Jerry has proven once again he at the very least needs a very strong head coach to help guide his decisions at GM. I think he is just better off with some objective eyes around letting him know what players are worth.
Bad contracts this offseason:
Hamlin - should have let him play out his franchise tag while looking for another option
Barber - we should have given him a year to see if he could perform is a feature premium RB before giving him a contract commensurate to one. He has proven he is only a complimentary back thus far. He has been overused and exposed.
Flo - This is exactly the type of older vet you don't want to give a big contract to - work ethic is gone.
TNew - coming off a year of questionable health, we should have let him play out the year to see how his health held up.
TO - no need to extend an ageing WR that noone else wanted. We could have signed him half-way through the year if he was showing no signs of deterioration.
Good contracts this offseason:
Ratliff - he is outplaying his contract and will probably need a re-do before too long. He is still better off at DE than NT and hopefully we will find one for him.
The other area Jones needs help in is understanding how to build a winner. As soon as BP is gone, he gives up a first for an underachieving WR who we could have signed in the offseason without having to give up a pick. Those picks could have been used at areas of team weakness like OL depth, NT and LB.
Jerry has shown once again that he doesn't belong in the GM's seat and this team has returned to mediocrity again with no signs of anyway to get out of it with all these bloated contracts and swollen egos that he has amassed.