So on the topic of outsourced Pakistani Technical Help....
My first pet peeve is that our country is becoming dumb. No one wants math or science degrees, they just want to be a Youtube star. Don't believe me? Go to any first-rate technical university and check out how many of the student body are from outside the USA. We are getting stuck with teachers that don't know English because the English speakers don't want those jobs. To discuss more on this would take it down the dreaded "P-Word" on this forum.
My other pet peeve is that so many Americans are clueless about other languages and the world in general. Everyone should learn at least one additional language. Everyone should travel the world whether it be a stint in the Service, digital nomad, whatever floats your boat. Just get out there and see it. It will make you a better at solving and understanding both domestic and world issues. If you are the on-site manager or advisor in many industries in this country, you're just screwing yourself not learning the language. Nothing is better than not letting people know the boss knows their language and let them rip in front of you to find out quickly what is going on.