News: PFT: Jerry Jones: NFL is excited about Netflix becoming a "huge part" of our future

Mine was fine until after the women fought. It then started to get wonky.
I gotta admit, those women were great. Best fight of the night. Tough, tough girls. They over complained about the headbutt. The first 2 were completely accidental, then after that cut opened, the referee told the other girl to change her style. That's total BS. He watched her the whole way like a hawk. Funny thing is, she got out-pointed. I don't know how she won.
Surprised no one is posting what Jerry said about the stadium and the fans. Apparently he could have bought something just for the fans in Texas but he wanted a stadium that would be globally talked about. Lol.
So weird, I had zero issues with Paul/Tyson fight last night. Heard lots of people had issues though. I'd like to think Netflix will improve that.

Amazon, on the other hand, sucks. I legit couldn't even get the TNF game to load on my desktop the other night (I'll often watch football on one screen and chat in the game thread on the other screen). It's not my internet because everything else is buttery smooth for me. Even when I can get Amazon streaming, I often get pixelated issues all the time with them.
The fact Jerry is proud of that crapshow of a fight....and an abortion of a telecast should tell you everything you need to know how Jerry has lost it as a business man.

Netflix stands to lose millions of customers after that streaming nightmare. No way in hell is Netflix gonna be able to stream the NFL and be successful.
Goodell better be threatening to pull that game unless they get their streaming together. If Peacock can do it, you would think netflix could.
I think it was a bandwidth issue. I don't know the specifics, but 120 million people watched the fight. For reference, 123 million people watched last seasons Super Bowl. The wildcard game between Miami and KC is Peacock's most viewed live event with 23 million viewers.

It was a bad decision to make the Tyson-Paul fight the first live event for Netflix without having tested how the servers would hold up, but it wasn't apples to apples in comparison to Peacock's performance. Netflix should have anticipated this and adjusted their infrastructure accordingly. They don't get a pass here. Hopefully this opens some eyes and they adjust as necessary moving forward.
That's because Jerry was watching the fight from the comfort of his owners box, unlike the rest of us that were refreshing tirelessly trying to get the fight to stream properly before finally giving up. He is so disconnected from the fans and reality that it isn't funny.
Didn’t watch, but was the 400 level open?

I prefer to sit with an aerial view for football and baseball, but even the 300 level in the stayjum is pushing it for football.

Couldn’t imagine watching a boxing match from that vantage point despite the large tv. Just stay home in that case.
Heard Booger on The Fan 105.3 yesterday, and the FIRST thing out of his mouth was telling listeners that AT&T was open early at 3:00 for pre-fight festivities...i, up early and spend more money....I've NEVER done a 180 on any person in my life like I have him.
Speaking of bandwidth, viewing, streaming issues, anyone having major issues watching NFL games on Amazon prime? It's been terrible for me. The streaming is choppy , lags way behind, and freezes. Unwatchable.
I just want to know when Jerry becomes a huge part of our past?

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