Pet Peeves


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What are your pet peeves? I mean something just drives you up the wall.

* I HATE WALMART because some of the shoppers. I cannot understand when going down an aisle that this one person with a shopping cart will stop and another shopper with a cart will stop almost right next to them and block everyone from getting around them and easy grabs now become Quantum Physics and it takes forever for them to get out of the way.

*Same thing about a parking spot a person ready to leave sees you waiting for their spot all of sudden should take 2 minutes to leave now has just become 2 hours. WHY???

* Parents with your small kids that you can't control. WHY DO YOU GO TO RESTAURANTS THAT ARE MORE FORMAL??? You have your place and everyone knows this and that is McDonalds. Why do you go to a Upscale Restaurant? Why must everyone be subjected to your whiny,crying,spoiled ,out of control kids??

*Why is it when in a public place most likely transportation that some moron thinks it is OK to use profanity in front of ladies,children,and elderly people. They sound so ignorant and low-class and they do not have a clue because they think they are the coolest person there.

*Going to the movies morons want to talk to the screen? Are you in need of attention because you are not funny but showing how much of horse's *** you are. You also most likely are the idiot who wants to be on their cell phone talking loud throughout the movie. Please can the Grim Reaper just take you away??

*The morons at the gas station blasting their music trying to look so cool. Hey moron you really want to impress the chicks at the gas station? Chicks love a guy who pumps gas while smoking a cigarette,they think you look so cool with the fumes all around you while taking a drag on a cigarette.

*I also don't know why this irks me but say you are at McDonald's and they are getting the persons food and even before they can put all the food on your tray you are already grabbing at the fries and other food and eating right there.....Same for grocery stores ,people haven't even paid for the food and they have their hands in the chips or have already broken out the soda.

OK that is some of mine,what are your pet peeves???


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What are your pet peeves? I mean something just drives you up the wall.

* I HATE WALMART because some of the shoppers. I cannot understand when going down an aisle that this one person with a shopping cart will stop and another shopper with a cart will stop almost right next to them and block everyone from getting around them and easy grabs now become Quantum Physics and it takes forever for them to get out of the way.

*Same thing about a parking spot a person ready to leave sees you waiting for their spot all of sudden should take 2 minutes to leave now has just become 2 hours. WHY???

* Parents with your small kids that you can't control. WHY DO YOU GO TO RESTAURANTS THAT ARE MORE FORMAL??? You have your place and everyone knows this and that is McDonalds. Why do you go to a Upscale Restaurant? Why must everyone be subjected to your whiny,crying,spoiled ,out of control kids??

*Why is it when in a public place most likely transportation that some moron thinks it is OK to use profanity in front of ladies,children,and elderly people. They sound so ignorant and low-class and they do not have a clue because they think they are the coolest person there.

*Going to the movies morons want to talk to the screen? Are you in need of attention because you are not funny but showing how much of horse's *** you are. You also most likely are the idiot who wants to be on their cell phone talking loud throughout the movie. Please can the Grim Reaper just take you away??

*The morons at the gas station blasting their music trying to look so cool. Hey moron you really want to impress the chicks at the gas station? Chicks love a guy who pumps gas while smoking a cigarette,they think you look so cool with the fumes all around you while taking a drag on a cigarette.

*I also don't know why this irks me but say you are at McDonald's and they are getting the persons food and even before they can put all the food on your tray you are already grabbing at the fries and other food and eating right there.....Same for grocery stores ,people haven't even paid for the food and they have their hands in the chips or have already broken out the soda.

OK that is some of mine,what are your pet peeves???
I hate when someone is late. I also can't stand employees that have no initiative and wait to be told to do something. Get off your *** and do it!!!


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One thing I can think of is the sound of ice clinking in a glass. It's such a mundane thing, most people probably don't even notice it. But it sets my teeth on edge and can actually make me feel angry. I have no idea why this has always bothered me so much. LOL :confused:


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Stupid people who always look dumbfounded when asked a question :laugh:

But seriously, any time I pay for something in cash, separate the bills from the 4-ft receipt! Especially in is difficult to put the cash back in my wallet all the while getting the food and drinks shoved in my face at the same time.


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- When you hold open the door for someone and they don't have the decency to thank you.
- Crappy customer service...example, when I walk up to the register/cashier/hostess and say "hello" and they don't respond back..
- When driving and someone pulls out in front of you in your lane but doesn't accelerate to get up to the speed of traffic (same thing when someone merges into your lane on the highway for no apparent reason).


Cowboys 24/7/365
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12 Items or Less means 12 Items or Less. Yes, you may be in a hurry. Perhaps you have an important appointment that you must meet? I understand. That does not exempt you from overstuffing a shopping cart and head for the express lane because you are afraid of being late. Other customers have lives too and guess what? We can count.

It sounds like a cliché but my money does supplement your paycheck. It is not unreasonable expecting you to act like you care about your job if I am buying something in your store, restaurant, etc. However, you have every right to feel happy. Your job makes you feel and act like a female dog? I understand. Quit. Problem solved.

Roads and highways are thoroughfares for travelers. That's travelers plural. You are right. There are speed limits. What? You say that I should obey speed limits? You are so right but guess what? Law enforcement will penalize me if I break speed limits. Can you show me your badge? Oh no. You do not have one, do you? Too bad. Now stop driving in the passing lane like it belongs to just little ole you and let other travelers pass you. Yes, I understand. You do not like anyone passing you. Get the flip out of the way.

I like the drive thru. I like it because I know what I want to order already and it is not that many items. What? You like the drive thru too? Well gag me with a spoon! That is surprising since you appear to be ordering for Eight Is Enough, The Brady Bunch and the Duggars right now. How many times will the person taking your order repeatedly say 'Does that complete your order' before you finally say YES! You have two perfectly functional legs but they become paralyzed each and every time you are confronted with the words Drive Thru. I understand. Next time, pull up to the establishment, park your vehicle, walk inside, and piss off everyone standing behind you listening as you order for Nicholas, Mary, Elizabeth, Nancy, David, Tommy, Bobby, Jan, Mike, Greg, Carol, Cindy, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia...

I understand. You are human. You must breath or you will die from lack of oxygen. That is not debatable. May I make a suggestion? How about a Tic Tac? Breathsavers? Scope? Milk Bone? Yes. That was rude of me. Sorry. How about breathing in THAT direction instead. Cool.


"You want some?"
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12 Items or Less means 12 Items or Less. Yes, you may be in a hurry. Perhaps you have an important appointment that you must meet? I understand. That does not exempt you from overstuffing a shopping cart and head for the express lane because you are afraid of being late. Other customers have lives too and guess what? We can count.

And what exasperates this for me is someone who is apparently very able-bodied and they whip out their benefits card to get 8 two-liter bottles of soda, 6 bags of chips, a dozen donuts, a couple containers of ice-cream and a variety of candy-bars yanked from the checkout line shelves.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I guess I'm old with a lot of gripes, but this one drives me nuts... LOL!

A younger person (usually less than 20) who pays not one iota of attention when they cross the street... The light could be red, pink, blue, green... Doesn't matter. But they're crossing the street because they feel entitled. You slam on the brakes and they look at you like you're the a-hole.

I hear the movie "The Purge" is fictional... Hmm.


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People at Walmart or grocery store parking lots who will sit and wait for someone to finish unloading their stuff, get in the car, back out and leave. I am not a parking space hunter, you're about to go shopping and go up and down aisles and you're worried about walking a little extra.