Quitting social media

Yeah, this isn't a form of social media; is a message board.

You are talking about stuff in the OFF TOPIC section of a sports forum.

You are participating in social media whether you care to acknowledge it or not.

Just because it is not named My Space or face book really makes no difference.

Social media can be good and bad.

It can bring Sports fans together to get info they might normally never get.

I remember being a Cowboy fan in West Virginia being surrounded by Steelers fans and the best you could hope to get info about the Cowboys was a small segment on the NFL show that used to be on HBO weekly. That or you could order the old star magazine and by the time you got it the info was old already.

Thankfully today with sports boards, twitter, facebook (you can join sports or other groups) you can get up to the minute info.
No, this is not social media. It's not a place where people share their photos or family stories or reconnect with old friends. It's primarily a discussion board about a sports team, something that pre-dated the rise of social media.

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