As for the negative Petiti posts that showed up on this board over the last part of the season, it comes down, imo, to simply showing respect for the father of one of our players who is kind enough to post on the board and give us a little insight from a player's family.
That doesn't mean the player is off-limits, but the comments and titles of the threads were in many cases disgraceful and showed a complete lack of class and respect for Rob's father, who the posters knew was possibly reading the board.
I would venture to say that most of those posters either don't have kids themselves or would take great offense if someone said something similar about one of their kids.
All that being said, I expect to see a veteran FA brought in to compete for the OT position and that will do nothing but improve our team just by increasing the level of competition. I also expect Rob to show marked improvement after a year in the college of "hard knocks" and an off-season in the weight room. I believe Rob can and will have a future with the Cowboys.