Peter King slams Emmitt over his comment on Vick

zrinkill;1560717 said:
If Vick is guilty he should be fined and should be suspended for a few games for hurting the image of the league.

This is the problem. You view it as just a dog fight. Our own country views it as a Felony offense. It is not just a dog fight. It is against the laws of the land. As a felony, it is not even considered a minor offense. It is viewed as such because most people believe it is barbaric and inhumane.

If Vick is guilty, he should be fined, sent to prison and banned from the league, for life. It is not, just about the image of the league. It is about breaking the laws of the land.
zrinkill;1560717 said:
It takes guts to say what you believe when you know its not gonna be a popular stance.

Its obvious that your heart is bleeding over the dogs that were involved with these fights ..... I am sorry what Emmitt said defending his friend hurt you so bad.

If Vick is guilty he should be fined and should be suspended for a few games for hurting the image of the league.

But I for one would never ruin someone's life and send them to prison over a dog. Sorry if thats unpopular.

Why stop at dogfighting?

Hell let's allow someone to just go up and smack that **** out of someone without any sort of punishment.

At the same time let's all abandon our homes and get back in caves-- whack each other with clubs and pull our women around by our hair.

And then for a good time we can just hurl feces at each other.

Personally I'd like to see society advance a little.
ABQCOWBOY;1560727 said:
This is the problem. You view it as just a dog fight. Our own country views it as a Felony offense. It is not just a dog fight. It is against the laws of the land. As a felony, it is not even considered a minor offense. It is viewed as such because most people believe it is barbaric and inhumane.

If Vick is guilty, he should be fined, sent to prison and banned from the league, for life. It is not, just about the image of the league. It is about breaking the laws of the land.

If thats the law then thats the law. But its a shame that everyone who commits crimes against human beings is also not held to the same standard by a few of you guys.
zrinkill;1560718 said:
See my answer above.

I did. I responded in kind. You may not feel that his alleged transgretions are of a serious nature but that is not the opinion of most people. If guilty, he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, for such crimes. Just as any person should be who knowingly breaks the laws for there own purposes. If I'm breaking the law, selling drugs, hurting people or fighting dogs, I should pay the penalties associtated with those violations if found guilty. That's the way it works.
MichaelWinicki;1560731 said:
Why stop at dogfighting?

Hell let's allow someone to just go up and smack that **** out of someone without any sort of punishment.

At the same time let's all abandon our homes and get back in caves-- whack each other with clubs and pull our women around by our hair.

And then for a good time we can just hurl feces at each other.

Personally I'd like to see society advance a little.

Yea thats exactly what I was saying :rolleyes:

Because I think crimes against humans should be viewed as greater than crimes against dogs I am saying that society should be dismantled.

Well played Mike.
i'm not saying emmitt is eloquent, but what i got from his comments was that there are probably people in the dogfighting world who are much more involved, and that the government might be looking to make some hay with vick to either help pull down those bigger guys, or bring some more attention to the problem and force the rest of the racket to lay low for awhile.

i understand how you could think that emmitt was saying that what vick did, if he did it, isn't much of a big deal. i'm not sure that's the case, though.

i thought the question the viewers assumed was "man, can you believe what vick as done?" but the question emmitt answered was "man, why so much attention to michael vick?" in that case, his suggestion that vick could be pressured to give up names of bigger fish was kind of interesting.

i don't think that, if emmitt were asked directly whether he thought the actions described so far were terrible, he would say they're no big deal. at least i hope he's better than clinton portis...

by the way, if i understand correctly, vick is NOT accused of ATTENDING a lot of dog fights, just paying for them and having someone run them from his property. not saying that's good -- hell, it's really, really bad -- but that could be what emmitt was referring to.
zrinkill;1560732 said:
If thats the law then thats the law. But its a shame that everyone who commits crimes against human beings is also not held to the same standard by a few of you guys.

On the other hand, isn't it great that if your Son, Daughter, Mother, Father or Wife were threatened, they can be protected by law if something unfortunate or of a harmful nature were to happen to them? Even if by somebody famous.

Don't you agree?
zrinkill;1560739 said:
Yea thats exactly what I was saying :rolleyes:

Because I think crimes against humans should be viewed as greater than crimes against dogs I am saying that society should be dismantled.

Well played Mike.

You have the power to change laws. Each individual has a say. If you think this is wrong, the thing to do is to make your opinion known. However, if when all the votes are counted, you are still in the minority, then you deal with it and accept it. There are many things about this country I don't like or agree with. having said that, I can up an move at any time. I don't. Why? Because I've seen what it's like when there is no law. It is not my desire to live in that manner. However, I freely admit that each person is free to make there own choices in this regard. It's what makes this country great.
ABQCOWBOY;1560754 said:
You have the power to change laws. Each individual has a say. If you think this is wrong, the thing to do is to make your opinion known. However, if when all the votes are counted, you are still in the minority, then you deal with it and accept it. There are many things about this country I don't like or agree with. having said that, I can up an move at any time. I don't. Why? Because I've seen what it's like when there is no law. It is not my desire to live in that manner. However, I freely admit that each person is free to make there own choices in this regard. It's what makes this country great.

Which is why I said if I where on the jury I would not send him to prison over a dog.

God bless America :)
zrinkill;1560748 said:
Thats the problem ..... they have not been and have been allowed back into the league after spousal abuse, assault, firing weapons and murder.

Yet Mike Vick should be banned for life.

Banned for life is my own personal preference. I don't know what the commissioner would do. Having said that, yes, I'm for banning murder's, people who fire weapons at other people (aside from self defense) and all other things deemed Felony offenses. Amazingly enough, that would include dog fighting.
zrinkill;1560755 said:
Which is why I said if I where on the jury I would not send him to prison over a dog.

God bless America :)

If you were on the jury, you would not have the power to send him anywhere. If you were on the jury, you would have the power to find him guilty or not guilty. If he is guilty of the charges, I imagine you would find him as such.
zrinkill;1560773 said:
If that was the case I would have no problem with it .....

Look man here is my thing ..... I cannot stand Mike Vick .... I hate the Falcons and the city of Atlanta.

but with all the crimes that NFL players are commiting these days .... there has been like 10 very long threads about Mike Vick and his dog fighting .

I thinks its barbaric and disgusting .... I "love" my dogs.

But I do not put any dog on par with a humans life.

A guy beats his wife ..... it is back page news ..... but Mike Vick owns a house where they are fighting dogs and everyone is in an uproar like its the worse thing a human being could do ....

The kid needs his Arse kicked and he needs to be fined and punished ..... but in the big scheme of crimes being commited this is (on my scale) nowhere near hurting another human being.

Well, I think it's a bit nieve to say that this has been going on and players have been allowed to continue, status quo after being convicted. First and foremost, that was then, this is now. Clearly, there is a new Sheriff in town and he evidently carries a big stick. Having said this, I do believe that there is a difference between a man and a women hitting each other. In no way am I for this type of behavior but, it is different then tourturing and killing defensless animals. A man or woman who is abused has recourse. They can go to the authorities and do something about it. An animal has no voice. They must be protected. If a man or woman were tourtured or killed in the same fashion as these dogs were, the person who committed these crimes would be put to death in certain states. Imprisoned for the span of his or her live in others. The punishment for committing these kinds of acts against humans is substantially more costly. I don't think it's a case of people carring more about dogs then humans. It's a case of proper context IMO.
zrinkill;1560795 said:
I wish that was the case ..... but I do not believe it is unfortunately.

You may be right. I don't know but I know this. Emmitt should probably have kept his mouth closed on this issue. No good came come of it, IMO.
MichaelWinicki;1560731 said:
Why stop at dogfighting?

Hell let's allow someone to just go up and smack that **** out of someone without any sort of punishment.

At the same time let's all abandon our homes and get back in caves-- whack each other with clubs and pull our women around by our hair.

And then for a good time we can just hurl feces at each other.

Personally I'd like to see society advance a little.

I know some women that like that MW....
ABQCOWBOY;1560815 said:
Your begging Brain to enter this conversation. You know that right?


Either on the women-by-the-hair thing or the feces tossing... :D
anyone else bothered that no one ever seems to care about the issue before the superstar athlete gets involved and arrested, be it gambling, animal rights, drugs, steroids or the countless other things athletes have been involved in. It also seems that people just care about taking the guy down without ever doing anything to really fix the core problem.
koolaid;1560939 said:
anyone else bothered that no one ever seems to care about the issue before the superstar athlete gets involved and arrested, be it gambling, animal rights, drugs, steroids or the countless other things athletes have been involved in. It also seems that people just care about taking the guy down without ever doing anything to really fix the core problem.

What would you characterise as the "core problem?"
Emmitt wasn't defending Vick. He was stating something which should be obvious to intelligent people...That Michael Vick is not the sole source of dogfighting in this country. IE: it's a bigger problem than Vick's merely being involved in it.

What Emmitt said was actually pretty darn intelligent.
koolaid;1560939 said:
anyone else bothered that no one ever seems to care about the issue before the superstar athlete gets involved and arrested, be it gambling, animal rights, drugs, steroids or the countless other things athletes have been involved in. It also seems that people just care about taking the guy down without ever doing anything to really fix the core problem.

That is exactly what Emmitt was saying.