PFT: Jackson Apologizes for Calling Irvin "********"

WV Cowboy said:
I'm not talking about being offended.

I'm talking about someone who has to suffer with this every day of their life being hurt but someones thoughtless comment.

So lets say you are watching the game with your son, who is 10, and mentally handicapped, ********, whatever.

You are raising him the best you can, trying to show him he can overcome this handicap, that he can become more than society says he can.

He knows the word ********, has heard the word from doctors, or kids his age making fun of him.

Now you are watching the pregame and in an effort to put Irvin down, he hears Jackson say, "What, are you ********?"

Why does the child have to hear that ?

Can't Jackson, an educated man, find a better way to voice his opinion.

It was just not appropriate in my opinion.

I'm not being sensitive, it's not about me, it's about the kids that have to live with this handicap every day of their lives.

Is that not enough, do they have to hear the word used derogatorily too?

This is a real tear-jerking post . . .

No really . . . it is.
The arrogance of Jackson is just antother example of the deterioration of society in general. Like the pot calling he kettle black.
WoodysGirl said:
Guys, he didn't actually do those things... Apparently, Idgit is making a funny... :rolleyes:

Anyway, it was during the discussion and I don't even remember what was said, but I'm sure it was in response to one of Irvin's outrageous comments and TJ responded like two friends tend to do when they're talking in private...not necessarily on the air w/a national audience tuned in.

maybe it's just me, but i thought it was funny. we need to quit being so sensitive and afraid to hurt feelings of someone. i'm not saying we should *intentionally* go out and try to be mean and hateful, but when you're just talking and something like that is said - there is NO NEED (imho) to have to be all humble and apologetic.

irvin was acting ******** so he got called on it. let it go now.
iceberg said:
maybe it's just me, but i thought it was funny. we need to quit being so sensitive and afraid to hurt feelings of someone. i'm not saying we should *intentionally* go out and try to be mean and hateful, but when you're just talking and something like that is said - there is NO NEED (imho) to have to be all humble and apologetic.

irvin was acting ******** so he got called on it. let it go now.
I didn't actually have a problem w/Tom Jackson's statement despite the fact that I have a severely disabled cousin, who actually does the things that Idgit joked about in his post.

I responded to Idgit's post the way I did, because I didn't want people to think that that's actually what occurred on the show, then someone reading this thread, take it and post it on some other board, and so on and so forth. Not everyone gets internet sarcasm, which is what I took his post as.

I also then explained how it might have occurred during the show and in what context. So in this case, I was not being PC. I was providing info.
I saw that segment.

They were discussing the Eli/Peyton angle of the Giants and Colts game, and the question that came up was which of the two brothers wanted the win more. Irv passionately commented that it was more important to Eli and he rambled on and on, explaining why he thought so.

That was when Tom Jackson asked him if he was ********, not in response to the explanation itself, but because Michael said it in a way that anyone who thought otherwise was an idiot.

You could tell Michael was set back by that rhetorical question, because he then immediately closed his soup cooler and tapped his lips with his fingers.

I think the apology was more aimed at Michael than anyone else.
WoodysGirl said:
I didn't actually have a problem w/Tom Jackson's statement despite the fact that I have a severely disabled cousin, who actually does the things that Idgit joked about in his post.

I responded to Idgit's post the way I did, because I didn't want people to think that that's actually what occurred on the show, then someone reading this thread, take it and post it on some other board, and so on and so forth. Not everyone gets internet sarcasm, which is what I took his post as.

I also then explained how it might have occurred during the show and in what context. So in this case, I was not being PC. I was providing info.

sorry wg- i realized after i posted i did a "quote" from you and i need to watch that. i just tend to pick a place to dive into conversations most of the time and not trying to "call anyone out". i save that for adamjt. : )

my post was meant to be in general and just chiming into a convo, so yes that did come out wrong from my end.
I agree that all of this politically correctness is crap.

But on national media with millions of viewers, it was out of line in my opinion.

When we make fun of someone with a condition that they were born with and have no control over, it is not cool.

Whether it is your mental capacity that we are discussing here, how big you are, or how small you are, the color of your skin, the size of your nose or ears, how ugly you are or anything that you are born with and can't control, I don't think that is fair game to ridicule or make light of.

I think the biggest thing here is that is was on national TV.
I know a ******** person and I am offended by all this fake sympathy and pretending that you know what does or doesn't offend them.
mschmidt64 said:
I know a ******** person and I am offended by all this fake sympathy and pretending that you know what does or doesn't offend them.

Yeah, we all know Nors.

Does the fact that some people are born idiot savants keep you from calling someone else an "idiot"? I don't think so, any more than Albert Einstein would be rolling over in his grave for some Commander fans calling Al Saunders a "genius". Lighten up.

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