Question for season ticket holders

Some good points guys. I called my rep once I found out the print at home option was taken out. I asked if it was everyone in the NFL or just us and was told for now it was just us. Naturally I asked why and was told that people were "hacking" the pdf files as well as creating duplicate tickets creating problems come game day. I read an article about it in the DMN essentially stating the same line of bull. The article said that 5-6 people each game day were coming to the ticket window because of duplicate prints. I honestly don't see why they would care since this is more than likely tickets bought through the secondary market which isn't the Cowboys problem. I personally think it's just a ploy to try and make it a little more difficult to sell ticks on the secondary market because of the embarrassment of having the stadium taken over a couple of times last year. That's really the only reason I could come up with. Maybe enough complaints will make them reconsider restoring the print at home option.

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