Post an obscure and pointless fact

The world's largest pyramid isn't in Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Cholula, located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, is the largest pyramid in the world and, with a base four times the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza, also happens to be the largest monument ever constructed anywhere. Part of the reason it’s not better known may be that it happens to be buried under a mountain.
Jeopardy! Despite what may appear on your TV screen, an entire week’s worth of episodes is actually filmed in just one day. Trebek, as well as the contestants, have to change outfits 5 times so that it creates the illusion of time passing. Trebek has said he owns about 100 suits for this very purpose.
Alex Rocco the actor best known for playing Moe Greene in The Godfather was actually a member of an organized crime gang, the Winter Hill gang later run by the long time fugitive Whitey Bulger. He moved to California and became an actor when a dispute with another gangster over his girlfriend led to a gang war and several murders.
People ususlly refer to Marconi, the inventor of the radio, as being Italian, but he was a member of a famous Irish family.

His Irish mother Annie Jameson, was from the Jameson family who produce the best known of the historic Irish whiskeys. Furthermore, Marconi's research was funded by profits from the distillery. Marconi's wife was also Irish.

I read somewhere that Nickola Telsa improved the original design by adding adjustable transformers in the transmitting and receiving circuits.
When Liverpool FC won the soccer league and cup.double in 1986 there were no english players in the starting lineup in the cup final. This was in the days before imports became the norm.
While tracking down a particularly large snake in the swamps of Brazil, photographer Luciano Candisani got more than he'd hoped for: the first known image of a female green anaconda squeezing her mate to death.

The reason is simple: The male is good protein for an expecting mother, especially one who fasts the whole seven months of pregnancy.

While tracking down a particularly large snake in the swamps of Brazil, photographer Luciano Candisani got more than he'd hoped for: the first known image of a female green anaconda squeezing her mate to death.

The reason is simple: The male is good protein for an expecting mother, especially one who fasts the whole seven months of pregnancy.
That's not true. He spent the grocery money and was running around with his secretary. She used the "good protein" story on that photographer and he bought it.

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