that lasted two years and then people figured it out.
MONT17;1347594 said:
thanks to Free Agency we will never know how good that team really was... Steve Young told Irvin that the Boys should have won 5 or 6 SBs. I wanted Ivin to say yeah we would have won 4 in a row if the 9ers didnt abuse the salary cap go out and Buy a Defense!

One of Jerry biggest mistakes!!!

HOORAY, Finally someone other then me gets it, I still don't know why they downplay this, Oh yeah cause the NFL is full of dung !!! and likes to sweep stuff under the carpet. 92-93 Cowboys best team ever!!! we would have scored on the 85 bears. Ask yourself if they would have scored on us? Also never should have lost to the 78 Steelers we gave them that game, and the team of the decade title,
JJB500;1348674 said:
Dan Marino did a pretty good job against them in the regular season, it would have been interesting if they would have met again.

yeah thats it knock them for the one game they lost.

I would bet my house to the fact that they would have kicked dan marino and the dolphins behind had they met in the super bowl.

the only knock on the bears that is relevant is they played one of the five weakest teams to ever play in the super bowl.

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