TO WILL be a Cowboy next season. He already wants it.
Jerry is seriously considering it.
Bill may not want the headache, but the upside to this challange set before him may just be too much for a coach like him to pass up.
Irvin will be the force to push it over the top and make it happen.
Price and Glenn would then be free to move around (Trade or Release) and we would go on to have the scariest (in every sense of the word on and off the field) tandem of 30+ year old WR the NFL has ever known. Super Bowls will follow.
Then when it's all said and done TO will then retire a Cowboy AND enter into the H.O.F. as a Cowboy.
Yall better get used to him. Doesn't matter if you like him or not, chance of this happening is not as far out of the realm of possibilty as most of you would like to try and make yourselves believe.
And don't for one second think this angle of how much a move like this would piss off arch-rival Phily isn't being taken into consideration. There is no place more suited for this guy at the moment. And now with all the other "headcases" skimmed off the top of the organizationi from the last few years of moves, Bill will beable to fully concentrate his attention on his badboy recieving corp.
And Imagine it....2 Irvin TYPES! We tried for years to try and find just ONE!
I can just see it too.. Sean Taylor coming up for a big hit on Jones on a sweep- then BOOM he gets sandwhiched by Owens and Keyshawn, and Jones bursts through between them as they split, hopping over the grounded Taylor and taking it to the house. Then we don't even need to get into what he'll bring to the passing game- best in the game now, period. He would also make the Cowboys passing attack one of the most feared in the league. Noway anyone could ever cover Witten, Keyshawn AND T.O. ....and also worry about our very persistant running attack with a bunch of young guys who can break it on any given play.
This is exactly what needs to happen to make us the best we can be. And if making the Dallas Cowboys the best they can be isn't what you want, then I question what the hell you're even doing here. This isn't fantasy football, you don't get to have only the people you "like" on this team. Reality folks, Pro Football is a business and Terrel Owens is a very lucrative commodity.
Guess not many of you have heard the oversaid saying of "you keep business and personal separate". Stop looking at the less than attractive balding tires, this car has an engine under the hood almost unrivaled and can still speed down the track. And Jerry Jones just happens to have a shiny silver new set of tires with a star on the side of 'em laying around for this very situation. Vroom Vroom people, the race has started and the car can't wait to get to his new pitstop....where Jerry and Bill are waiting.
The rest of yall that won't like this.. go on, your Philly bandwagon is pulling away, which alot of you have seemingly already hopped on since the break of this news. I've never been more sickened to read a Cowboy board then I have since this has happen. Atleast Irvin is on the right side of the bandwagon... but then again he never seems to sway to far from home now does he.. Sad sad day in Cowboyland.. and only going to get sadder when what I've just all said, happens. True colors starting to shine through...AND THEY'RE GREEN! This place isn't turning into an "Anti-TO Board" it's turning into a "Pro-Philly Board". There's "tents" popping up all over the place some of yall are getting so excited about the Eagles. Like I said, sad sad day.
No one player should ever dictate a fan leaving or sticking by their so-called favorite team. I honestly don't think half of you would still be here if TO became a Cowboy tomorrow.