PFT: An Open Letter from Daunte Culpepper

WhoDat;2221720 said:
I think that this can definitely be interpreted as Daunte intimating racism.

I guess it could theoretically be interpreted that way... I just think that you have to already be looking for that to see racism in that comment. Maybe not, but that's definitely my opinion.
The context is that he is disappointed to find that not having an agent makes teams wary of dealing with him. In that context, I think that the "thing that [he] choose not to embrace at this time" is getting an agent. He chooses not to have an agent and is mentioning that this choice seems to be hurting his ability to get a job. Of course, it seems obvious to me that he should just get the agent and make sure he understands what's going on, but it is his choice. There is no reason to invent a racial spin to that quote the way I read it, but I realize that you can see something I don't see in something.
FWIW, I am also white.
There's the card right there:

This is when I realized that there is something wrong...

Why was I not given the chance to compete for a job? This is my question to the NFL...

The answer seems to point to something that I choose not to embrace at this time...

The real answer is you SUCK and you appear to be a trouble maker by representin' yourself. Take the vet min that was offered to you TWICE and shut up!
Brandon;2221676 said:
I never said racism is a myth, but you think that he isn't playing because the teams are racist? Last time I checked, Minnesota and Oakland has a black QB replacing him as we speak.

And you don't see Muslims complaining in interviews how 90% of Americans think every Islamic person is a terrorists, and you don't see Asians whining about how everyone says they drive bad, grow some tougher skin, thats all I am saying, and Daunte and many other black athletes for that matter need tougher skin.

A Cincinnati radio host was fired because he said TJ Houzyamoma was a racist when reports surfaced that TJ called him a "punk *** white boy" Bernard Hopkins can say that he "wont lose to a white boy" before a boxing fight, yet if a white said "I cant lose to a black guy" before a fight he would be called a racist, and those ****** bags in Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would call for a public execution.

It's pathetic and I am sick and tired of this double standard. If anyone is offended, I'm sorry, but that is the beauty of freedom of speech.

You have so much to learn about life. I actually feel sorry for you.
Brandon;2221338 said:
Another black athlete complaining about racism. Pathetic. Take a look at your knees Daunte, take a look at your cancer image. These black players and people for matter need to stop using the race card a crutch, no other race uses it.
You have no clue what racism is.
Brandon;2221676 said:
I never said racism is a myth, but you think that he isn't playing because the teams are racist? Last time I checked, Minnesota and Oakland has a black QB replacing him as we speak.

And you don't see Muslims complaining in interviews how 90% of Americans think every Islamic person is a terrorists, and you don't see Asians whining about how everyone says they drive bad, grow some tougher skin, thats all I am saying, and Daunte and many other black athletes for that matter need tougher skin.

A Cincinnati radio host was fired because he said TJ Houzyamoma was a racist when reports surfaced that TJ called him a "punk *** white boy" Bernard Hopkins can say that he "wont lose to a white boy" before a boxing fight, yet if a white said "I cant lose to a black guy" before a fight he would be called a racist, and those ****** bags in Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would call for a public execution.

It's pathetic and I am sick and tired of this double standard. If anyone is offended, I'm sorry, but that is the beauty of freedom of speech.
I would explain this to you, but i'd rather do it in person.
Has it dawned on him that it might just be him... and not the fact he doesn't have an agent. Yet, blaming it on not having an agent allows him to feel justified that 32 teams are happy w/o him starting.

At this point, he just digs his hole deeper and deeper down the roster.... But he never made good decisions on the field either.
Ben_n_austin;2222019 said:
Has it dawned on him that it might just be him... and not the fact he doesn't have an agent. Yet, blaming it on not having an agent allows him to feel justified that 32 teams are happy w/o him starting.

At this point, he just digs his hole deeper and deeper down the roster.... But he never made good decisions on the field either.

You would think that as bad as the Bears are at QB they'd have snatched him up in a heart beat. Drew freakin' Henson got a J.O.B. If that don't paint the big picture for you...................

I hated that stupid bread roll schtick and lost all respect when you give a crippled kid a necklace in front of the cameras only to take it back when you thought nobody was lookin'. That's the way he rolls.
I don't understand how anyone read this letter and thought it was about race. To me it was unmistakenly about the fact that he won't hire an agent. Personally I believe in the axiom that anyone that represents themselves in a legal matter (including contract negotiations) has a fool for a client.
Brandon;2221338 said:
Another black athlete complaining about racism. Pathetic. Take a look at your knees Daunte, take a look at your cancer image. These black players and people for matter need to stop using the race card a crutch, no other race uses it.

Where do you get this from ???

djtavo;2221360 said:
i will understand players complaining about race if they played golf or tennis, but Football, 100% of the athletes are black, come on now..... Shame on them.

Even if the athletes are 100% black which they aren't racism could still exist.

AsthmaField;2221451 said:
IMO, what he's talking about isn't a race issue... it's simply that he won't hire an agent and NFL team's don't feel comfortable dealing with him directly.

I never got the feeling when reading his letter, that he was bringing up race at all.


funkytown;2221490 said:
Can someone please show me or explain to me where he mentions anything about race? Or insinuates about race?

Because honestly i dont see that at all.

Yea i need to see it also because I don't know where they got that from.
Brandon;2221676 said:
I never said racism is a myth, but you think that he isn't playing because the teams are racist? Last time I checked, Minnesota and Oakland has a black QB replacing him as we speak.

And you don't see Muslims complaining in interviews how 90% of Americans think every Islamic person is a terrorists, and you don't see Asians whining about how everyone says they drive bad, grow some tougher skin, thats all I am saying, and Daunte and many other black athletes for that matter need tougher skin.

A Cincinnati radio host was fired because he said TJ Houzyamoma was a racist when reports surfaced that TJ called him a "punk *** white boy" Bernard Hopkins can say that he "wont lose to a white boy" before a boxing fight, yet if a white said "I cant lose to a black guy" before a fight he would be called a racist, and those ****** bags in Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would call for a public execution.

It's pathetic and I am sick and tired of this double standard. If anyone is offended, I'm sorry, but that is the beauty of freedom of speech.

dude just stop posting
DaBoys4Life;2222208 said:
dude just stop posting

I agree with Brandon. I think this thread is the wrong place for it because I don't think Daunte was baaaaw-ing about race...but Brandon has a point. Yo, Brandon, save those sentiments for the next time some athlete pulls the race card.
Tass;2222210 said:
I agree with Brandon. I think this thread is the wrong place for it because I don't think Daunte was baaaaw-ing about race...but Brandon has a point. Yo, Brandon, save those sentiments for the next time some athlete pulls the race card.

It's a shame that he or yourself can't tell the difference between racism and stereotypes.
DaBoys4Life;2222212 said:
It's a shame that he or yourself can't tell the difference between racism and stereotypes.

No such thing as racism...well, maybe those that belong to PETA are anti-human . I think the word racism is spurious and overused. The term that is fitting is 'prejudice'.

I find it hilarious that you are pontificating about 'racism' and stereotypes when YOU are one of the worst offenders. Oh, that's right, you talk bad about caucasians so that makes it ok.

It is ridiculous that this got twisted into a race issue. This thread isn't heading for good things.

If you read his statements and you got a racial tone to it, you did so because you have a bias towards those things, conscious or not.

I get concerned when articles like these turn into soapboxes for broader social and interpersonal issues.
He was not playing any race card there. Clearly he was referring to him representing himself. The calling out of people playing the race card is so much more prevalent than the actual use of it.
stealth;2222235 said:
It is ridiculous that this got twisted into a race issue. This thread isn't heading for good things.

If you read his statements and you got a racial tone to it, you did so because you have a bias towards those things, conscious or not.

I get concerned when articles like these turn into soapboxes for broader social and interpersonal issues.

It's heading towards getting closed if the race stuff doesn't stop. This isn't the zone for it. The political zone is.
The more I think on this statement:
The answer seems to point to something that I choose not to embrace at this time.
I think he's talking about his career being potentially over.

I agree with Yeager, it's time for people to move on from the racial discussion. Otherwize we'll have to ship it to the PZ when it should really be in the Fan or NFL Zone.
I like these spontaneous race threads. It's a good place to scout out tools I should put on my ignore list early.

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