... yes it was a win. Yes the defense played great last night. D-line, LB'ers and secondary. They shut down OBJ, Shepherd and Barkley as a RB BUT remember the NY Giant O-line (even with the big $ on Solder) and the Hernandez draft pick is below average. They aren't very good, and neither is the Carolina O-line. And it's ELI, years removed from the discussion of whether he is elite or not. I keep thanking Giant management for NOT drafting a QB high.
Does this D have potential? Yes big. If we can keep Gregory sober and healthy and if Irving can stay off twitter and calling attention to himself. Doomsday potential? No but potential to be a 90's type D, yes. I want to see what they do against a top O-line and QB. In other words what do they do against the Eagles. We don't exactly know what we have yet but there seems to be 30 teams who are still figuring it out. There are the same number of 0-2 teams as there are 2-0. So far the majority sit at 1-1. And who looks like the best team in the NFL? The Chiefs? The Yucaneers? You kidding me!
Just sayin, tap the breaks on the D a bit. Be excited for potential not yet attained at this point. The potential is there. It's gonna have to be if we score 20 points or fewer on average.
What do you guys thing of the mind set switch, relying on defense over offense because that looks like reality this year.