Per Rapoport, Gathers made the 53

Yeah, one guy is a stud and a generational talent while the other is a borderline scrub. One helps win games, the other catches balls against 3rd stringers. One makes sense as a business decision, risk vs reward, the other doesn’t.

I personally don’t care who smokes weed but it’s obvious why the Steelers kept Bell, not so much for Rico even without the pot. Now they’re looking at losing ANOTHER player to drug suspension and he’s not even worth the roster spot without the suspension.
All that you said is true but still doesn't change what I said. You laughing at the guy when his point still stands regardless of what you posted. That was my point.
All that you said is true but still doesn't change what I said. You laughing at the guy when his point still stands regardless of what you posted. That was my point.
Perhaps I misunderstood his point?
Rico squeaked through, but the pot bust didn’t do him any favors. If he’s ever gonna get his head on straight, it’s gotta be now.

Up to you Rico...tighten up your s—t and prove you belong!
Well said indeed Sir :bow::bow::bow:This is a wake up call to Rico--time to put up or shut up
I bet Dallas is waiting to see all the wavier wire options over the next couple days before making a call on Rico.
Its not about comparison it is about most folks being hypocrites.
Thank you for being smart enough to read between the lines and get my point.

If you say a player like Rico should immediately be cut because he was a dumb *** and got arrested for possession, then those rules should apply to leveon as well.........but we all get your hypocrisy wouldn't cut leveon, only rico.
Keep him, for now. Let the suspension unfold and if we can use him later, fine.
I’m a bit puzzled by this move but it could be short term who knows.

Will he he active on Sundays is a fair question and if not why him and not someone else
Apparently he wasn’t as much on the bubble as people thought. If he had been the arrest would have put a nail in his coffin.
Can I have some dirty rice with my crow please?

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