Post an obscure and pointless fact

What brought that into their evolutionary process anyways?

"Hey! I will mate with you but first I literally have to rip your head off"

Of course, all males across all species in existence are the same, doing what it takes to get some, is like, "OK! Sure!" :laugh:
After his tour of the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin brought back a five-year-old tortoise he named Harriet. She outlived her adopter by 124 years, ultimately making it to a whopping 176 years old. Harriet lived out her final years as part of the family of Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin in Australia, until she passed away, in 2006.
What brought that into their evolutionary process anyways?

"Hey! I will mate with you but first I literally have to rip your head off"

Of course, all males across all species in existence are the same, doing what it takes to get some, is like, "OK! Sure!" :laugh:
Yeah, you know, I kinda wish I'd had my head ripped off the first time too.
Since my last useless trivia was about an actor from the movie The Godfather and I'm watching The Godfather II now it's time for another useless and obscure fact.
The actor who played the role of Hymen Roth, Lee Strasberg, was the primary beneficiary of Marilyn Monroe's estate. He was primarily an acting coach and she was one of his students.
Hey, where's the Black Widow pic of her munching on her hubby? You're on a roll, timmy.
Planes often transport bodies in the cargo hold. The thing about bodies is...they can leak. And yes, it can get on the suitcases. Keep in mind, however, that leaky fish is a more common issue.
What if Superman and Batman were gay???.... Well there is kind of a version of this.

While visually distinct and with a different name, Apollo is cast in the mold of the Superman archetype but very much his own individual. A hero of the darker Wildstorm Universe, which is assigned the designation Earth-50, Apollo is also seen in Final Crisis #7. He was genetically enhanced to be a solar-powered super-being and a member of the superhero team The Authority. Apollo is openly gay, and is married to his superhero partner Midnighter, a version of Batman.


Star Wars toys are collectibles, and what child wouldn't want Jek Porkins ? He is that obese fighter pilot from Red Squadron "Red 6" who got shot down as soon as he got in the sky. Should have laid off the doughnuts,maybe his fighter would have gone faster and he wouldn't have gotten shot down so fast .Porkins is actually rare and expensive to get.

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After his tour of the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin brought back a five-year-old tortoise he named Harriet. She outlived her adopter by 124 years, ultimately making it to a whopping 176 years old. Harriet lived out her final years as part of the family of Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin in Australia, until she passed away, in 2006.
Whalers used to stop by the islands and grab up a bunch of the tortoises and let them rove around on the deck until they'd get hungry and butcher them to feed the crew. Regular occurrence.

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