I stayed for the scenes after X3 and Pirates 2. I knew before hand what to expect at the end of X3, though I was disappointed that it was such a short scen. Ir ead the novel/adaptation by Chris Claremont so I held out hope that a scene introducing new X-Men (especially Gambit) would be there. Sadly it was not.
For Pirates 2 I was not sure there was a scene after the credits. I knew of the scen on the DVD of the first one, but I was hioping for maybe a preview of Pirates 3 (ala the Lord of the Rings The Two Towers preview after Fellowship). I almost left butr there were like 20 other people sticking around on a Tuesday night. I thought they must know something or they would not al be staying. I saw the scene, but again I was disappointed as I got no sneek peak at Pirates 3. Not sure I would advise anyone to sit through all the credits VS just fast forwarding throught hem when it comes out on DVD. But to each their own.
And by the way Brainpaint. I agree expectations play a big part in how I respond to a film as well. But I was really excited for this film and I did not leave disappointed, though I preferrred Barbossa's "skeleton crew" (pun intended) to Jones' crew of sea creatures. Another thing I have discovered is I enjoy a lot more if I go with my wife and a group of friends. Some films I have seen alone and thought "that wasn't so great", but after seeing them again with friends I laughed more, or thought it to be better than I gave it credit for. Then again it could just be having lowered expectations after having seen the film once and knowing what to epect the second time.
When you say Blackbeard was played by the "earl of Bruce" are meanin Robert the Bruce or his father in Braveheart?