Amazing video. I got to see some of the assyrian and mesopotamian pieces at the louve including the winged bulls
1. At timestamp 4:55 "The 1851 sketch of Layard's expedition of removing a Lamasu", is an amazing picture. They are removing a winged bull, but if you look at the walls both surrounding the bulls and in the background, it looks like an extensive picture/relief and written record or history. From what I could find the mid 19th century is around the time they started to recover the translation of the akkadian language. I wonder if all the tablets both picture and writing were translated, drawn, recorded in order and complete before it was broken up and moved.
2. The metal working is pretty amazing for 2000-4000 BC. Silver and gold pieces were intriquitte. The bowl that was found in nimrud, whether phoenician or not is cool. I wonder how it was made. A mold or stamp.
3. The destruction that happened during the war was horrendous. All the broken reliefs and carvings. It was 20 miles from mosel, and you can see pictures of the U.S. soliders going to the sites. I remember the stories of I-SIS going around and destroying these sites around this time including the arches of Baal at palmyria. There are theories and accounts that the first thing that was done in the invasion was the raiding of the major historical museum in Iraq and the removal of items. It makes me wonder what was discovered, and what was purposely destroyed or accidentally destroyed and why. What is the actual history at the time this stuff was built, and what was the real history for the destruction in our time.
4.Timestamp 12:48 is another amazing picture. Giants. Amorites, Cannonites, Philisitnes, Anakim, Og of bashaan