KINGBRICE_28 said:
#1 Wonder bread doesn't make you run fast it's tooties rolls
When I was young it was Wheaties because of Bruce Jenner...besides tootsie rolls just make you constipated, gums up the works lol.
#3 Many players come from low income, low education families. To make fun of someones education that grew up in the projects is unfair. Personally I grew up is a neighborhood where I was the only "white" guy for 8 blocks. I had great parents that made me realize that there is life outside the projects. Portis may not of had the breaks I did and his life revolved around football. Some define intelligence as you ability to adapt to your surroundings. I overcame adveristy and so did he. Regardless of his intelligence he's a good guy so lets not make fun of something that he was predisposed to fail in.
Has nothing to do with that IMO....he was accepted and was passing (or he would not have played) in a major University.
Hence making fun of the university and it's seeminly inability to teach or the idea that they just do not care what so ever as long as the guy plays football.
Now this is not just a concept of Miami...but it does seem like some of the players for miami have that reputation more then other schools.
Sorry for straying a little......