News: PFT: Michael Irvin's lawyer is "mad" that Marriott refuses to produce surveillance video

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I haven't followed too closely, and maybe this has been answered, but how did Marriott move the case to federal court?
For context, this "mad as hell" lawyer is Jerrah's personal lawyer and defended him in the paternity suit. He also chose Texas to file charges even though it all happened in Arizona. Hmm wonder why...

Marriott is a huge international corporation. Their lawyers are no joke nor to be trifled with, so some of you might wanna hold off on the touchdown dances.
Since Irvin resides in Texas it had to be filed in a Texas court. No conspiracy there.
I haven't followed too closely, and maybe this has been answered, but how did Marriott move the case to federal court?
Since Irvin resides in Texas it had to be filed in Texas in the state courts. Marriott then can request it be moved to Federal Court. Basically saying no they don't want local Texan judges ruling over a Texan resident vs. and out of state corporation or person.
However from what I read that is a standard move. Irvin's attorney can motion to move it back to a state court.
Since Irvin resides in Texas it had to be filed in Texas in the state courts. Marriott then can request it be moved to Federal Court. Basically saying no they don't want local Texan judges ruling over a Texan resident vs. and out of state corporation or person.
However from what I read that is a standard move. Irvin's attorney can motion to move it back to a state court.

Thank you for the explanation. Makes sense
Mike Florio's a lawyer. He ended his article with this:

"And the longer Marriott resists producing it, the more some will possibly begin to think that the video hurts the company’s position. Really, if it confirms the allegation, why not let Irvin and the rest of the world see what’s there?"

I'll stick by what I said. I think the tape exonerates Mike. We'll see if I'm right.
I would never stick by anything Florio says. Having a law degree and actively practicing law with a major corporation is a little different.

Bolded, because they are not obligated to do anything but defend their employer. He is the one that filed the suit and outed himself on a radio program. All they did was move him from that particular room and most likely, the hotel. He didn't mention where he was "hiding out", the moron. But he did use those words and they will use the same ones against him if this goes to the next stages.

Think about this from their vantage point. His career with NFLN is in limbo right now. He filed the suit, why cooperate and help him with anything? They probably like letting him twist in the wind.
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I wish they'd hurry up and get the tape out there so I'll know which side to root for.

I refuse to root for Irvin just because he was a Cowboy, but I refuse to take these claims seriously until it's been proven. Way too many being falsely accused these days.
I would never stick by anything Florio says. Having a law degree and actively practicing law with a major corporation is a little different.

Bolded, because they are not obligated to do anything but defend their employer. He is the one that filed the suit and outed himself on a radio program. All they did was move him from that particular room and most likely, the hotel. He didn't mention where he was "hiding out", the moron. But he did use those words and they will use the same ones against him if this goes to the next stages.

Think about this from their vantage point. His career with NFLN is in limbo right now. He filed the suit, why cooperate and help him with anything? They probably like letting him twist in the wind.
Exactly. One could even argue they were trying to keep the whole matter quiet. Neither the woman nor Marriott nor NFLN have ever indicated any desire to make this public or seek some financial gain. Only Irvin and his hired mouthpiece who is Jerrah's "Mr. Wolf" have done so.

Nothing in Marriott's actions indicate guilt. They are defending themselves from a $100 million lawsuit.
I would never stick by anything Florio says. Having a law degree and actively practicing law with a major corporation is a little different.

Bolded, because they are not obligated to do anything but defend their employer. He is the one that filed the suit and outed himself on a radio program. All they did was move him from that particular room and most likely, the hotel. He didn't mention where he was "hiding out", the moron. But he did use those words and they will use the same ones against him if this goes to the next stages.

Think about this from their vantage point. His career with NFLN is in limbo right now. He filed the suit, why cooperate and help him with anything? They probably like letting him twist in the wind.
"Why cooperate and help him with anything?"

So if the tape "helps" Irvin, what would that tell you about these allegations?

I'm not a lawyer and won't pretend to be a legal expert. Florio's question may have been rhetorical as opposed to one based on Marriott's legal strategy.

Even if we completely ignore the Marriott legal team's actions, Irvin's side desperately wants the tape out for a reason. Why do that if you're guilty? Why fight for the smoking gun that would shatter your case?

Eyewitnesses back up Mike's account. I think there's a very good chance he's innocent.
Exactly. One could even argue they were trying to keep the whole matter quiet. Neither the woman nor Marriott nor NFLN have ever indicated any desire to make this public or seek some financial gain. Only Irvin and his hired mouthpiece who is Jerrah's "Mr. Wolf" have done so.

Nothing in Marriott's actions indicate guilt. They are defending themselves from a $100 million lawsuit.
Irvin's lawyers desperately wanting the release of the tape indicates innocence.

Nobody fights for the smoking gun that would prove their own guilt.

Eyewitnesses back up Mike's account as well.
Irvin's lawyers desperately wanting the release of the tape indicates innocence.

Nobody fights for the smoking gun that would prove their own guilt.

Eyewitnesses back up Mike's account as well.
You're assuming the tape is the entirety of what happened that caused Marriott to have Irvin leave. All we're hearing is one side of things.
Irvin's lawyers desperately wanting the release of the tape indicates innocence.

Nobody fights for the smoking gun that would prove their own guilt.

Eyewitnesses back up Mike's account as well.
Not that I'm talking sides, but Irvin's lawyers wanting the video could be because they want time to come up with a plausible story, or they may simply be demanding it for the optics, just to make people who don't know any better think it means he's innocent.

Or it's possible that Mike is completely innocent of any wrongdoing and they want to prove it as quickly as possible in the court of public opinion.

Until we see the video, we have no idea what it proves, if anything.
I wish they'd hurry up and get the tape out there so I'll know which side to root for.

I refuse to root for Irvin just because he was a Cowboy, but I refuse to take these claims seriously until it's been proven. Way too many being falsely accused these days.
Yep but I really think this is coming down to a he said/she said and he's already said he doesn't remember. He is not defending himself since he filed the suit but now that he's filed this suit, he really is on the defense because of what he's already said. He can't even prove he didn't say it through himself with credibility.

Just how stupid is this guy? When he was talking to the radio guys, they hadn't heard anything about what he was talking about and said so. His response? "Well you will be". Yes, from him because his self-importance is so great that he thought the hotel and woman would be racing to the media with this.

There is no business on this planet that can keep better secrets than a hotel. Unless the cops are involved, they're making no comments. There was 0 benefit to them going public. If they had, Irvin might have a stronger suit charging intent to do harm.

But I'd bet the Marriott lawyers are laughing their butts off that Irvin's lawyer is mad as hell. Probably trying to think up new ways to piss him off.
I would never stick by anything Florio says. Having a law degree and actively practicing law with a major corporation is a little different.

Bolded, because they are not obligated to do anything but defend their employer. He is the one that filed the suit and outed himself on a radio program. All they did was move him from that particular room and most likely, the hotel. He didn't mention where he was "hiding out", the moron. But he did use those words and they will use the same ones against him if this goes to the next stages.

Think about this from their vantage point. His career with NFLN is in limbo right now. He filed the suit, why cooperate and help him with anything? They probably like letting him twist in the wind.
What do you have against Irvin? Seems personal. You seriously have the worst takes on this. Irvin's own lawsuit Sayes he has been banned from all Marriott properties. It's literally in the court record. The lawsuit is also about business interference, which you acknowledge in your last paragraph. It doesn't matter if he outed himself. That has nothing to do with the case.
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