Place your bets... Who's the "snitch"?...

LaTunaNostra;1231975 said:
Calls himself "T-Snitch" and has even got "BP " tattooed on his arm.

what are you the snitch master? between the pic and your sig, im starting to think you're the snitch
I think its the janitor that makes his way into the meeting room after each team meeting. Perhaps he wakes TO up after everyone else has left the room.

Ok.....I'll admit it. I'm the snitch. I was also on the grassy knoll.
Sam Hurd, he's tired of being an apprentice. He's making a daring move for a starting spot.
Tuna Helper;1231878 said:
TO's publicist is the snitch.

Exactly what I was gonna say. TO owes the snitch a great deal of thanks for the publicity he/she/it has generated for him.
The snitch is John Burke.

*wonders if anyone will get that*
Poor TO is such the victim.

If I had to make one guess though, I would say Haley.
I'm going to guess it's Patrick Crayton:

1, because he'd like to be a starter, and
2, because I found it really weird that he suddenly got some interview time on ESPN last month...surprising...but now it's making sense :)

Personally, I'd rather it be someone like Gurode so when T.O. confronts him, it will be someone who can kick his butt all over the locker room.
wayne_motley;1232127 said:
I'm going to guess it's Patrick Crayton:

1, because he'd like to be a starter, and
2, because I found it really weird that he suddenly got some interview time on ESPN last month...surprising...but now it's making sense :)

Personally, I'd rather it be someone like Gurode so when T.O. confronts him, it will be someone who can kick his butt all over the locker room.

As long as TO doesnt catch him with a cleat to the face first
Haley, but here is the conspiracy theory.

It is Haley doing the snitching but it is with the permission of Bill and Jerry.

I think Bill and Jerry realize what they got was not what they really hoped for and with that idea I think they are letting Haley leak info out to the press.

In doing so they are letting it be known that he sleeps in meetings, late to meetings, and has been fined multiple times. They are letting the press know now.

So when next season roles around they do not continue with the second year of the three, one year, deals.

They have established his troubles, the media knows about it through the leak and they can say they tried but it did not work about because TO would not learn.

So that is my conspiracy. Is it far fetched?
Rack;1231976 said:
I'm going with TO's imagination.

And Mt. Stanley doesn't sit in on WR meetings.

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Playfully jocular; humorous: facetious remarks.

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