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A&E or some other network did a documentary on her. They had pictures of her before she started murdering people. Honestly, I thought she was very cute. Now I look at her after-bloodlust images and can only see her cold soulless eyes. Shame.

Same as you -- I saw photos of her when she was blonde and dating Travis Alexander and thought she was attracted. What's scary is I would have been interested in dating her if I had met her back then. Some women are just evil I guess.
You actually realize that orange juice is yellow not orange.

This is a portrait of Hannah Stilley who was born in the year 1746. What is, even more intriguing, is the fact that she was 30 years old when America came into existence! Though the original daguerreotype of this portrait has been missing, it is printed in a 1936-book by Alva Gorby, ‘The Gorby Family, History, and Genealogy’. She was photographed in 1840. Though it certainly appears photographic, it is referred to as a daguerreotype in Gorby’s book.Source is Reddit.
The first US president to be photographed was John Quincy Adams. His portrait was captured in the year 1843. Quincy Adams served as the sixth president of the United States of America and held office from 1825 to 1829. At the age of 76, when he was not the sitting president, a daguerreotype of Adams was made. The portrait was photographed by Philip Haas.Source is Reddit.

This is a portrait of Hannah Stilley who was born in the year 1746. What is, even more intriguing, is the fact that she was 30 years old when America came into existence! Though the original daguerreotype of this portrait has been missing, it is printed in a 1936-book by Alva Gorby, ‘The Gorby Family, History, and Genealogy’. She was photographed in 1840. Though it certainly appears photographic, it is referred to as a daguerreotype in Gorby’s book.Source is Reddit.
I'd **** her.

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