Portis has tendinitis in his knee

skinsngibbs4life;1502673 said:
Ever think that there might be more to a story then what the media actually reports?
remember this quote the next time the mediots write some BS story about T.O. and all cowboy haters suck it up as gods truth.:suxskins: :suxiggle: :suxjints:
BouncingCheese;1502702 said:
I live in D.C. currently, and I remember the situation. Champ could have stayed but frankly the guy just didn't want to play here; he was tired of losing (honest to god truth) and tired of the rigamaroo that is Commanders football and Managment. Players know that the Commanders are known as the place to get paid, not to win. Funny, though, contracts are so back-loaded and the signing bonuses so sneakily and confusingly placed in roster bonus money most players never see the green ( i.e.; shawn springs getting asked yearly to take a pay cut.) Ironic that even with theses tricks they are still cap-strung.

That is indeed another piece of it, but the straw the broke the camel's back was when he felt he could get more than the Commanders were offering for him.

Here is a qoute in the Washington Post from Jason La Confora when he was asked about it in December 2006:

Jason La Canfora: "They made it a situation where Champ was uncomfortable with the negotiating tactics of the organization -- one in a long list of players here to feel that way -- and he was not going to give them any "home town" discount given all the poor results and constant turmoil here.

They told him he'd never get the kind of bonus he wanted.

He got it, just like Pierce and Ryan Clark and others.

I don't blame him one bit. And somehow the 'Skins found the money for all the guys they brought in from other organizations in 2004."

It seemed that after they tried to lowball Bailey and Pierce, they tried to make up for it by overpaying for lesser talent. Heck, in looking at some of what the Commanders have done to try and replace Bailey (Drafting Carlos "Superbust" Rogers) and filling in for an injured Portis (obtaining Duckett for multiple picks), this trade is the gift that keeps on giving!
Joe Rod;1502784 said:
That is indeed another piece of it, but the straw the broke the camel's back was when he felt he could get more than the Commanders were offering for him.

Here is a qoute in the Washington Post from Jason La Confora when he was asked about it in December 2006:

Jason La Canfora: "They made it a situation where Champ was uncomfortable with the negotiating tactics of the organization -- one in a long list of players here to feel that way -- and he was not going to give them any "home town" discount given all the poor results and constant turmoil here.

They told him he'd never get the kind of bonus he wanted.

He got it, just like Pierce and Ryan Clark and others.

I don't blame him one bit. And somehow the 'Skins found the money for all the guys they brought in from other organizations in 2004."

It seemed that after they tried to lowball Bailey and Pierce, they tried to make up for it by overpaying for lesser talent. Heck, in looking at some of what the Commanders have done to try and replace Bailey (Drafting Carlos "Superbust" Rogers) and filling in for an injured Portis (obtaining Duckett for multiple picks), this trade is the gift that keeps on giving!

The funny thing about pierce was that he left for about half a million more than the Commanders offer. I think Pierce would have been better if he played in D.C. than over there; the secondary sucks there and Pierce is horrid in coverage, but he REALLY knows his gaps. I don't know why the skins allowed him to leave for so little; I can't believe they let him leave on principal alone that Pierce was trying to bate them into giving more, because some of their other FA deals are questionable at the very least...

I think Bailey leaving cemented/created his eventual HOF status.

P.S.: Greg Williams is a F'*** idiot. What an egomaniac.
skinsngibbs4life;1502673 said:
Ever think that there might be more to a story then what the media actually reports?
Have you ever thought that the leaving players are feeding the media this and you're buying the team's side?

You seem to be saying the team is in the right for each and every circumstance. Maybe, just maybe, you're the one buying a bill of goods? Have you at least considered that? Or is every player who has walked away simply been a malcontent?

Come on, use your head for something other than to keep your ears from slamming together and making an echo.
Hostile;1502795 said:
Have you ever thought that the leaving players are feeding the media this and you're buying the team's side?

You seem to be saying the team is in the right for each and every circumstance. Maybe, just maybe, you're the one buying a bill of goods? Have you at least considered that? Or is every player who has walked away simply been a malcontent?

Come on, use your head for something other than to keep your ears from slamming together and making an echo.

How am I saying the team is right in EVERY circumstance when I'm talking about one situation?

I'm saying THIS situation has more then what was released. But of course, you have to try everytime to turn what I said into something that it isn't.
skinsngibbs4life;1502887 said:
How am I saying the team is right in EVERY circumstance when I'm talking about one situation?

I'm saying THIS situation has more then what was released. But of course, you have to try everytime to turn what I said into something that it isn't.

What is all of this smoke and mirrors stuff? Give us some solid info instead of "this situation has more than what was released". Is it that Snyder asked to be Bailey's boytoy, only to be turned away? Come on man, OUT WITH IT!
Joe Rod;1502890 said:
What is all of this smoke and mirrors stuff? Give us some solid info instead of "this situation has more than what was released". Is it that Snyder asked to be Bailey's boytoy, only to be turned away? Come on man, OUT WITH IT!
I think I know what he is talking about, but I do not remember the exact details. Wasn't there some crazy love triangle? I think Champs wife made him leave.
Bull Frog;1502892 said:
I think I know what he is talking about, but I do not remember the exact details. Wasn't there some crazy love triangle? I think Champs wife made him leave.

Does that Jive with my theory? Was Snyder trying to "muscle in" on Mrs. Bailey's territory?
Joe Rod;1502901 said:
Does that Jive with my theory? Was Snyder trying to "muscle in" on Mrs. Bailey's territory?

I doubt any of this is true. From what I hear, the Midget has a pretty good looking wife...however, he pays someone else to "take care of her needs"! AND SHE AIN'T COMPLAINING ONE BIT!

skinsngibbs4life;1502580 said:
Champ didnt want to be here. What were we supposed to do? let him walk and get nothing?

or create an atmosphere where players want to be - ya'll ever consider that?
iceberg;1502911 said:
or create an atmosphere where players want to be - ya'll ever consider that?

The only reason they have a team since Lil Midget took over is because of alot of old broken down vets want that ONE more big payday. So, who do they turn too? Danny "the ATM" Snyder and Joe "the Super dumb coach who farts his guts out" Gibbs...

InmanRoshi;1502215 said:
I was telling anyone who would listen last offseason that Portis was going to have major injury problems. Gibbs absolutely ran him into the ground his first two years in Washington. Not many RB's ever withstand back to back 380+ touch seasons. Especially 5'11" 210 lbs ones who take on as many big hits as Portis does.

In actuallity, this discussion goes back much further then that. When he was traded to begin with, I remember having the same discussions about him in Gibbs' offense. Gibbs uses his backs in a very physical style of offense. It's hard to stay healthy if your a big back, much less a smaller back. If you look at Portis from the time he came into the league to now, one thing will jump out at you immediatly. He averaged 282 carries per season in the first two years (at Denver). His AYPC was 5.5. While in Washington, (prior to last season when he was injured for half the year), he has averaged 348 carries per season. His AYPC has dropped to 4.06 since he's been in Washington. That's a major difference in production. Basically, he had fewer carries and more yards per season while in Denver then he has had in Washington.

He's not long for the Show IMO.
After experiencing pain in his knee during OTAs, Clinton Portis missed Thursday and Friday's sessions while meeting with Dr. James Andrews.

Team Dr. Bubba Tyer says Portis has patella tendinitis in the knee. Already rehabbing from shoulder and hand surgeries, the new injury may jeopardize his availability for the rest of the offseason if it lingers. Tyer expects Portis to be "fine" after "some therapy," but this is a situation to monitor. Portis has more wear and tear on him than the typical 25-year-old running back.

Source: Washington Times
Related: Ladell Betts
I have that and have had it for about 7 years; generally you just need to strength the small muscles holding your knee cap in place.

Some leg work with weights on the proper muscles will most likely resolve the issue there are people who do need surgery but that is rare
If the Skins FO was smart, they would try to trade Portis while his value is still relatively high. The dropoff from Portis to Betts isnt near as damaging as the rest of the Skins deficiencies. Stop insisting Portis is a "core Commander" and try to rebuild the team.
I have left knee tendonitis and there isn't much you can do for it except ice it and take Antiinflammatory Drugs.
headhunterroy05;1503093 said:
I have left knee tendonitis and there isn't much you can do for it except ice it and take Antiinflammatory Drugs.

Different type of tendonitis. Like I said rehab of the muscle in the leg
You have 3 muscle holding your knee in place usually the interior one gets weak (not always but most common) when the muscle weaken it allows the knee cap to slightly move out of the grove and the apex puts micro tears into your knee it feels like someone sticking a needle under you knee (usually walking up and down stairs will cause that)

Simple rehab and staying on top of it makes it go away (a few cases require surgery)
ABQCOWBOY;1502920 said:
In actuallity, this discussion goes back much further then that. When he was traded to begin with, I remember having the same discussions about him in Gibbs' offense. Gibbs uses his backs in a very physical style of offense. It's hard to stay healthy if your a big back, much less a smaller back. If you look at Portis from the time he came into the league to now, one thing will jump out at you immediatly. He averaged 282 carries per season in the first two years (at Denver). His AYPC was 5.5. While in Washington, (prior to last season when he was injured for half the year), he has averaged 348 carries per season. His AYPC has dropped to 4.06 since he's been in Washington. That's a major difference in production. Basically, he had fewer carries and more yards per season while in Denver then he has had in Washington.

He's not long for the Show IMO.

This is why I'm hoping ( and expect) to see more action from Betts as a number 2 back this year.

We have two solid backs, there is no reason to run only one of them into the ground. I agree that if portis keeps having 350+ touch years, he won't be around a lot longer in this league
skinsngibbs4life;1502580 said:
Champ didnt want to be here. What were we supposed to do? let him walk and get nothing?
Explain why he didn't. Yours is a team that pays players more money than any other franchise, it was the team that drafted him, and he was having success. Why did he want to leave?

skinsngibbs4life;1502673 said:
Ever think that there might be more to a story then what the media actually reports?
I asked you a pointed question about this. Let's ask it again. Have you considered that there might be more to it? The media can't write a synopsis of every single word said and action taken. So in their articles they outline a pattern.

You seem to want it to say more. That's ridiculous.

skinsngibbs4life;1502887 said:
How am I saying the team is right in EVERY circumstance when I'm talking about one situation?

I'm saying THIS situation has more then what was released. But of course, you have to try everytime to turn what I said into something that it isn't.
By all means tell us what the more to this story (Champ Bailey being traded) is. We'd all like to know. Tell us why he wanted to leave. Tell us why it was impossible to keep him. Tell us why Shawn Springs got more money than Bailey. Tell us why you couldn't draft a RB instead of sell the farm for the one you got.

The bottom line is you feel picked upon because I have the temerity to think you're taking your team's side over your player's sides. In this case you are. "Ever think there might be more to a story than what the media reports?" That's what you asked us. The implication you want us to have is that the team just may be in the right.

Hey, if that's what you believe then good for you. I think it's really naive given the pattern of mismanagement, but that's just me. I'm a cynic that way and always have been.

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