Place your bets... Who's the "snitch"?...

jazzcat22;1234936 said:
Maybe TO himself....
but really..I do not care....let's just win bay!!!!!
easy with the raiders comment's we've seen what that's done for their team geez reality what's that cat lookin at ??a rottweiler

look you make kitty scared
AsthmaField;1234288 said:
No. I was quite dissapointed... But only because it's you Rack, and you're always so interesting. :laugh2:

Well the interesting part is how I just happened to see it. It was right after I read this thread, I watched the show, and in that scene as the camera was moving away...

Yeah you're right... not interesting at all.

The show kicks arse though.
TO is such a whack job that he's probably the snitch and doesnt know it.

His view of the world is totally warped. The other day he was making excuses for himself and mentioned Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Jerry Rice as athletes he compares himself to. TO has about 50% of these guys talent athleticly and 0% of their class. MJ, TW and JR are/were the best in their professions. TO is like a sloppy second by comparison.

Listening to him say..TW doesnt make every putt, MJ didnt make every basket, and JR didnt make every catch. Ridiculous comparison..This is now TO and you need to take responsibility when you drop a gimme pass. TW makes all his 3 footers, MJ makes all the layup shots and JR never dropped balls right in the numbers.

Also, why would a guy go public with something inflammatory when everything is settled down. He makes outrageous comments after he f'ks up in games to take the heat off his performance.

Still, he's helping Dallas win and that's what counts.
Cowchips;1235070 said:
TO is such a whack job that he's probably the snitch and doesnt know it.

His view of the world is totally warped. The other day he was making excuses for himself and mentioned Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Jerry Rice as athletes he compares himself to. TO has about 50% of these guys talent athleticly and 0% of their class. MJ, TW and JR are/were the best in their professions. TO is like a sloppy second by comparison.

Listening to him say..TW doesnt make every putt, MJ didnt make every basket, and JR didnt make every catch. Ridiculous comparison..This is now TO and you need to take responsibility when you drop a gimme pass. TW makes all his 3 footers, MJ makes all the layup shots and JR never dropped balls right in the numbers.

Also, why would a guy go public with something inflammatory when everything is settled down. He makes outrageous comments after he f'ks up in games to take the heat off his performance.

Still, he's helping Dallas win and that's what counts.

wow it's like you know what i'm thinking never wanted this idiot in the first place i wish he would quit start his own team where terrell snaps it to t.o.then passes it to terrell then terrell holds the extra points for t.o., no one plays defense and t.o. and terrell can be satisfied and the cowboys can win a super bowl without the player

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