Portis on BET Ballers: Skins going to the NFC Championship

redskins1;1503692 said:
cowboy fans,the last 11 years hasnt been good for either of our teams..but the Commanders at least won 2 playoff games in that time to the cowboys zip...so the best of 2 evils go to the Commanders!!:D
lets go back 15 yrs,cowboys 3SB reds 2 playoff wins,ill take that any day:bow:
firehawk350;1503867 said:
Oh, a fluke win... Just like the fluke win in 05? "Two TD passes in the final minutes of the game and it'll never happen again."

And when exactly did I say THAT??

Once again, you're so desperate to hang with me in this argument that you've sunk to putting words in my mouth, words you've never, ever heard me speak... I have NEVER suggested that those 2 TD passes were a "fluke", rather it was a poor defensive scheme by the Cowboys...

Got the hammer put to us huh? Terry Glenn's TD should had been called back because of a horrible hold by Witten and 27-10 isn't the hammer exactly.

You got your butts thoroughly kicked that game, and you know it... once again, you play the SHOULD have game, like the loser you are... but even if Glenn's TD had been called back, the Skins wouldn't have won that game, so you have no point to even the SHOULD have game...

Not with the second game in a completely new offensive system.

Ahhhh, MORE alibis... you've got a million of 'em, don't you??


I find myself wondering if you even realize what a fool you're making of yourself... I don't CARE, mind you, I just wonder if you're even bright enough to figure out you've been punking your own self...
silverbear;1503942 said:
You got your butts thoroughly kicked that game, and you know it... once again, you play the SHOULD have game, like the loser you are... but even if Glenn's TD had been called back, the Skins wouldn't have won that game, so you have no point to even the SHOULD have game...

lol, post the 2 team's stats that day, we thoroughly outgained them in every conceivable category, the score was MUCH closer than the actual game
gbrittain;1503872 said:
Gregg Williams consistently top 10 for years?

1997 Houston Oilers D Cord - 12th in points allowed, 22nd in yards allowed
1998 Titans D Cord - 12th in points allowed, 14th in yards allowed
1999 Titans D Cord - 15th in points allowed, 18th in yards allowed
2000 Titans D Cord - 2nd in points allowed, 2nd in yards allowed

2001 Bills Head Coach - 29th in points allowed, 21st in yards allowed
2002 Bills Head Coach - 27th in points allowed, 15th in yards allowed
2003 Bills Head Coach - 5th in points allowed, 2nd in yards allowed

2004 Skins D Cord - 5th in points allowed, 2nd in yards allowed
2005 Skins D Cord - 9th in points allowed, 9th in yards allowed
2006 Skins D Cord - 27th in points allowed, 29th in yards allowed

The Score: Four really good years, three middle of the road years, and three near dead last last years. Lets not overstate Williams's success.

Thanks for saving me the time of researching this, to prove that this troll is talkin' out his anal orifice...

I expect no less from such a HOMER...
firehawk350;1503874 said:
First off, I figured out why you are called silverbear,

No, you didn't... but if you're really interested, just ask me some time... it's a good story...

And should have was the calling card of your (you as in Cowboys fans) argument for losing the last Skins game. And the Seahawks game.

Argue that with the Cowboys fans saying that, not with me... I regularly mock the Cowboys fans who also play the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" game...

I've been a fan of the Dallas Cowboys since they were created, and in all that time, I can only think of ONE game the Boys lost that they really "should have" won... that was a game up in Detroit some years back, won by the Lions on a last-second field goal...

When I read an article about the game the next day, it showed a picture of the set before the final snap, and clearly showed the Lions had 12 men on the field for that field goal attempt... since one of the refs is SUPPOSED to count the number of players on the field for both teams, ON EVERY DOWN, that one should never have happened...

Other than that, I have no patience for those who play the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" game, be they Skins fan or Boys fan...

The fact with the Seahawks game is that EVEN if you would have scored that FG, you had no ability to stop the Seahawks in any phase of their game.

ROTFLMAO... you really do like to spout off without knowing what you're talking about, don't you??

Here's a reality check for ya-- the Seahawks put up 21 points on the Boys that day, and their passing game was a good deal less than effective-- Hasselbeck hit just 50 per cent of his passes, threw 2 ints, and had a 66.9 quarterback rating... and you just blithely assume that he could have driven the team down the field in a little over a minute, with the Cowboys knowing he'd have to throw the ball...

And your defense failed you on the two yard line and let Alexander seal the game with a 30 something yard run.

A 20 yard run, actually... once again, you play fast and loose with the truth...

The game was OVER by that point anyway...

You really should quit while you're behind, troll, there's no way you can hang with me... especially not when you can't even be bothered to get your basic facts straight...
firehawk350;1503878 said:
Oh excuse me Silverbear. You guys are so wise and sage. How can a poor little guy like me ever compete with you having no ability to comprehend basic english, putting words in my mouth and those horrible, horrible big words you think validate your argument.

Gee, I'm DESPERATELY sorry if my vocabulary intimidates you... I guess I'm supposed to talk down to those less intelligent, like yourself...

Special contempt. Get the F- over yourself dude, your special contempt means absolutely nothing. As if, by you calling me a hypocrite, I'm going to lose sleep or money over it.

My contempt seems to have gotten a rise out of you... which is all it was intended to do... once again, the troll rises to the BAIT...

It would infuriate you to know how comically EASY you are... actually, it seems it already does infuriate you...

Who is the real idiot here?

You are...

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask...

I sit here and laugh that you hold contempt and hate for somebody you never met.

Uhhh, contempt and hatred are not the same thing, dippy... you're FAR too insignificant a pissant for me to feel "hatred" toward you...

Pity, yes; hatred, no...

You sit there and stew in your own rage

What "rage"??

Go look up "contempt", and tell me where you get "rage", and "hatred" out of it... contempt is a feeling of dislike, but not a particularly strong one... it's also a contempt for the weaselly way you argue out of both sides of your mouth, I don't know you well enough to hold you in contempt for any other reason...

Now I understand why you have such a problem with my vocabulary...

firehawk350;1503879 said:
Oh, I thought you disliked excuses...

It's not an "excuse", you guys won...

The win WAS a fluke, and you know it... just about a gift from the Gods...

But in the fullness of time, the Boys win a few on flukes, they lose a few on flukes... eventually, it all evens out...
justcheckinuout;1503888 said:
I know what will settle this heated debate!!! There is a place and time for everything and I agree the present is more important than the past!!! What about 12/30/07 at Fed Ex field last regular game of the season. This one could decide who goes to the playoffs or not.

The Skins will be mathematically eliminated by then...
firehawk350;1503897 said:
Whoa there hostile. Geez, I mean, you think some Cowboys fans were right about a Skins fan? I mean, your right, that hurts me to my marrow. What have I been doing with my life?

Apparently, wasting it by playing the message board troll...

Whassamatta, aren't there any Skins fans out there who want to talk football?? I ask because you'll never find ME going to a Skins board... I have nothing to say to them, and they have nothing to say that I particularly want to hear...

What makes a guy like you so desperate for attention that he'd spend this much time talking to guys he doesn't like, fans of a team he basically hates??
Hostile;1503905 said:
On whether or not some of them can post something intelligent or not.

I know some Skins fans I can talk football with, and they can even do so with intelligence...

I just haven't run across any of them in here... :cool:
Hostile;1503924 said:
The question isn't whether you had fun or not. It's whether you learned anything or not?

Well, if nothing else, at least he got exposed to a few words that he apparently never heard before... he didn't seem to like broadening his vocabulary, though... :)
Bob Sacamano;1503922 said:
off the top of the dome, the Skins led the league in pass plays of over 40 yards given up, perhaps someone else could delve further

I figured out another way of rebutting the assertion that the Skins' problems with their pass defense laid in their inability to defend the short pass, one that will take a little less time...

For openers, if the Skins were being repeatedly victimized by the short pass, they'd give up a VERY high percentage of completions... but they didn't, they actually ranked 18th in the league in completion percentage allowed, at 59.5 per cent...

More important, the Skins ranked DEAD LAST in the league in yards per completion allowed... not yards per ATTEMPT, yards per COMPLETION... they were the only team in the league that gave up over 12 yards per attempt (12.07)... to show you how bad that is, there were 4 teams in the league that gave up under 10 yards per attempt, and only 7 others who gave up more than 11 yards per attempt...

Obviously, you don't give up 12 yards per completion if you're mostly getting beat on short passes... the Skins were getting beat down the field repeatedly, all season long... which is further confirmed by another stat, 30 TD passes allowed, again DEAD LAST in the league...

What's even more astounding about these lousy pass defense stats is that the Skins were thrown on the fifth FEWEST number of times last year (30.4 attempts per game)... opponents found it easier to run against them... just think, they weren't thrown on much, yet they only ranked 23rd in pass defense, and gave up more TD passes than any other team in the league...

Our resident troll made the point that the Skins actually gave up one fewer yard per game passing than the Cowboys did, and he's right, they did... of course, the Boys were also thrown on 25 more times... but the Cowboys gave up five fewer TD passes, and had a lower yards per completion average...

IOW, the ONLY reason the Skins ranked ahead of the Cowboys in passing yards per game allowed is because their opponents found them easier to RUN on than they found the Cowboys... they ran the ball an average of 4 times a game more often against the Skins (492 carries against the Skins, 429 against the Cowboys)...

So, was the Skins' pass defense REALLY better than the Cowboys' last year??

Yeah, RIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTT... the Boys' pass defense was pretty freakin' bad, but the Skins' was even worse, in fact it can be argued that it was the worst in the league, based on the yards per completion allowed and the number of TD passes given up, and the pitifully small number of sacks allowed, the equally pitifully small number of interceptions they came up with...

Last in the league in interceptions... last in the league in sacks... last in the league in yards per completion allowed... last in the league in TD passes allowed... yes, I'd say they were the worst pass defense in the NFL last year...

But no, it wasn't because they couldn't cover the short pass... LOL...
silverbear;1504021 said:
I figured out another way of rebutting the assertion that the Skins' problems with their pass defense laid in their inability to defend the short pass, one that will take a little less time...

For openers, if the Skins were being repeatedly victimized by the short pass, they'd give up a VERY high percentage of completions... but they didn't, they actually ranked 18th in the league in completion percentage allowed, at 59.5 per cent...

More important, the Skins ranked DEAD LAST in the league in yards per completion allowed... not yards per ATTEMPT, yards per COMPLETION... they were the only team in the league that gave up over 12 yards per attempt (12.07)... to show you how bad that is, there were 4 teams in the league that gave up under 10 yards per attempt, and only 7 others who gave up more than 11 yards per attempt...

Obviously, you don't give up 12 yards per completion if you're mostly getting beat on short passes... the Skins were getting beat down the field repeatedly, all season long... which is further confirmed by another stat, 30 TD passes allowed, again DEAD LAST in the league...

What's even more astounding about these lousy pass defense stats is that the Skins were thrown on the fifth FEWEST number of times last year (30.4 attempts per game)... opponents found it easier to run against them... just think, they weren't thrown on much, yet they only ranked 23rd in pass defense, and gave up more TD passes than any other team in the league...

Our resident troll made the point that the Skins actually gave up one fewer yard per game passing than the Cowboys did, and he's right, they did... of course, the Boys were also thrown on 25 more times... but the Cowboys gave up five fewer TD passes, and had a lower yards per completion average...

IOW, the ONLY reason the Skins ranked ahead of the Cowboys in passing yards per game allowed is because their opponents found them easier to RUN on than they found the Cowboys... they ran the ball an average of 4 times a game more often against the Skins (492 carries against the Skins, 429 against the Cowboys)...

So, was the Skins' pass defense REALLY better than the Cowboys' last year??

Yeah, RIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTT... the Boys' pass defense was pretty freakin' bad, but the Skins' was even worse, in fact it can be argued that it was the worst in the league, based on the yards per completion allowed and the number of TD passes given up, and the pitifully small number of sacks allowed, the equally pitifully small number of interceptions they came up with...

Last in the league in interceptions... last in the league in sacks... last in the league in yards per completion allowed... last in the league in TD passes allowed... yes, I'd say they were the worst pass defense in the NFL last year...

But no, it wasn't because they couldn't cover the short pass... LOL...

:bow: I would like to see the rebuttal to this, I really would

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