News: PFT: Marriott tries to dismiss Michael Irvin's lawsuit, claims he made "harassing and inappropriate comments"

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cocaine.... in the 90s? bahahahahhahahaahhahaahhahahahahah. He also was arrested for pot at some point, something that is legal in many states.

Who cares. I know you do, but if we locked up every person that did cocaine, I bet this place would be empty.
Of course. These Cowboy players can do anything inappropriate illegal and you’re just fine with it. Great role model for fans .
Marriott is actually trying to distance themeselves from it by saying they are involved only in name and were not involved in the actions taken. I'm guessing here but at some point they will ask the employee if she felt like she was in danger or exactly what was the reason they felt they needed to move him out of the hotel....again he could be completley lying but he could also be a victim of a situation. If the video shows a normal interaction and no confrontation you dont think moving him at 3am with security could be an issue?
Yes, I do think that would be an issue. I had not heard 3am in the morning but that would signify something elevated.

I think their lawyers have already talked to the woman to ascertain just what happened and if the actions taken were appropriate. Doesn't matter, they have to deal with it now.

I did not see a ruling on their exposure in this situation.
Did she set out to defame Irvin? Has she tried to cause him any harm? There is no proof of either yet some called her names and that she was after a cash grab, that has strangely not shown up.

Could it be this woman was just doing her job?

I am not saying he is guilty; I just lean in that direction because of his history and I can't find a motive for this woman to lie. What's she after? Money? Her 15 minutes of fame? She sure has a strange way of showing that.

The first incident was reported as inappropriate but then amended to include harassing, which is different and more elevated to me.
we dont have motive for either side and with the story changing from physical to verbal after the video was demanded it doesnt show good faith on thier side either.Marriott now has come out and basically said "We didnt call any shots because we lease our name to that hotel" that could be a ploy to dismiss but I'm guessing the Marriott lawyers are asking them "did she feel in danger why would you move this guy out of the hotel at 3am with security over words unless it was a threat". If it comes out he said "Hey pretty Lady" and was just bneing nice is that enough to have security usher him out at 3am like he caused a big disturbance in the hotel? Do you think that his lawyers might ask what thier policy is to remove a customer from the hotel? This suit has some questions that will now have to be answered...again did he threaten her in that 45 second video?
Yes, I do think that would be an issue. I had not heard 3am in the morning but that would signify something elevated.

I think their lawyers have already talked to the woman to ascertain just what happened and if the actions taken were appropriate. Doesn't matter, they have to deal with it now.

I did not see a ruling on their exposure in this situation.
They have not dismissed it and have moved up the time for the video to be submitted.
we dont have motive for either side and with the story changing from physical to verbal after the video was demanded it doesnt show good faith on thier side either.Marriott now has come out and basically said "We didnt call any shots because we lease our name to that hotel" that could be a ploy to dismiss but I'm guessing the Marriott lawyers are asking them "did she feel in danger why would you move this guy out of the hotel at 3am with security over words unless it was a threat". If it comes out he said "Hey pretty Lady" and was just bneing nice is that enough to have security usher him out at 3am like he caused a big disturbance in the hotel? Do you think that his lawyers might ask what thier policy is to remove a customer from the hotel? This suit has some questions that will now have to be answered...again did he threaten her in that 45 second video?
If a threat had taken place, they would have been obligated to call the police.

Don't know anything about her but I do not think "Hey pretty lady" gets reported.
I watched them play pretty damned high, I don't mind if they take it for a spin.
Yes, taking drugs isn’t an issue with me until sexual misconduct and or abuse is involved .

That’s my over riding issue in all of this . Just can’t imagine not having more concerns about the women , instead for a jock with multiple accusations and history .
Irresponsible fandom!!
If a threat had taken place, they would have been obligated to call the police.

Don't know anything about her but I do not think "Hey pretty lady" gets reported.
A proposition would be a police issue also, thats my point anything thats bad enough to walk him out at 3am should be a police issue. Drunk and disorderly all of it, if the hotel was doing him a solid because of who he is it will come out quickly as he is suing them for alot of money. The things that have happened so far are not showing that, thats why I'm saying lets see what they have before we assume he said something worthy of what the hotel did, which right now includes calling his work and reporting the incident. Kinda shocked the NFL network has not come out either as the lawyers are asking for who was called and how they came to thier decision also, which you would think they would tell that story quickly also...we shall see.
He’s been investigated 4 times now for sexual misconduct . One time he pleaded out to a lesser charge of cocaine possession . Received probation and suspended by the NFL.

The last time he lost his job at NFL and settled his case out of court .

If you want to believe just because he wasn’t prosecuted means he’s totally innocent and Irvin is a choir boy then your fandom is more blurred than I ever imagined .
I never once said he was a choir boy, but I also know people in his position have people looking to get money out of him... as in the case settled out of court. That person wanted money more than anything else.

When you have money, some people are always looking for ways to get some of it. If you dont understand that, you are more naïve than I ever imagined.
Yes, taking drugs isn’t an issue with me until sexual misconduct and or abuse is involved .

That’s my over riding issue in all of this . Just can’t imagine not having more concerns about the women , instead for a jock with multiple accusations and history .
Irresponsible fandom!!
My concern for the woman? According to the WITNESS, she shook his damn hand and went back to work. Im sure she now cant sleep at night and has suffered PTSD from her 45 second experience with that evil evil man. How will she ever work again after having to deal with such a traumatic event.

I actually served in a combat zone and had to run and jump into bunkers and put on chemical gear and pray like hell no bomb landed near me. I am amazed I can still function in society....smh
Of course. These Cowboy players can do anything inappropriate illegal and you’re just fine with it. Great role model for fans .
oh spare me. Im just a person. I couldnt care less what they do. I have plenty of friends that have done drugs and I dont care what they do either. You just expect them all to go to bible study on Sundays.... I do not.
I never once said he was a choir boy, but I also know people in his position have people looking to get money out of him... as in the case settled out of court. That person wanted money more than anything else.

When you have money, some people are always looking for ways to get some of it. If you dont understand that, you are more naïve than I ever imagined.
Of course , Irvin is the victim. I totally understand and most athletes don’t have these issues. I guess you haven’t figured out why some do.
It’s really sad the attitude you have towards the women being sexually harassed. What a guy.
Have u seen ANY evidence Irvin actually did anything? Multiple witnesses said nothing happened, the lady shook his hand to end the convo, so obviously he didn’t do anything THAT bad, and the Marriot is trying to withhold evidence in the videos….if they have anything incriminating, they would have given it up. Ur just blindly believing the women….as if women NEVER lie, never try to scam people or act vindictive. Sorry, the whole #beleiveALLwomen thing is BS….they can be just as bad as men.
Why would an employee lie about it ?

And why would you believe anyone with Irvin’s history of sexual misconduct ? I know. You loved him as a Cowboy. Sounds like typical womanizing mentality.
thats a broad stroke, if you wont make a judgement from fact you are a womanizer? come on now surely you can see why some want to have proof of wrong doing before they make a judgement. You say "with his background" and "Why would the employee lie" do we even know the employee's name much less the background? What if it comes out she has been through multiple accusations with the local law with no merit, would you feel like you leaned way too far the other way?
thats a broad stroke, if you wont make a judgement from fact you are a womanizer? come on now surely you can see why some want to have proof of wrong doing before they make a judgement. You say "with his background" and "Why would the employee lie" do we even know the employee's name much less the background? What if it comes out she has been through multiple accusations with the local law with no merit, would you feel like you leaned way too far the other way?
No, probably not . I see no reason at this point to place more validity on his response than what probably placed him in this situation.
Have u seen ANY evidence Irvin actually did anything? Multiple witnesses said nothing happened, the lady shook his hand to end the convo, so obviously he didn’t do anything THAT bad, and the Marriot is trying to withhold evidence in the videos….if they have anything incriminating, they would have given it up. Ur just blindly believing the women….as if women NEVER lie, never try to scam people or act vindictive. Sorry, the whole #beleiveALLwomen thing is BS….they can be just as bad as men.
No, my opinion and speculation is solely based on Irvin’s sexual misconduct history and the actions the Marriott and NFL Network deemed necessary.

And I apologize for my previous comment . That was uncalled for . Thanks !
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There is enough that we do not know about this to wonder just what the hell is going on.

There is more mystery around this involving the hotel and what they said and the NFLN and what they said and did.

What makes the most sense to me is that his call into 105.3 triggered the NFLN and we don't know that they didn't tell him to keep his head down. If they were working to smooth the road, you can imagine them getting pissed when he went public and tied their hands. And yes, I realize this is conjecture on my part but the timing makes sense to me.

It is possible that Irvin blew his own cover and has nobody but himself to blame for the chain of events.

That also had to be a crazy two days waiting to hear what was going to happen. Did the NFLN just leave him alone for two days? We may never know the extent of their involvement in this and how this might have been mishandled unless the Marriott attorneys get them on the stand to testify. After all, it is the combination of his call in and their action that brought about this lawsuit.
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No, my opinion and speculation is solely based on Irvin’s sexual misconduct history and the actions the Marriott and NFL Network deemed necessary.
IM a teacher. If a fellow teacher or student went to admin and claimed I made sexual advances at them, I would be immediately placed on 30 day paid administrative leave. It would have ZERO to do with my innocence or guilt. You keep falling back on what NFLN did as some sort of proof that they have evidence of Irvin's guilt. Wake up to how these entities act in today's world.

Had Irvin been immediately fired, then Id agree with you, but you must not understand how these things work since you keep leaning on NFLN actions to justify your position.
I agree with you guys, if she doesn't want to be grabbed or talked to dirty she needs to stay at home. I have a signed autograph from Mike and he was nice. Dang crybaby women not wanting to be verbally or physically abused. She was just mad Mike didn't want to go up to her office.
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