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Me and my boys. The next generation of Cowboy fans. :thumbup:

DallasInDC said:
Me and my boys. The next generation of Cowboy fans. :thumbup:


Sweet pic, I see the boys are being raised properly!! Haha
DallasInDC said:
Me and my boys. The next generation of Cowboy fans. :thumbup:

For my birthday this year my boss gave me the same cap your son is wearing. Nice looking kids.

I bet your house is nice looking. I work for a construction company and we sell those doors.
Calicowboy said:
Sweet pic, I see the boys are being raised properly!! Haha

I am working hard at leading them down the right path and to hate all things evil (skins, Philly). It was a much easier task when I lived in DC. They grasped the concept of skins=bad cowboys=good to the point the only time they are allowed to use the word stupid is when they associate it with the skins. My shinning moment was when I took my son to the Wizards/San Antonio game and I had center court floor seats. We sat 3 seats away from Lavar Arrington. The guy next to my son asked him if he likes football and my son responds yes. He continues to point out the guy a couple of seats down from him is Lavar, a Commander’s player. My son responds I don't like the Commanders, I'm a cowboys fan. Then at halftime my son walks up to Lavar and tells him that the Commanders stink. Lavar just looked shocked and then started to laugh and asked him what team he likes. He responded I like the cowboys. With a smile Lavar tells him he's in the wrong town to be a cowboy fan. My son then just simply walked away from him and sat down in his seat.

Now that I live in Charlotte, it is a little more difficult since I really never expressed an opinion about the panthers. My oldest son's friend is a huge panthers fan (father is a season ticket holder) and all he ever talks about is the panthers and Jake Delhomme. Twice a month at his school is panther spirit day where the kids are supposed to wear something panthers related. Well, in the beginning of the year he would wear his cowboys stuff. Toward the end of the year he kept asking me for a Panthers jersey (he says he's a Cowboys fan and a Panthers fan). I've talked to him about being individualistic and not conforming to the masses but I don't want to push too hard in fear of him rebelling. So for now I told him it is ok to like two both teams but to have a favorite (pushing Cowboys of course). I am hoping that the more he watches the games with me he will appreciate the team. I also had planned to take him to a game in Dallas for his first live experience in hopes of building that bond with the team and other cowboys’ fans.

It's a long journey to raise your boys to be men and it starts with understanding right from wrong ;)
Hostile said:
For my birthday this year my boss gave me the same cap your son is wearing. Nice looking kids.

I bet your house is nice looking. I work for a construction company and we sell those doors.

Thanks. We are very happy with our house. The developer definetly has an eye for the details and didn't try to cut corners (of course we paid for that but like they say, you get what you pay for.)
DallasInDC said:
Me and my boys. The next generation of Cowboy fans. :thumbup:


What a great about positive energy!
DallasInDC said:
Me and my boys. The next generation of Cowboy fans. :thumbup:

Two good looking young men you got there. It's probably the jerseys ;)
DallasInDC said:
I am working hard at leading them down the right path and to hate all things evil (skins, Philly). It was a much easier task when I lived in DC. They grasped the concept of skins=bad cowboys=good to the point the only time they are allowed to use the word stupid is when they associate it with the skins. My shinning moment was when I took my son to the Wizards/San Antonio game and I had center court floor seats. We sat 3 seats away from Lavar Arrington. The guy next to my son asked him if he likes football and my son responds yes. He continues to point out the guy a couple of seats down from him is Lavar, a Commander’s player. My son responds I don't like the Commanders, I'm a cowboys fan. Then at halftime my son walks up to Lavar and tells him that the Commanders stink. Lavar just looked shocked and then started to laugh and asked him what team he likes. He responded I like the cowboys. With a smile Lavar tells him he's in the wrong town to be a cowboy fan. My son then just simply walked away from him and sat down in his seat.

Sodas= 6.00
Tickets= 250.00
Shirts= 75.00

David slaying Goliath= Priceless
my wife was mad that I Left out the girls in the family so here are my two ladies:

She was so mad she can not even open her eyes to look at you.

You must be REALLY in trouble.

I also notice the dog is in the house and maybe you were in the dog house now.
BrAinPaiNt said:
She was so mad she can not even open her eyes to look at you..

at 12:30am I wasn't as inspired to find the best picture. :eek:: It's bad enough that I am up past midnight constantly hitting the refresh button expecting to see some new enlightening information about the boys posted, esp. during the slowest time of the year :bang2:

BrAinPaiNt said:
You must be REALLY in trouble.

I also notice the dog is in the house and maybe you were in the dog house now.

That's usually the case and it is usually centered around my obsession with CZ or some honey do's that I promised but didn't get around to because I was to busy :hammock: .
D.I.DC, just re-assure her that the time you spend happy here, you will give that back to her ten fold elsewhere!
Me at the chicago auto show in 2004 haha guess which ones me

kowboys 05 said:
Me at the chicago auto show in 2004 haha guess which ones me


The one with the white stripes down the center?? :D
kowboys 05 said:
Me at the chicago auto show in 2004 haha guess which ones me


oh my GOd, it's JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!! :p:
your favorite son folks

Rocky said:
Whatever happened to him?

Scott Bejo (SP)? last I seen of him was as...:laugh1: ...a doctor on "Diagnosis Murder", with Dick Van Dyke, about 5-8 years ago, but you can catch re-runs on PAX TV :lmao2:
summerisfunner said:
oh my GOd, it's JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!! :p:
not even funny man...not even...he is not smart enough to like the cowboys :p:
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