Peter King talks Bob Hayes

Hostile, you reign supreme!

watch, he's going to ignore 99% of it and just randomly call you out like a ***** in his 10 things I ate 4 minutes ago
Mike Tingelhoff and Jim Marshall over Bob Hayes?

Peter King is a moron
Arch Stanton;2227334 said:
9. I think the nomination of Bob Hayes by the Seniors Committee of the Pro Football Hall of Fame selection committee is a bit odd. Fairness in journalism here: I am one of the 44 selectors, but not one of the rotating members of the senior group that picks two old-timers for the entire body to vote on at the Hall's selection meeting on the Saturday before the Super Bowl.

I have tremendous respect for these voters, and I'm not just saying that. I do. But every year we hear about the tremendous backlog of great Seniors candidates, passed over for one reason or another during their time as regular candidates. And Hayes was voted down just five years ago by the body after being nominated by the Seniors Committee. You're telling me there aren't deserving candidates whose names have not come up in the past decade by the Seniors Committee, players like Mick Tingelhoff and Jim Marshall? I understand the tremendous interest in Hayes -- both publicly and by the committee -- but should he be coming up to a vote again after being spurned just five years ago?
We're telling you that there aren't more DERSERVING candidates Pete...if you want those guys in then vote in Hayes like should have already happened and make room for them!!!
Hostile;2227569 said:
Is this going too far?
I believe that your e-mail should have gotten the point across...if not then he is an even bigger idiot than we imagine. A point with which I am in TOTAL agreement!!!

Good Job!
Someone should e-mail the brilliant Hayes vs King timeline that one of our posters did last week. That was priceless.
LeonDixson;2227623 said:
Someone should e-mail the brilliant Hayes vs King timeline that one of our posters did last week. That was priceless.
Gee, should I? :D

I was thinking that the presenter who was in charge of Hayes' case 5 years ago must have done some kind of a gawd awful job. Not to excuse King or any of the others who voted against Hayes, though. They should know.
percyhoward;2227641 said:
Gee, should I? :D

I was thinking that the presenter who was in charge of Hayes' case 5 years ago must have done some kind of a gawd awful job. Not to excuse King or any of the others who voted against Hayes, though. They should know.

Yes, you should. Definitely. You had some great Hayes accomplishments in there.
cowboyjoe;2227370 said:
yes most definitely,

Bob Hayes changed the way defenses were played.

Before Hayes came into the league, there was no zone coverage.

teams had to install the zone coverage because no one defender could run with hayes.

So, yes, Hayes deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, and to add to that, some of the old times are still alive. Hayes isnt, he deserves to be in for his family etc.

even john one of the writers said that he thinks hayes will get in this year, and most of the writers are finally admitting a mistake by not letting hayes in the last time, that there was some biased towards cowboys players, even john the writer for houston newspaper said something like that.

If your a writer or one of the voters, you shouldnt be biased towards someone just because he was a Dallas Cowboy player. That is totally wrong.
It has been stated by the SF writer (forget his name ATM) who gets a vote that he will NOT vote for a DALLAS COWBOYS player. That is unadulterated bias and he should have been excused (had his *** kicked off) from the committee as soon as he said it.

Yes there is bias and it is a travesty. The Cowboys have more appearances in the SB than ANY other team and as many WINS as any stands to reason that they would have more HoF players than anyone.
LeonDixson;2227644 said:
Yes, you should. Definitely. You had some great Hayes accomplishments in there.
Actually, I did just send him the "Five different 10-TD seasons in the NFL," which is something that NO wide receiver in the Hall can match. How can that be overlooked?
percyhoward;2227641 said:
Gee, should I? :D

I was thinking that the presenter who was in charge of Hayes' case 5 years ago must have done some kind of a gawd awful job. Not to excuse King or any of the others who voted against Hayes, though. They should know.
Yes, I think you should.
JackMagist;2227652 said:
It has been stated by the SF writer (forget his name ATM) who gets a vote that he will NOT vote for a DALLAS COWBOYS player. That is unadulterated bias and he should have been excused (had his *** kicked off) from the committee as soon as he said it.

Yes there is bias and it is a travesty. The Cowboys have more appearances in the SB than ANY other team and as many WINS as any stands to reason that they would have more HoF players than anyone.
Ira Miller
JackMagist;2227652 said:
Yes there is bias and it is a travesty. The Cowboys have more appearances in the SB than ANY other team and as many WINS as any stands to reason that they would have more HoF players than anyone.

There were 18 different players who had...
*5 Pro Bowls
*4 first-team All-Pro (AP)
*SB ring

15 of the 18 are in the HOF. The other 3 are all Cowboys.


(and it was 4, until Wright got in)
Dear Mr. King,

I vote for the Softball and Field Hockey Hall of Fame and your daughter will never get in.


percyhoward;2227655 said:
Actually, I did just send him the "Five different 10-TD seasons in the NFL," which is something that NO wide receiver in the Hall can match. How can that be overlooked?
Because they don't do their research! Send him (and all the rest of them) everything you have!!

Hell, I think everyone on this board should take your info and rephrase it and send it to every voter...flood their ***** with the facts!!

In case anyone hasn't guessed it this is a subject that I am quite passionate about. If someone can get me the e-mails of the voters I will e-mail each and every one of them personally!!

Note: Please repost your info in this thread...I'm lousy with the search engine on this site :eek::
percyhoward;2227670 said:
There were 18 different players who had...
*5 Pro Bowls
*4 first-team All-Pro (AP)
*SB ring

15 of the 18 are in the HOF. The other 3 are all Cowboys.


(and it was 4, until Wright got in)
Is that right?? I didn't know that. I knew there was an anti-Cowboys bias, but couldn't prove it.
JackMagist;2227687 said:
Note: Please repost your info in this thread...I'm lousy with the search engine on this site :eek::
Five seasons of 10 or more TD catches.

No player currently in the HOF ever did that in the NFL.

I mean, that should be the end of it. (I don't know if it's Gosselin presenting him this time, but I'll make sure and send that tidbit to him anyway.)

Here's the stuff from the earlier post...
1965: goes to his first Pro Bowl as a rookie, leads NFL in TD receptions, averages 21.8 yards per catch.

1966: makes 1st team All-Pro, leads league in TD catches again, 2nd in receiving yards

1967: leads NFL in punt return yards and TD's, goes to 3rd straight Pro Bowl

1968: scores at least 10 touchdowns for the 4th straight year, averages over 20 yards per punt return, named 1st team All-Pro a second time.

1970: has fifth season of at least 10 TD catches, averages 26.1 yards per catch (still #5 all-time) to lead the league.

1971: leads NFL in yards per catch again, gets SB ring.

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