
I'll say the same thing about CoD as I say about the NFL2k series.

The only people who like it suck at Halo/Madden because they don't want to take the time to learn it.

I play on PS4, so no Halo for me. I have a positive K/D in both Destiny and COD.

FWIW, I used to be a big madden nut but I gave up on the series years ago. I held my own. I just grew tired of the series.

I don't see the need for the big generalizations...

I think Advanced Warfare has potential but the lag in multiplayer is really hurting the game. The recent patch didn't help much... Still looking for those dedicated servers that were promised...
Hell I was a Madden nut before getting into NFL 2k mainly for the OL/DL interaction and the much more complex emphasis placed on the run game. Madden was notorious for how lazy they were (innovation) by comparison. I was never a big Halo/COD player tbh but see the point you are making there as well.

Madden has improved their running game and the O-Line D-line stuff quite a bit. I'm really loving this years version of the game.
I play on PS4, so no Halo for me. I have a positive K/D in both Destiny and COD.

FWIW, I used to be a big madden nut but I gave up on the series years ago. I held my own. I just grew tired of the series.

I don't see the need for the big generalizations...

I think Advanced Warfare has potential but the lag in multiplayer is really hurting the game. The recent patch didn't help much... Still looking for those dedicated servers that were promised...

The lag is the make or break on this game. That's true really for any FPS but in this one in particular it's going to be the difference between the game being the best CoD since MW2 or just another MW3 flop.

The game has all the potential to be amazing and really get the popularity of the CoD series back up but they're going to have to fix the connection issues for that to happen. Otherwise they're going to miss a golden chance to really revitalize the franchise.
The lag is the make or break on this game. That's true really for any FPS but in this one in particular it's going to be the difference between the game being the best CoD since MW2 or just another MW3 flop.

The game has all the potential to be amazing and really get the popularity of the CoD series back up but they're going to have to fix the connection issues for that to happen. Otherwise they're going to miss a golden chance to really revitalize the franchise.

Agree 100%. Some games the connection seems fine, then others it is a disaster. It seems to run better when I run solo, but when I party up with others the connection goes down drastically more often than not.
The spawn system could use some work as well. Also, creating a dominant weapon like the BAL was a big mistake. To make matters worse, you unlock the BAL from jump.

IF they can patch those issues, the game will be solid. If not, I don't see myself playing it more than another month or 2 at most.
Madden has improved their running game and the O-Line D-line stuff quite a bit. I'm really loving this years version of the game.

Oh yeah, I would say Madden 15 is the best released since 05. But during the 2002-2005 era, NFL 2k was doing laps around EA in quality and innovation. But I definitely have played more Madden this year than anytime in the near past.
Been enjoying AW as well.

Can't wait for GTA V First Person View next week baby!!!

I hear *** Creed Unity is pretty awful, but Dragon Age looks solid. I'd rather have GTA V and Far Cry 4 than those two anyway.
The only game I play and need is nhl. That game is the most fun and frustrating thing on the planet.

That blows cuz I was really looking forward to this game for next gen. Maybe the Rogue edition on last gen will be decent but that looks just lazy (glitches). Thanks for heads up. Got Far Cry and GTA 5 to look forward to this month as well as Dragon Age, etc.
My PS4 is collecting dust until MGS5.

I'd be playing Madden if I wasn't still boycotting it. Just refuse to give them money anymore. Haven't gotten bought a copy since 11 i think. (whichever one had Fitz/Poly) Though I did get a used Madden 13 from a friend. Love the franchise to be honest. I even preferred Madden over the 2k series, but the 2k series was starting to put some serious fire on Madden. Without anything to compare it to, Madden is just becoming stale for me.
My PS4 is collecting dust until MGS5.

I'd be playing Madden if I wasn't still boycotting it. Just refuse to give them money anymore. Haven't gotten bought a copy since 11 i think. (whichever one had Fitz/Poly) Though I did get a used Madden 13 from a friend. Love the franchise to be honest. I even preferred Madden over the 2k series, but the 2k series was starting to put some serious fire on Madden. Without anything to compare it to, Madden is just becoming stale for me.

MGS has such a dedicated cult following. Probably not as into that series bc I lack patience. Are you looking forward to any action/rpgs like Witcher, Bloodborne(Feb), ESO, Dragon Age, etc.? After playing Watchdogs, Infamous, Madden, Destiny and AC (well SOM technically;):D)that I am really looking forward to that genre bc there are so many good action/sports games already released (or about to be).I was really excited for FC4 but Ubisoft has me nervous there seeing as AC Unity looks choppy and unfinished.
Definitely want to buy this game but just waiting for cost to come down. Will see you on there soon homie:D

I believe it's going to be $30 somewhere on black friday. Madden and fifa are confirmed $30 almost everywhere
Agree 100%. Some games the connection seems fine, then others it is a disaster. It seems to run better when I run solo, but when I party up with others the connection goes down drastically more often than not.

I have found that to be an issue as well. When I party up it's worse than when I'm alone but here the last few days it's still been bad even solo. Annoying as heck.
Bloodborne delayed, only game I am currently looking forward to so that was a bit of a kick in the balls.
Bloodborne delayed, only game I am currently looking forward to so that was a bit of a kick in the balls.

Considering that all of these AAA titles that are being released are COMPLETELY broken and borderline unplayable, I think the delay was a good thing. Plus it was going up against The Witcher and The Order. More games need to be delayed in my opinion.

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