Proposed design for the new WTC Buildings


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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The vulgarity of such a tribute is stunning.

I'm all for it. :D
I saw that a couple weeks after it went down.......Funny stuff but still kinda sad.....

Older people had JFK, and the " youngin's " have 9-11......sigh*

Edit: I just noticed the one that I have saved is much nicer......Mine looks like a pro photoshopped it and added more clouds......hmmm.....
ah...I dunno...maybe living up here, 30 minutes outside of NYC...and working mostly in NYC...ya lose your sense of humor...but there isn't anyone here who didn't know someone who died that day..or someone who lost someone that day...

And I'm not by any means complaining about the pic...just giving you guys a different perspective...

I still live with that disaster every day I go to one really speaks about it up here...but it's still pervasive in every day life..

As an aside, uh, what am I supposed to be seeing in the pic that I'm missing???

Duh for me...
Juke99 said:
ah...I dunno...maybe living up here, 30 minutes outside of NYC...and working mostly in NYC...ya lose your sense of humor...but there isn't anyone here who didn't know someone who died that day..or someone who lost someone that day...

And I'm not by any means complaining about the pic...just giving you guys a different perspective...

I still live with that disaster every day I go to one really speaks about it up here...but it's still pervasive in every day life..

My Uncle who works for the US defense was taken by 3 guys in tuxes from his house 15 minutes after it happened and didn't come home for 3 days. His wife told us she never say them before and he didn't even change from his pajamas. I didn't lose anyone but I know someone who lost someone........I came close though with family in the area.......
It's supposed to be flipping the bird

I knew I was totally missing the point....

Thanks Dan...

Now I feel like a total idiot... :p:
No one will forget that day. Sad part is we're still chasing the ones responsible. I'm not entirely convinced that they'll ever be brought to justice.

I guess it depends on your idea of vindication. If you want to see Osama locked up behind bars for the rest of his life, so be it. Me, I consider vindication him being sent to the opposite of being lavished by seventy virgins and instead having a 24/7 hell of being molested by a thorn c**ked imp.

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