Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Kangaroo said:
PS hollywood quit doing freakin remakes of movies that came out in my childhood years :banghead:I will not waste my money on them.
Here here. Leave "Rear Window," "The Longest Yard" and "The Pink Panther" (among many others) alone.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Although the story may not be as good or other reason for not liking it as much as the first one.

I have come the conclusion that my exp with a movie can be swayed with my expectations before watching the movie.

If I am really wanting to see a new movie and think it is going to be great...chances are it will let me down some almost every time. It is very rare that I expect a movie to be great and it actually be great or better than I expected.

It just gets so hyped up or something and it is hard to live up to the hype many times.

On a flip note there will be movies that I heard were flat out terrible, or looked like they may be. Then upon watching the movie I find out it was decent..nowhere near as bad as I was expecting.

Expectations, at least for me, can play a major part when I see a movie.

My usual rule of thumb is if the critics hate it I'll love it :D
The History Channel showed a two-hour documentary on pirates last night and it was great.

Some of the stories were unbelievable ... I don't think Hollywood could even come up with that stuff.

Sometimes the truth is even better and more entertaining than fiction.
Chief said:
The History Channel showed a two-hour documentary on pirates last night and it was great.

Some of the stories were unbelievable ... I don't think Hollywood could even come up with that stuff.

Sometimes the truth is even better and more entertaining than fiction.

I TiVo'ed that one Chief but I haven't watched it yet...

Glad to hear it is worth a peek...
Chief said:
The History Channel showed a two-hour documentary on pirates last night and it was great.

Some of the stories were unbelievable ... I don't think Hollywood could even come up with that stuff.

Sometimes the truth is even better and more entertaining than fiction.

Have you seen the 2 hour special on Edward Teach aka Blackbeard

on Discovery Channel that guy was a legend for a reason and it is very while done
Kangaroo said:
Have you seen the 2 hour special on Edward Teach aka Blackbeard

on Discovery Channel that guy was a legend for a reason and it is very while done

I watched the movie that was on..thought it was longer than two hours but not too bad considering the budget seemed small for the film.

I kept seeing those eyes of the guy that played blackbeard and knew I seen the guy before and it was the guy who played the earl of bruce on Braveheart.

Also seen Richard Chamberlain playing a part in the movie and I thought he had died a few years ago.
I didn't see the movie about Blackbeard, but he's featured in the History Channel show. The more interesting stories, however, involved Ann Bonny and her story, as well as Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts, who captured over 400 vessels in his brief career.

You'll enjoy it, trickblue.
Yeagermeister said:
I heard the same thing about Superman and nothing happened. It's a nice little trick to get people to stay through the credits though. :D
X-Men 3 had quite a meaty scene at the end of the credits as well.
Chief said:
I didn't see the movie about Blackbeard, but he's featured in the History Channel show. The more interesting stories, however, involved Ann Bonny and her story, as well as Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts, who captured over 400 vessels in his brief career.

You'll enjoy it, trickblue.

I love movies and documentaries about pirates. i really wanted to see that but forgot, i rarely watch tv so when i do, i see an ad for something coming up later in the week and then i forget all about it.

i wonder if they'll have it on again.
Hoov said:
I love movies and documentaries about pirates. i really wanted to see that but forgot, i rarely watch tv so when i do, i see an ad for something coming up later in the week and then i forget all about it.

i wonder if they'll have it on again.

It comes on again at 6 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, July 16.
Chief said:
It comes on again at 6 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, July 16.

Thanks chief. I'm going to put a note on my TV so i'll remember
I stayed for the scenes after X3 and Pirates 2. I knew before hand what to expect at the end of X3, though I was disappointed that it was such a short scen. Ir ead the novel/adaptation by Chris Claremont so I held out hope that a scene introducing new X-Men (especially Gambit) would be there. Sadly it was not.
For Pirates 2 I was not sure there was a scene after the credits. I knew of the scen on the DVD of the first one, but I was hioping for maybe a preview of Pirates 3 (ala the Lord of the Rings The Two Towers preview after Fellowship). I almost left butr there were like 20 other people sticking around on a Tuesday night. I thought they must know something or they would not al be staying. I saw the scene, but again I was disappointed as I got no sneek peak at Pirates 3. Not sure I would advise anyone to sit through all the credits VS just fast forwarding throught hem when it comes out on DVD. But to each their own.

And by the way Brainpaint. I agree expectations play a big part in how I respond to a film as well. But I was really excited for this film and I did not leave disappointed, though I preferrred Barbossa's "skeleton crew" (pun intended) to Jones' crew of sea creatures. Another thing I have discovered is I enjoy a lot more if I go with my wife and a group of friends. Some films I have seen alone and thought "that wasn't so great", but after seeing them again with friends I laughed more, or thought it to be better than I gave it credit for. Then again it could just be having lowered expectations after having seen the film once and knowing what to epect the second time.

When you say Blackbeard was played by the "earl of Bruce" are meanin Robert the Bruce or his father in Braveheart?
acheman said:
I stayed for the scenes after X3 and Pirates 2. I knew before hand what to expect at the end of X3, though I was disappointed that it was such a short scen. Ir ead the novel/adaptation by Chris Claremont so I held out hope that a scene introducing new X-Men (especially Gambit) would be there. Sadly it was not.
For Pirates 2 I was not sure there was a scene after the credits. I knew of the scen on the DVD of the first one, but I was hioping for maybe a preview of Pirates 3 (ala the Lord of the Rings The Two Towers preview after Fellowship). I almost left butr there were like 20 other people sticking around on a Tuesday night. I thought they must know something or they would not al be staying. I saw the scene, but again I was disappointed as I got no sneek peak at Pirates 3. Not sure I would advise anyone to sit through all the credits VS just fast forwarding throught hem when it comes out on DVD. But to each their own.

And by the way Brainpaint. I agree expectations play a big part in how I respond to a film as well. But I was really excited for this film and I did not leave disappointed, though I preferrred Barbossa's "skeleton crew" (pun intended) to Jones' crew of sea creatures. Another thing I have discovered is I enjoy a lot more if I go with my wife and a group of friends. Some films I have seen alone and thought "that wasn't so great", but after seeing them again with friends I laughed more, or thought it to be better than I gave it credit for. Then again it could just be having lowered expectations after having seen the film once and knowing what to epect the second time.

When you say Blackbeard was played by the "earl of Bruce" are meanin Robert the Bruce or his father in Braveheart?

Robert...those eyes you can tell it was him and afterwards I looked up the actors name.
Yeagermeister said:
Angus something because that's where I got my dog's name. I though he was the guy that played Mel's redheaded friend :(

Edit: Angus Macfayden


Yep thats the guy.

Everything but the eyes looked so different from braveheart to blackbeard.

Blackbeard's black beard...kind of made me feel naughty and jealous.:p:

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