Game Day Philadelphia Eagles at Dallas Cowboys 1st Half

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Why do the Cowboys constantly have OL on the ground? It’s crazy how frequently it happens.
Eagles basically daring Dak to run...they know he doesn't want to unless it's literally his last option
My goodness I'd even take a jet sweep about now - just do something different.

How about a toss sweep or RPO
Dak has to go. That’s as easy a throw as there is and would have been a 20-30 yard gain. I could have made that throw. Dak just can’t put it all together and be the guy who always leads. Instead, he is the guy who always lets up, makes mistakes, or is too inconsistent to when anything. I’m done hoping he finally gets it. Even if he plays well the rest of this game and then somehow win, it won’t change my mind. Real QBs capable of winning Super Bowls don’t lose 17 point leads or miss that pass in a huge game against your biggest division rival who is in 1st place.
What really pisses me off about the interception...Is his lack of effort trying to make the tackle afterwards. That's a quitter right there.
I think everybody on TV and int he Stands knows we run on 1st down. Hell the starving kid in Africa know as well an they don't have electricity or TV's.
If he will keep running, the pass will open up for him
Dak plays better when he’s not apprehensive to run. Once he stopped running as much his games started to become inconsistent. He needs to keep using his legs.
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