Twitter: Possibly a reason for the lack of Pre-Snap Motion


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You posted an Aaron donald stat, I'm simply saying this topic has nothing to do with him or his position.

I am simply saying that Motion would not heled the Offense that couldn't even excute basic double blocks or catch a pass

Redball Express

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The question is, did the time spent in the basement last year change his mind about all this?
Apparently not.

The Rams schooled us in motion and misdirection.

Then schooled us as to how to defeat our pass rush with quick passing plays to protect Goff.

I saw alot that resembled last year's offense under Garrett and a defense that resembled Marinelli.

McCarthy was not a factor at all to me. All that salesman talk on him spending last year self analyzing and he retooled himself?

See no evidence of that.

Redball Express

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This popped up in my Twitter news feed this morning.

I’m worried Jerry got scammed. I wasn’t buying the Peter King fluff piece to get their good ole boy back in the league but I was willing to give him a chance.

It’s still early and maybe he will eventually change his old habits.


Of course Rodgers is light years removed from Dak.

This is going to come to be much clearer as the season progresses.

I have said from the beginning I really prefer McCarthy be calling the plays.

He and he alone needs to work with Dak directly. I think filtering Moore as the conduit is just a mistake.

If he wants to keep Moore as his assistant this first year, fine. If things go well, then you gradually work Moore in to the playcalling.

But becuz of the shortened pre-season..I think Moore will need more time under McCarthy to really be effective.


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I hear everyone talking about motion and shift, but there's more to it than that. motions can be difficult for some players, mainly the Qb, not saying Dak can't do it, it changes the responsibility of the players and maybe they're not getting it. We Dez had issues with it. it also slows the offense down that maybe wants to play fast.


Well-Known Member
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This popped up in my Twitter news feed this morning.

I’m worried Jerry got scammed. I wasn’t buying the Peter King fluff piece to get their good ole boy back in the league but I was willing to give him a chance.

It’s still early and maybe he will eventually change his old habits.

Mike wasn't here last year.