PFT: Jackson Apologizes for Calling Irvin "********"

WV Cowboy said:
And how is it that you know so much about the Lifetime channel ?? :laugh2:

Seriously dude, maybe when you grow up you will figure out what it actually means to be a man.

It has nothing to do with being macho or what TV shows you watch.

Good luck with that.

That offended me. Please refrain from questioning my manhood in the future.

Scotman said:
My neice, who I have helped raise since birth, suffered a brain injury a few years ago. We've been through some pretty emotional times as she has had to relearn virtually everything. We still have a long, long way to go.

All that said, we never lost our sense of humor. I think it was a completely innocent retort.
Oh I do too, ... just completely out of place and in poor taste to do it on national TV.
WV Cowboy said:
And how is it that you know so much about the Lifetime channel ?? :laugh2:

Seriously dude, maybe when you grow up you will figure out what it actually means to be a man.

It has nothing to do with being macho or what TV shows you watch.

Good luck with that.

No kidding.

Too bad your point will be lost amongst what is probably a 15 year old kid.
Vintage said:
No kidding.

Too bad your point will be lost amongst what is probably a 15 year old kid.

I think you may have offended 15 year old kids.

Please refrain from making such comments in the future.
Secondary2None3141 said:
I think you may have offended 15 year old kids.

Please refrain from making such comments in the future.
And Vintage rests his case your honor.
Secondary2None3141 said:
I think you may have offended 15 year old kids.

Please refrain from making such comments in the future.

So what your saying is your really 11? Glad this was my 666 post.
silver said:
i hate political correctness. we're too damned sensitive.


Words like this are used so much anymore they don't necessarily have the same meaning. Saying something is ******** is generally used a lot with younger people just meaning that something isn't right or is stupid. Just like the word gay. A lot of kids that my son hangs around with are constantly using this word, "Oh man, that is so gay"... They don't generally mean anything hurtful by it, it just gets used so much that it sticks as a saying. With stuff like this being used so much it is easy to see how it could have slipped out.

now on the other hand, TJ actually asked Michael if he was ******** so he may have actually been calling him mentally ill.

You could tell he was pretty peeved at the time too. I thought it was pretty funny.
Cogan said:
Come on! How ridiculous is that? How many of us, when debating with one another over sports, or politics, or riding mowers, will ask the other if they "are ********" when the conversation gets crazy. It's all in fun between friends. No one is making fun of people in this country who are challenged with being mentally stunted. God bless them, they are reminder of why we should be so thankful for our mental capacity.....well, most of us here.....haha.

See, I'm just kidding. It has nothing to do with ******** people, but is a rip on those here who make unthought out statements. This country needs to start laughing at itself a lot more & stop being so freaking sensitive.

Of course, someone might retort, "this country needs to be more sensitive and stop acting like it's entitled to offend anyone it can in the name of free speech."

Look, I don't disagree with you, but you have to understand the time in which you live.

I don't use the term anymore. But neither would I get offended if someone used it.

Nevertheless, Tom Jackson apologized. I don't think this needs to be an on-air thing. And, please, let's not try to compare this to Rush Limbaugh's comment. :rolleyes:
WoodysGirl said:
Guys, he didn't actually do those things... Apparently, Idgit is making a funny... :rolleyes:

Anyway, it was during the discussion and I don't even remember what was said, but I'm sure it was in response to one of Irvin's outrageous comments and TJ responded like two friends tend to do when they're talking in private...not necessarily on the air w/a national audience tuned in.

Jeez. You think they thought I was serious? I thought they were just playing along.

As to the topic, I think the apology in a press release is a nice gesture. I sure hope it doesn't have to come back up again next week.
Scotman said:
My neice, who I have helped raise since birth, suffered a brain injury a few years ago. We've been through some pretty emotional times as she has had to relearn virtually everything. We still have a long, long way to go.

All that said, we never lost our sense of humor. I think it was a completely innocent retort.

Good for your family. I think it's a much healthier way to deal with adversity. If you can't laugh at your limitations, you're taking yourself way too seriously.
Between Tom's stutter and Irvin's yelling and laughing, I have a hard time figuring out what either one of them is talking about.

Maybe I'm ********.
Idgit said:
Good for your family. I think it's a much healthier way to deal with adversity. If you can't laugh at your limitations, you're taking yourself way too seriously.
Right, but how would you feel if someone else said something derogatory about your family member.

A little different now isn't it ?
WV Cowboy said:
Right, but how would you feel if someone else said something derogatory about your family member.

A little different now isn't it ?
Not necessarily. It depends whether or not the comment was directed at me (or my family member) and intended to be disrespectful. Otherwise, why go looking for a reason to be offended?
Idgit said:
Not necessarily. It depends whether or not the comment was directed at me (or my family member) and intended to be disrespectful. Otherwise, why go looking for a reason to be offended?
I'm not talking about being offended.

I'm talking about someone who has to suffer with this every day of their life being hurt but someones thoughtless comment.

So lets say you are watching the game with your son, who is 10, and mentally handicapped, ********, whatever.

You are raising him the best you can, trying to show him he can overcome this handicap, that he can become more than society says he can.

He knows the word ********, has heard the word from doctors, or kids his age making fun of him.

Now you are watching the pregame and in an effort to put Irvin down, he hears Jackson say, "What, are you ********?"

Why does the child have to hear that ?

Can't Jackson, an educated man, find a better way to voice his opinion.

It was just not appropriate in my opinion.

I'm not being sensitive, it's not about me, it's about the kids that have to live with this handicap every day of their lives.

Is that not enough, do they have to hear the word used derogatorily too?
WV Cowboy said:
He knows the word ********, has heard the word from doctors.

No way a doctor would use that word, WV. Not in the past 25 years at least. Doctors use the term all educated people do - "developmentally disabled". No doctor that I can imagine has used the noun '******' in the last thirty years, altho the term 'mental retardation' remained current as a diagnosis for a while longer.

The word '******' has been solely middle school playground fodder for decades.

I agree with you, Jackson could have found a less hurtful word. And as you have pointed out so well in this thread, the issue isn't 'political correctness'....but basic human empathy.

I'd wrap it up tho, if I were you. ;)

Those who get it, get it; those who don't, never will.
LaTunaNostra said:
No way a doctor would use that word, WV. Not in the past 25 years at least. Doctors use the term all educated people do - "developmentally disabled". No doctor that I can imagine has used the noun '******' in the last thirty years, altho the term 'mental retardation' remained current as a diagnosis for a while longer.

The word '******' has been solely middle school playground fodder for decades.

I agree with you, Jackson could have found a less hurtful word. And as you have pointed out so well in this thread, the issue isn't 'political correctness'....but basic human empathy.

I'd wrap it up tho, if I were you. ;)

Those who get it, get it; those who don't, never will.
Of course, you're right.

E'm jus a tryin' to edumacate sumbudy.

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