News: PFT: Cowboys should lift NDAs, allowing cheerleaders to tell their stories regarding voyeurism


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If I knew for a fact that the dirty old man was doing it I would turn his face a different color.. But if I only had "suspicions" and the word of really only one girl who says she saw it while the rest just went along for the ride I could not in good conscience condemn the man. But that's just me.. Like I said, if Dalrymple did that of which he has been accused then he is scum and he should pay.. But that should not be without due process. The women should have taken their story to the cops and did just that. Allow a court of law to prove his guilt or innocence. By taking the "just give me money and I will go away" angle they gave up that opportunity and frankly for them to be flushing it back out now 6 years later kinda rubs me the wrong way.
I guess he must have gotten lost in the locker room then. lol. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck. What is it? The guy took an under skirt picture of Charlotte on live TV.

I am just hoping that this somehow forces Jerry to sell. Wishful thinking but Im sure I am not the only one.


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This is all kinda funny and not in a good way. Yes, women deserve their space, privacy and safety. NO means NO, and all that stuff. But lumping these two stories together to make the Jones family look even worse seems very unfair. None of us know the truth, the terms of the settlements or the exact reasons for the executive's retirement. Frankly, I'm amazed this thread is still open.
The large majority of what we do here is speculate because we really know very little about the facts. But that does not stop us from opining.

Do you not see some fire beneath the smoke on that executive’s retirement and the total lack of response from the family? That look normal to you?

And is there any known sports franchise the creates and embraces more off season stuff than this one?


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I once need to catch a 9a flight from SFO but ended up in a dressing room stall of a Victoria’s Secret with my phone at a mall in San Jose.

Mistakes happen….


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I guess he must have gotten lost in the locker room then. lol. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck. What is it? The guy took an under skirt picture of Charlotte on live TV.

I am just hoping that this somehow forces Jerry to sell. Wishful thinking but Im sure I am not the only one.

Now you're just parroting some unsubstantiated internet drivel. Thousands of people probably watched that damn feed.. (myself included) but apparent only THESE two clowns saw this incident. I don't know Dalrymple from Adam and could care less if he lands in jail or retires to a yacht in Miami. This is about justice and what is right. Rumor and innuendo should not be allowed to wield the power it does over people. Prove it or shut up and go away. That's how it's supposed to work. #MeToo has empowered too many women to rewrite their memories of events from their past leading to too many men being dragged through the ringer for it. I may or may not like Rich Dalrymple if I got to know him.. but I already know I dislike this pattern of ruining people years after the fact. None of the women involved were to my knowledge some teenage girl who felt powerless to do or say anything about what they believed happen. In fact they showed the exact opposite. They didn't sweep it under the rug.. They pushed it to their boss and ultimately to her boss. To the point that lawyers got involved and some of Jerry's money changed hands. So I am not inclined to see them in the same light as I might see a women who was taken advantage of when she was 16 years old by a powerful man and felt helpless until she was mature enough to handle the ringer she would have to go through to make him be held accountable.


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Don't think so, I think it's just getting started. Too many sharks in the water and too many willing to pay for the stories. This is the most covered sports franchise in history, for all the wrong reasons, and this is reality show stuff, the best reason for the media. This could transcend sports.

I remember a close bud of mine when Watergate first appeared. "Much ado about nothing" he said. Then we sat in a bar watching the testimony unfold and it just kept unraveling to his dismay and shock.

I look at this as kind of like the Tiger Woods or Bill Cosby revelations. Once the gate opened, it was non-stop.

Do you think this is the only isolated incident involving the cheerleaders? Think Dalrymple just decided to be a peeper in 2015?

Rayman, Cowboys rumors are like Lays potato chips, no one can just stop at one.
Right.. this was just first time he was caught.

We can only hope there’s more to uncover and it leads to a coverup from the top.


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Right.. this was just first time he was caught.

We can only hope there’s more to uncover and it leads to a coverup from the top.

Again I will have to disagree here. Human beings are allowed to suffer momentary lapses in judgement. Let's say Rich, having been around the cheerleaders for at the time 25 years always had the restraint not to take advantage of the situation. But on this day he couldn't contain himself. For whatever reason this moment got him.. We have all had those moments in life.. when we do something out of character and go "What the hell was I thinking?" seconds after the act. Not all of them involved chicks but I would wager for most of us guys a lot of them do. Again I am not here to defend Rich Dalrymple. He's a retired millionaire and his retirement will be much nicer than mine. I am here to rail against this phenomenon of destroying people based on hearsay, rumor and innuendo. There but for the grace of God.. as they say.. I guess..


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Again I will have to disagree here. Human beings are allowed to suffer momentary lapses in judgement. Let's say Rich, having been around the cheerleaders for at the time 25 years always had the restraint not to take advantage of the situation. But on this day he couldn't contain himself. For whatever reason this moment got him.. We have all had those moments in life.. when we do something out of character and go "What the hell was I thinking?" seconds after the act. Not all of them involved chicks but I would wager for most of us guys a lot of them do. Again I am not here to defend Rich Dalrymple. He's a retired millionaire and his retirement will be much nicer than mine. I am here to rail against this phenomenon of destroying people based on hearsay, rumor and innuendo. There but for the grace of God.. as they say.. I guess..
So because he didnt do it for 25 years but once had a lapse in judgement its ok? lol.

Wow. The amount of respect I just lost for you is not even capable of being spoken. I guess all the survivors of Epstein and Weinstein should have just stayed silent. Shame they ruined such brilliant men lol.


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Again I will have to disagree here. Human beings are allowed to suffer momentary lapses in judgement. Let's say Rich, having been around the cheerleaders for at the time 25 years always had the restraint not to take advantage of the situation. But on this day he couldn't contain himself. For whatever reason this moment got him.. We have all had those moments in life.. when we do something out of character and go "What the hell was I thinking?" seconds after the act. Not all of them involved chicks but I would wager for most of us guys a lot of them do. Again I am not here to defend Rich Dalrymple. He's a retired millionaire and his retirement will be much nicer than mine. I am here to rail against this phenomenon of destroying people based on hearsay, rumor and innuendo. There but for the grace of God.. as they say.. I guess..
Anything is possible of course but generally someone at his age probably has a history of peeping or perving at some level. This was just first time we know of him being caught and being held accountable.

I suppose on this particular occasion he simply had a greater opportunity or greater urge to finally cross the line but who really believes that this was first time in his life he’d behaved in such a manner.


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So because he didnt do it for 25 years but once had a lapse in judgement its ok? lol.

Wow. The amount of respect I just lost for you is not even capable of being spoken. I guess all the survivors of Epstein and Weinstein should have just stayed silent. Shame they ruined such brilliant men lol.

I don't believe anybody has EVER said anything to the effect that it's "ok." At least not here. What I AM telling you is that this business of destroying people years after an incident because doing so now suit whatever agenda someone might have is dangerous .. To EVERY one.. You, me.. Jerry Jones.. everybody. The Epstein and Weinstein and Cosby women a lot of them DID put their stories out and eventually justice was served. Some of them went to authorities immediately. I respect those women immensely. The ones I don't respect are the ones who came out of the woodwork 20 years later. Each of them had the opportunity to put a stop to these activities and many of them chose not to. Some in exchange for plain ole cashola and some for fear of what it might do to their "careers."

And again, you have chosen to condemn this man without any tangible proof whatsoever that things happened the way the people who got paid NOT to tell the story are now telling it. I will not do that. If proof is made available that proves it did.. then my stance will change.. Until then.. I'm going to treat Dalrymple as an American citizen.. so he will remain innocent until proven guilty in my eyes.


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The NFL should make the Jone's sell the team.


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The large majority of what we do here is speculate because we really know very little about the facts. But that does not stop us from opining.

Do you not see some fire beneath the smoke on that executive’s retirement and the total lack of response from the family? That look normal to you?

And is there any known sports franchise the creates and embraces more off season stuff than this
The large majority of what we do here is speculate because we really know very little about the facts. But that does not stop us from opining.

Do you not see some fire beneath the smoke on that executive’s retirement and the total lack of response from the family? That look normal to you?

And is there any known sports franchise the creates and embraces more off season stuff than this one?
No, Coach, nothing about these two stories sound normal to me. I'm still with the same girl I married 38 years ago and dated for almost three before that. But, to say Jerry Jones would allow a pervert to take an upskirt photograph of his daughter and not fire him immediately is a reach, HOF jacket or not. I can see the potential for conspiracy theories in play here.


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I don't believe anybody has EVER said anything to the effect that it's "ok." At least not here. What I AM telling you is that this business of destroying people years after an incident because doing so now suit whatever agenda someone might have is dangerous .. To EVERY one.. You, me.. Jerry Jones.. everybody. The Epstein and Weinstein and Cosby women a lot of them DID put their stories out and eventually justice was served. Some of them went to authorities immediately. I respect those women immensely. The ones I don't respect are the ones who came out of the woodwork 20 years later. Each of them had the opportunity to put a stop to these activities and many of them chose not to. Some in exchange for plain ole cashola and some for fear of what it might do to their "careers."

And again, you have chosen to condemn this man without any tangible proof whatsoever that things happened the way the people who got paid NOT to tell the story are now telling it. I will not do that. If proof is made available that proves it did.. then my stance will change.. Until then.. I'm going to treat Dalrymple as an American citizen.. so he will remain innocent until proven guilty in my eyes.
none so blind that will not see. But hey have fun in your fantasy world.


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Anything is possible of course but generally someone at his age probably has a history of peeping or perving at some level. This was just first time we know of him being caught and being held accountable.

I suppose on this particular occasion he simply had a greater opportunity or greater urge to finally cross the line but who really believes that this was first time in his life he’d behaved in such a manner.

I would have to know him to be able to say whether I believe it or not. But every time someone does something new becomes the first time they did it and we don't stop doing things for the first time just because we pass age 40. Still I am not inclined to convict a man without some proof that he is guilty. Just because I think he might have done it before isn't good enough .. at least not for me. YMMV.


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none so blind that will not see. But hey have fun in your fantasy world.

Yeah imagine wanting people to be innocent until proven guilty. What was I thinking? Let's go ahead and start convicting everybody who is ever accused of anything without any proof.. But if we do that we're gonna need a lot more jails .. The good news is the salaries of all those judges and public defenders we won't have to pay will help fund them.


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I would have to know him to be able to say whether I believe it or not. But every time someone does something new becomes the first time they did it and we don't stop doing things for the first time just because we pass age 40. Still I am not inclined to convict a man without some proof that he is guilty. Just because I think he might have done it before isn't good enough .. at least not for me. YMMV.
You’re taking this too literally . I’m not a court of law . Just public perception using practicality and a police type of profiling which in investigative mode must be used.

Like I asked initially , what do you believe . You think this is first time in his life he’s peeped or perved or just first time he’s been caught?
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This story is another example of the lack of leadership and accountability within the Cowboys organization at the highest level.

It’s a systemic problem.

Why was Dalrymple allowed to remain with the team for years after what he did?
Rich has dirt on Jerry. Jerry tried to put a band-aid over the problem making deals with Rich, the cheerleaders with $$/employment. And as always, someone involved got greedy, drunk or both and spilled the milk. If the War room incident really happened, I wonder what Charlotte got out of it?


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You’re taking this too literally . I’m not a court of law . Just public perception using practicality and a police type of profiling which in investigative mode must be used.
Respectfully, Amigo, I doubt you'd want this same public perception and police type of profiling used against you without proof you committed a crime. An out of court settlement isn't proof of a crime as many insurance companies offer a settlement in lieu of court, even when they know their client / customer is innocent. Sad times we live in


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Respectfully, Amigo, I doubt you'd want this same public perception and police type of profiling used against you without proof you committed a crime. An out of court settlement isn't proof of a crime as many insurance companies offer a settlement in lieu of court, even when they know their client / customer is innocent. Sad times we live in
Of course not . But I’m not the one who was caught. I’m not trying to convict simply asking for a public opinion.

What do you think. Was this his first peep or perving in his life or just first time caught?

And agreeing to a settlement of this size is an admission at least responsibility of wrong doing.