Players you would not be ok parting ways with


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Because ive seen him with:

3 playcallers
Several All pro/Pro Bowl Receivers
Elite running backs
Several All pro OL

And he still cant get it done. We lose w Dak so we might as well try something else

Now if in 4 more years Ceedee and Micah are no shows in the playoffs under different QBs/DCs, then id want them gone too
Well ... to be fair, Dak has only had 1 NFL Caliber playcaller.

Unless of course, you think Garrett/Linehan and Moore are NFL caliber. But based off what each has done post-Dallas, one could easily make the case that they themselves just suck:
  • Linehan hasn't coached in the NFL since he left Dallas
  • Garrett had two PATHETIC seasons as the NYG OC, was canned, and hasn't coached in the NFL since
  • Moore lead a middle of the road offense while quote "fInAlLy HaViNg A rEaL NfL qB" to run his "amazing" offense.
    • Not to mention, the Cowboys offense, specifically the passing game, improved in almost every major stat post-KM

I'm not saying "dAk Is ThE mAn", yet ...
  • Dak not being able to get it done when it matters most
    • AND
  • Dallas has not had an NFL caliber OC most of Dak's career
can BOTH be true at the same time.

P.S. It was pretty much the same thing with Romo.

He started under Parcells who was severely behind the times when it came to Xs and Os, then was stuck with Garrett and his "offense" </s>. That doesn't completely absolve Romo from not getting it done in Dallas while he was playing, but man, he wasn't given a whole lot of help by a out-of-date coach, a gee-golly-willikers coach or the infamous coach-in-training coach.

Just sayin'


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Agree completely besides I want to keep Ferguson, and Osa if he is not expensive.


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Lamb is a much better WR than Robinson.

So if Robinson could bust out a 1200 yard season from Trubisky, Lamb certainly could have put up big numbers and gotten all pro recognition. Again, the point here is to just point out that Lamb is one of the best WR talents in the NFL and likely could have been dominant with way more QBs than you apparently think.

I mean what was the point of even linking Dak to Lamb's All Pro season here? Was it an attempt to shade Lamb? Or was it, as I suspect, an attempt to prop up Dak's apparent importance?
I don't consider Tribusky a real QB...the guy got benched for Mason Rudolph lol.

I verbatim told you what the point was. Lamb doesn't have the same season with a bum throwing him the football. I don't play games. Lamb is a top talent in this league. I'll say Dak is top 10 but i'm not even in the mood to argue over something so meaningless.

Its not even a Lamb thing. Kupp benefits from Stafford throwing him the football. Jefferson benefits from Cousins. If these guys played for Atlanta or Pittsburgh they would be wasted. But I guess not. First time I ever heard anyone prop up Tribusky but its CZ I shouldn't be surprised.


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Well ... to be fair, Dak has only had 1 NFL Caliber playcaller.

Unless of course, you think Garrett/Linehan and Moore are NFL caliber. But based off what each has done post-Dallas, one could easily make the case that they themselves just suck:
  • Linehan hasn't coached in the NFL since he left Dallas
  • Garrett had two PATHETIC seasons as the NYG OC, was canned, and hasn't coached in the NFL since
  • Moore lead a middle of the road offense while quote "fInAlLy HaViNg A rEaL NfL qB" to run his "amazing" offense.
    • Not to mention, the Cowboys offense, specifically the passing game, improved in almost every major stat post-KM

I'm not saying "dAk Is ThE mAn", yet ...
  • Dak not being able to get it done when it matters most
    • AND
  • Dallas has not had an NFL caliber OC most of Dak's career
can BOTH be true at the same time.

P.S. It was pretty much the same thing with Romo.

He started under Parcells who was severely behind the times when it came to Xs and Os, then was stuck with Garrett and his "offense" </s>. That doesn't completely absolve Romo from not getting it done in Dallas while he was playing, but man, he wasn't given a whole lot of help by a out-of-date coach, a gee-golly-willikers coach or the infamous coach-in-training coach.

Just sayin'
I can sit here and say even as a Dak fan it may be time to move on but to say he's wasted coordinators like Moore, Garrett and Linehan is a joke lol. Garrett is out of the league...Linehan sucks...and Moore....I don't even know what his future holds.


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D Flaw, Sam Williams, Diggs, Kearse can all go on defense. Martin, Tyron, Gallup and Pollard can all go on offense. Meaningful change requires meaningful choices.

Whiskey Cowboy

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The future is Diggs, Bland, Micah, Tyler Smith, Ferguson, and Lamb. Anyone else is expendable and I'm listening if someone comes calling with a stupid trade offer for any of these guys.


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The Cowboys have a saying

If you want to be successful, get out of Dallas.

I want to part ways with any player who wants to be successful, let them go else where and have a chance. There is no chance left here, why hold these guys back?

We should want to part with any player. Dont hold them back because you have a delusion.


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If I was the GM, every player who would yield great draft picks in return would be available for trade every year, not just in or after a disappointing year.

In my opinion, you are either improving or falling behind.

I do not want a team of cogs and a few stars who care more about their contracts than the team.

I want a team of good players across the board who 1) play consistently week to week, 2) help the team be better (few blown assignments and penalties, make plays when it matters, etc.) , and 3) who actually play 17 games + playoffs every season (fluke accidents aside).
Agree...The Bill Belichek way for many of his Patriot years.
Cowboys....and their fans overvalue


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You overate a lot of talent that’s form through here especially if you consider Linehan, Garrett and Moore to be offensive coordinators lol…I
Yes Dak killed everybody around him eventually, there’s a million ways to say it, but Dak sucks is by far the best way to say say it, the second best is Dakchoka strikes again


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There are no sacred cows in my book. Not a single player I’m against trading IF the compensation is just and it betters the entire team. That includes freeing up salary cap space to position the team to pursue and sign better players. The problem is that the Jones din’t give me confidence they can or will do that.
This is the belicheck mentality and why Jerruh won’t hired lol him, lol


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which players on this team would you be absolutely against being traded/released/not re-signed?

For me its

Ceedee- Top 5 receiver that has gotten better every season. Doesnt miss games and is only 24

Micah- yea his podcasts are annoying and hes a “me” player. With that said, top-3 defender in the sport. His biggest problem is he plays on an overrated DL with no real DTs

Trevon Diggs- Playmaker. Hes very risk/reward but when hes not gambling/jumping routes, hes a top 5 player at his position

Tyler Smith- Ascending player. All pro in his second season. Has position flex as well.

Brandon Aubrey- Excellent Rookie Season

Tyron Smith- Unreliable but awesome when he does play.

Zack Martin- the best olineman of his generation. Hes getting up there in age but still dominant.

Players that Id be sad to see go, but wouldnt oppose it: Gilmore, Tank, Bland, Hooker, Dono, Anger, Pollard, Hankins, Cooks, Dorance

Too soon to group: Mazi, Overshown, Trey Lance, Tolbert, Ferg

Cant get off this team soon enough: Dak, Gallup, Gallimore, Kearse, LVE, Steal, Schoon, Sam Williams, Fowler, Osa, Nashon,
Your list shows me the real issue with the Cowboys and Lombardi said it on 105.3. The Cowboys are not that talented. We have top end talent with about 5-6 guys but the rest of team is JAGs. Rison is right, our drafting Is horrible. We lucked into CeeDee and Parsons. Tyler and Diggs is the only picks that you Can really give them credit for. The Cowboys are paying for the Bossman and S.Williams misses.


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Zack Martin & Tyler Smith (offensive line core)
CeeDee Lamb & Jake Ferguson (receiving core/Ferguson is not Sam LaPorta but he is capable and solid)

Micah Persons (linebacker core)
Trevon Diggs & DaRon Bland (cornerback core/I may want to keep these two more than anyone else)

Special teams
Brandon Aubrey & Bryan Anger (field goal & punting core/do not break up BA & BA Associates lol)

I had real hopes for Sam Williams but it seems like his 10-cent head will never grow any interest.


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No issues with tradin parson. If he is going to be a pass rush specialist we don't need that, we need a better defense. Tyron Smith, while I love him, we just can't count on him. He needs to be a swing tackle at best. We need consistency with Oline play.


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If you don't have a master plan for next year and the future, then trading players, cutting them, or even extending them is stupid.

We have a few tradeable players but that doesn't mean we should trade them? What's the plan? You want to trade or cut Dak. Great. what's the plan for QB? Go without one? If that's the case you may as well trade CeeDee and Parsons because there is no point holding on to these players while your teams struggles through a series of 5-12 season while you look for a QB. You dump Dak, it is a total rebuild. And I would have no problem with that if I could trade him, but in Jerry's master plan he never envisioned trading Dak. If Dallas made a trade with another team for 1 firsts, 2 seconds and 3 thirds, and a QB, I would consider it knowing with those picks I could rebuild fairly quickly. But the reality is, I can't trade Dak so the only option is to let him play out his contract which means this year and next I have to dump contracts to save CAP money.

If I am going to keep Dak, then I want as much talent around him as possible. I am not giving up on Steele just yet. Let's see what he looks like after another off season to condition his body and leg. It is a viable option to cut or trade Zack Martin, but man that would be such a hard thing to do after all these year. Besides, I need to replace Biadasz which is a priority. Do I want a rookie playing next to another first year starter when I have an all-pro RG? Tough choice but I would go with Martin. Tyron is a free agent. They can let him walk but who is his replacement? I love it when people say, "draft a LT in teh first round". And what if there isn't one available? Move Tyler to LF and Bass to LG. That's an option and it might be what Dallas does. But I think they will miss Tyron in pass protection.

I think the offense is very close. Clearly they need a better running game. I think they need another WR opposite CeeDee. It is not Cooks. His size limits hit routes I think. They need a big possession receiver who gets open in the middle of the field. I am not banking on Tolbert. Maybe Jalen Brooks, but counting on guys like that is a huge risk.

Of course they need a quality RB. The draft is where they should find one.

ON defense, 100% of the attention has to go to the DL, and LB of course. But I think it starts with the DC. If Quinn is still around I don't see how the defense changes. We need a DC who preaches physical play and aggression. We need a couple of new DTs, and LBs. I think we can make do with the CBs and safeties we have for one more year. Get Ball and Wilson back to where they belong and let bigger more physical LBs do their jobs behind bigger more physical DTs. I am not crazy about or edge guys either but we may have to live with Lawrence, Sam Williams and Viliami Fehoko next year, and one of Fowler and Armstrong. Sad we let Isaiah Land get away, we may have been able to use him as a backup Edge rusher.