Perhaps…and perhaps Cam has beef with Dallas. Your dismissive lol suggests you weren’t really looking for other opinions of your theory. But you asked the question and I simply pointed out what I felt was the fault in your logic.
Now you have stated my replying with an 'lol' was dismissive. Your logical conclusion was based on a three-letter abbreviation. Yet, you have surmised my logic is faulty by basically stating I read too much into what Cam Ward actually said.
I was not being dismissive. The 'lol' was reading every assumption you made of what I said about Cam Ward's statement, at length, and proclaimed it was logical. I thought it was funny, hence the '
You could be right about Ward's comment. I doubt it. It is not a common communicative norm for an individual to state every example within the context of a conversation--
unless the individual wishes the receiver of the communication to know as many specifics of the message they are trying to convey. The exception is especially true of the norm whenever an individual does not deliver a brief summary of what they are talking about.
And Ward's answer was, in fact, brief. He chose Dallas' defense out of every Tampa/Cover 2 coverage he inferred having watched. What he observed Dallas' defense doing stood out the most for him. What he saw Dallas do imprinted the largest impression upon him.
If it had not, it is extremely likely he would have either: a) mentioned another team's defense instead (not several or many as you assumed); or b) singled out none.
When a person has a lot to say, they say a lot. The four-paragraphs above illustrate that, lol (the lol is my self-reflection for my own comment's irony and has nothing to do with you). Again. Ward did not say a lot. He highlighted Dallas out of every Tampa/Cover 2 defense he could have mentioned within his brief comment. Dallas' defense is what he wanted to emphasize. He did so.
That said, what he said was not necessarily a callout. Saying it was a callout may be actually reading too much into what he did say.