Well any converts after the seattle game??
That was no vanilla defense last nite, Seattle is playing to win, they talked about it last week, they want to win
pre season games and get the starters plenty of playing time to get ready for the season.
I was stunned when tony got hurt, it looked bad , and they say it was no big deal ?
He was in intense pain when he was on turf.
He needs to play smarter and throw the ball away and not try to run and or slide.
He doesnt seem like he is very good at sliding.
Also felt like it should have been a penalty since he was clearly sliding?
But penalty's wont help his back, so best thing is get rid of the ball !
I thought Dak did great, against one of the best defenses, and showed he is ready to start in NFL.
I think if he could say truthfully, he wants the starting job, not to hold a clipboard for 2 years.
After this game , Tony is tough, but I dont know if he can do 16 games + playoffs, but maybe he can.
I still say let dak have about 6 of the games to lighten the load. I think he could go 4-2 maybe better.