News: PFT: Marriott tries to dismiss Michael Irvin's lawsuit, claims he made "harassing and inappropriate comments"

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Your logic never adds up. When he did the call, he had already been pulled from the Superbowl coverage. That was the whole point of the call.
Did you listen to the call because he told them he was hiding out, not that he had been removed.

You are the one that is confused.

That was not the point of the call, it was a regular scheduled call in that they had promoted. He was to talk about the matchup, not his problem.
LOL, neither the woman or the hotel is talking to TMZ.

The hotel was already on her side because they took her word for what transpired.

We do not know anything about her but she may have a host of fellow employees on her side.

Those witnesses can only testify to what they saw and will try to interpret the facts from that but the Marriott lawyers will not allow them to draw conclusions without actually hearing the conversation.

Like I've mentioned before, we know nothing about this woman like her position at the hotel or tenure and is she in management or a hospitality role? Was she acting in that role when she addressed Irvin?

And what is her motive for fabricating this?

Agree but that is why I said hush hush on someone on her side But and a big BUT, if no one to come to her defense and that video has no audio, she has big problems. I am in the middle on this, no Mike is no saint but he does deserve a fair process since someone has made a claim against him. This is the USA not N.Korea or Russia. We have to let this play out but if no witnesses for her or audio it better show him smacking her on her butt or the Marriott could have problems.
What's more, the hotel manager is accused in reporting the incident to the NFL 'with the intention of damaging that relationship and canceling [Irvin].'

so we dont need proof of what she said but you do need proof that this report is wrong?
Accused by Irvin's mouthpiece? LMAO
Did you listen to the call because he told them he was hiding out, not that he had been removed.

You are the one that is confused.

That was not the point of the call, it was a regular scheduled call in that they had promoted. He was to talk about the matchup, not his problem.
No I am not the confused one here. This is what happens when someone has already made their mind up based on whether they like someone or not. They just make up anything to support their position which usually doesn't make sense.
We have a growing base of fans who support a former player with countless history of sexual misconduct who’s been accused again of suspect behavior . Amazing ..
No I am not the confused one here. This is what happens when someone has already made their mind up based on whether they like someone or not. They just make up anything to support their position which usually doesn't make sense.
You certainly sound like you’ve come to some conclusions as well in your defense of an accused former Cowboys player with numerous sexual misconduct offenses.

So far your energy has been exclusively on his defense. If you were playing devils advocate what is a concern with his case?
We have a growing base of fans who support a former player with countless history of sexual misconduct who’s been accused again of suspect behavior . Amazing ..
Lol or we have people here who believe in a system of proof...why is that so hard to get. Parole should not be a thing in your world because people obviously are guilty there whole lives no matter what. I'm not saying #88 did nothing wrong I am saying if you accuse another person of something in the system we use you better be able to prove they did because we do have defamation suites for a reason. You may be the perfect human, or maybe you have made mistakes and learned from them, if your in the latter lets hope the people you rely on dont subscribe to your "once guilty always guilty" mindset.
We have a growing base of fans who support a former player with countless history of sexual misconduct who’s been accused again of suspect behavior . Amazing ..
how many convictions does irvin have for sexually related issues? remind me.
Lol or we have people here who believe in a system of proof...why is that so hard to get. Parole should not be a thing in your world because people obviously are guilty there whole lives no matter what. I'm not saying #88 did nothing wrong I am saying if you accuse another person of something in the system we use you better be able to prove they did because we do have defamation suites for a reason. You may be the perfect human, or maybe you have made mistakes and learned from them, if your in the latter lets hope the people you rely on dont subscribe to your "once guilty always guilty" mindset.
and here we have it. Mike had issues in the past, so thats it, he is guilt of any and all accusations. I copied a paragraph from wikipedia that discusses a 100% false claim against Mike from 1996 that could have sent him to prison for 20 years..... had this forum been around then, these same people would have been ready to send him to prison the day the accusations came out.
Agree but that is why I said hush hush on someone on her side But and a big BUT, if no one to come to her defense and that video has no audio, she has big problems. I am in the middle on this, no Mike is no saint but he does deserve a fair process since someone has made a claim against him. This is the USA not N.Korea or Russia. We have to let this play out but if no witnesses for her or audio it better show him smacking her on her butt or the Marriott could have problems.
Her company has already come to her defense by taking action on her word.
Lol or we have people here who believe in a system of proof...why is that so hard to get. Parole should not be a thing in your world because people obviously are guilty there whole lives no matter what. I'm not saying #88 did nothing wrong I am saying if you accuse another person of something in the system we use you better be able to prove they did because we do have defamation suites for a reason. You may be the perfect human, or maybe you have made mistakes and learned from them, if your in the latter lets hope the people you rely on dont subscribe to your "once guilty always guilty" mindset.
We haven’t even arrived at whether he is guilty or not. We are still at the phase of did this warrant the actions taken . And do we agree with the actions taken.

None of us have all of the evidence to determine this case. But we can speculate based on the info we have . And the history of the accused which does apply like it would for any suspect with previous history .

His history doesn’t mean he’s guilty but a big concern. I’m sure his history is why they responded in such fashion.
and here we have it. Mike had issues in the past, so thats it, he is guilt of any and all accusations. I copied a paragraph from wikipedia that discusses a 100% false claim against Mike from 1996 that could have sent him to prison for 20 years..... had this forum been around then, these same people would have been ready to send him to prison the day the accusations came out.
Michael pleaded out to Cocaine charges from the 1996 incident which he received probation and was suspended by the NFL.
This is the 4th time Irvin had been invested for sexual misconduct . The last time cost him his job at ESPN which he settled out of court with charges.

Amazing we still have fans who appear blurred by his Cowboys fandom assuming he’s being falsely accused again. You don’t have to be found guilty to not be innocent.
Michael pleaded out to Cocaine charges from the 1996 incident which he received probation and was suspended by the NFL.
cocaine.... in the 90s? bahahahahhahahaahhahaahhahahahahah. He also was arrested for pot at some point, something that is legal in many states.

Who cares. I know you do, but if we locked up every person that did cocaine, I bet this place would be empty.
Lol or we have people here who believe in a system of proof...why is that so hard to get. Parole should not be a thing in your world because people obviously are guilty there whole lives no matter what. I'm not saying #88 did nothing wrong I am saying if you accuse another person of something in the system we use you better be able to prove they did because we do have defamation suites for a reason. You may be the perfect human, or maybe you have made mistakes and learned from them, if your in the latter lets hope the people you rely on dont subscribe to your "once guilty always guilty" mindset.
Did she set out to defame Irvin? Has she tried to cause him any harm? There is no proof of either yet some called her names and that she was after a cash grab, that has strangely not shown up.

Could it be this woman was just doing her job?

I am not saying he is guilty; I just lean in that direction because of his history and I can't find a motive for this woman to lie. What's she after? Money? Her 15 minutes of fame? She sure has a strange way of showing that.

The first incident was reported as inappropriate but then amended to include harassing, which is different and more elevated to me.
how many convictions does irvin have for sexually related issues? remind me.
He’s been investigated 4 times now for sexual misconduct . One time he pleaded out to a lesser charge of cocaine possession . Received probation and suspended by the NFL.

The last time he lost his job at NFL and settled his case out of court .

If you want to believe just because he wasn’t prosecuted means he’s totally innocent and Irvin is a choir boy then your fandom is more blurred than I ever imagined .
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Her company has already come to her defense by taking action on her word.
Marriott is actually trying to distance themeselves from it by saying they are involved only in name and were not involved in the actions taken. I'm guessing here but at some point they will ask the employee if she felt like she was in danger or exactly what was the reason they felt they needed to move him out of the hotel....again he could be completley lying but he could also be a victim of a situation. If the video shows a normal interaction and no confrontation you dont think moving him at 3am with security could be an issue?
cocaine.... in the 90s? bahahahahhahahaahhahaahhahahahahah. He also was arrested for pot at some point, something that is legal in many states.

Who cares. I know you do, but if we locked up every person that did cocaine, I bet this place would be empty.
I'd still be here. I would have convincingly lied but I would still be here.
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