Phillip Daniels out 1-2 weeks with sprained back

I don't see why everyone's getting so worked up about the Skins injuries so far. The Giants have suffered worse injuries so far, just as one example. The skins only have 1 player with a serious injury - Springs - the rest should be ready when the season starts. You could pick almost any team and they'd have about as many minor injuries as the skins have right now.
TobiasEagle77 said:
I don't see why everyone's getting so worked up about the Skins injuries so far. The Giants have suffered worse injuries so far, just as one example. The skins only have 1 player with a serious injury - Springs - the rest should be ready when the season starts. You could pick almost any team and they'd have about as many minor injuries as the skins have right now.

we really don't know how "minor" they are..... shoulders do not heal in a week or two.... I have a bad one from football so I know! We really don't know about the back injury either. So, I wouldn't go out on a limb and call them "Minor".:cool:
TobiasEagle77 said:
I don't see why everyone's getting so worked up about the Skins injuries so far. The Giants have suffered worse injuries so far, just as one example. The skins only have 1 player with a serious injury - Springs - the rest should be ready when the season starts. You could pick almost any team and they'd have about as many minor injuries as the skins have right now.
I kind of agree with you, except that Portis is a major player and his injury is pretty serious...
CarlosRodgers said:
Right now we're a little nicked and honestly don't see us beating you in Big D cuase Owens on one of our backup CB's simply scares me.
It should scare you because Owens will have your idol changing his name to toast. You should follow suit soon thereafter.

That's 't-o-a-s-t', btw.
kmd24 said:
Just a friendly tip. If your username is supposed to be that of the Washington CB, you spelled it wrong. R-O-G-E-R-S.

DallasEast said:
It should scare you because Owens will have your idol changing his name to toast. You should follow suit soon thereafter.

That's 't-o-a-s-t', btw.

:lmao2: :laugh1: :lmao2:
So...where did the RedStink roach go? Did he crawl back to the dump called ExtremeStinks?

Guy cannot even spell correctly...gets slapped, and embarassed and disappears!

Typical RedStink....:laugh1:

HeavyHitta31 said:
No, however I would like to discuss your username:

My Name is Carlos Rodgers..yes its almost the same as the Commanders CB...

My post in this forum for all you fans, its that I'm not gonna come in here and act like a fool. yes I support your biggest enemy, but I am an educated football fan. If I like something or someone on your team, I have no problem giving credit where credit is due. And no, I'm not some homer of the skins, we have weaknesses like every other team and injuries are starting to bite us early this yr.

I again repeat that the race to win the East will be between Dallas and the Skins. Heck the only reason you guys didn't make the playoffs and we did was our head to head meeting. But as a student of the game (I'm a football freak..), I see the biggest strength of the coyboys this yr is your Defence Ver 2.0. You see a 3-4 take 24 months fully to understand and gel as a team than a 4-3 where in 1 year, most teams do adjust. With better linebackers this yr and younger talent upfront, I think your defence will carry you guys the first 6 games.

Biggest weakness is still Bledsoe..he does hold the ball way too long. H is accurate if your open, but in this divison now, all teams have good linemen so for me that would be your biggest weakness along with the O -line.

For us skins, if Brunell or Springs gets hurt for an extended time, forget it, with the wide recievers we have in the East now. As you can see my whole focus in this post focues only on the East and not outside matchups.

Instead of flaming me like you do to every Commanders fan, it would be nice if you guys could respond and let me know that either I'm way off with some of my points or I actually do know what I'm talking about.

Can't wait for Week number 2. I think I might come to see the game from DC as my boss is a Cowboys Fan. We argue all day long but its good educated arguing if you get my point!

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