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Dude. Sasha is fighting Becky Lynch.

Outside of Lynch, Flair, Bliss and Bayley it's pretty thin for championship type quality.

Vince knows Rousey isn't returning for a while (if ever) and probably promised Sasha a title shot if she came back.

Nikki, Paige, AJ Lee, all gone. Asuka completely misused. Nia is hurt.

Outside of Lynch, Flair, Bliss and Bayley it's pretty thin for championship type quality.

Vince knows Rousey isn't returning for a while (if ever) and probably promised Sasha a title shot if she came back.

Nikki, Paige, AJ Lee, all gone. Asuka completely misused. Nia is hurt.

It's a shame that Vince apparently hates Asuka.
I can't say enough good things about the broadcast ability of Gordon Solie.

I'm disappointed that I didn't live in Florida during the 70's in order to get even more of his broadcasts.

IMO he's the best pro wrestling announcer period.

Wrestling 2 was incredible. In the ring, behind the mic. A true legend.

Same thing can be said about Ernie Ladd, whom I was a huge mark for. A good baby-face. A great heel. He made guys who were a foot shorter and 100 lbs lighter look competitive with him in the ring. There weren't many guys who could go anywhere, make tons of money and weren't all that interested in being a world champ because they didn't need it. Andre was one. Brody was one. Hanson was one. Ladd was one.

Well, I did and matches were broadcasted in my home town ( Jax, FL area ) every Sat afternoon. Memories I still cherish today coz of spent with my father. We never missed a show.......of course we thought it was real back then. Dory Funk, Terry Funk, Jack Brisco, Thunder Bolt Patterson, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, the list goes on but great times.
I as a kid watched both these events live. It was fun. Ernie Ladd was hilarious!! Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Superstar was also a great rivalry. Austin Idol vs Kevin Sullivan,Ted Dibase & Junkyard Dog vs The Freebirds. Ole Anderson was the most hated man in America after he let Ivan Koloff and Alexis Smirnoff win the Tag Team Titles because he faked he was injured and betrayed his brother Lars Anderson and all of the USA..

Great names........
IMHO, I still think that when the smoke clears, there will be a feud between Sasha and Bayley. Former best friends...

People like Charlotte, Lynch, and Bliss have already held the Women's belt on multiple occasions. Do people really want to see that?

Asuka has certainly fallen off the face of the earth lately.

Remember where you heard this. The other day, Bayley tweeted that she was interested in wrestling Candice LeRae from NXT.
At this point I honestly don't care who wins. Joe? Andrade? Corbin?

I'm just thrilled Vince FINALLY came up with a good idea. At least this gives the WWE Universe something halfway exciting to watch for a change.

It may be a good idea, but it's not a new idea. It's been an on again, off again event since the 80s.
I noticed one thing from last Mondays Raw. Becky Lynch really got mad for real when Sasha Banks slapped her.
I'm rooting for Sasha Banks because Becky Lynch in my opinion is average and to me boring. Sasha has charisma and she is hot as everything. WWE has a lot of cattynish backstage politics going on,that's for sure and Sasha Banks doesn't really care.They say she is a pain because she speaks her mind.....Truthfully Sasha should be the Raw Champ and Asuka the Smackdown Champ and should be a WrestleMania showdown to unify the titles.BUT it will never happen. Charlotte Flair has to be put in there or Nataylia......Why does Nikki Cross get a push???Bayley? ... So many more talented wrestlers that don't get pushed. Alicia Fox should have been a Champ and never got that chance.
i'm afraid that if sasha banks does beat becky lynch & wins the raw women's title, she will lose it as quickly as she won it. WWE has done it to her before in the past.
Last nights Smackdown Climax moment

I think that is a shaved bald Luke Harper. I think the twist is Daniel Bryan is behind the Roman Reigns attack.

Luke Harper
i'm afraid that if sasha banks does beat becky lynch & wins the raw women's title, she will lose it as quickly as she won it. WWE has done it to her before in the past.
I re-watched Sasha's return and you can see the whole audiences energy just amped up BIG TIME when Sasha entered.... Hopefully WWE takes note of who are the real stars for them.

Look how the crowd is mellow with Nataylia entering almost ready to fall asleep vs when Sasha is introduced? .Yet let's put Nataylia in the title match
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