Post an obscure and pointless fact

It's a vagrant, what's it doing with a habitat?
well Duh!,_
Being that as such is it's nature,the jailhouse is It's primary habitat,,, as loitering & vagrancy ordinances are strictly enforced From within the realm of CASTLE DALLAS /fortress of THE faithful FANDOM,,,er,,,& I've heard baseless yarns of bygone days while encamped around the freely shared firelight of my fellow wayfaring wanderers, in where it's been whispered that,,, they didn't much "take a shine" nor " cotton up all that much too" ,,,uninspiring & less than motivationally driven ,former ex radio vinyl disc spinning D.J.'s,,,but,,,I've pretty much squashed that hinterlands peripheral spewage slowly &more importantly surely,to the greatest effect by slitting the sleeping throats of all those who formerly suffered from that particular delusional malady in their past conscience beliefs,,,ya-know?,,,:thumbup:



Harvey Martin still holds the unofficial records in sacks in the NFL with 23 in a season. Martin has more sacks than Hall of Fame players like Fred Dean. Martin also was a CO-MVP of a Super Bowl ,and was on the 70's All Decade team. Yet he gets passed over every year by Canton and is not in the Hall of Fame..

I shot Pool with Harvey a few times. He used to hang out at the Stonleigh P on Maple. Really nice guy...
What if Superman and Batman were gay???.... Well there is kind of a version of this.

While visually distinct and with a different name, Apollo is cast in the mold of the Superman archetype but very much his own individual. A hero of the darker Wildstorm Universe, which is assigned the designation Earth-50, Apollo is also seen in Final Crisis #7. He was genetically enhanced to be a solar-powered super-being and a member of the superhero team The Authority. Apollo is openly gay, and is married to his superhero partner Midnighter, a version of Batman.



Were their real names Ace and Gary?


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