CliffnMesquite;3423689 said:
Question. I went threw like 8 Bic razors to do it. What's the best method to maintain it? Will an electric razor do?
I do not shave my head but I no longer use regular disposable razors or the replacing head razors when shaving my face. It has been cheaper and a better shave by a large margin
I found the best thing to use is the a Badger Hair brush (spend a few extra dollars over a boars hair) you can use the old fashion soap thing in the cup, current shaving cream or what ever you use now. The brush helps stand up the hair and get a closer shave even if you do not change your razor this will help.
Next i went to the old fasion safety razor I went with a Merkur Butterfly it is a good starting one there are others they use a single razor blade I just order mine online a lot of times you can find a variety pack 40 blades for like 10 bucks. The best blade I tried (Best blade I mean sharpest) is the Feather I used Merku Blades as well and a lot of people swear by them. It comes down to skin types and which razor sometimes and preference which is why the variety packs are nice
In fact I am looking at upgrading my Razor some time this year